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<damo22>hmm got a page fault trying to check out a branch on rumpkernel <damo22>../vm/vm_fault.c:707: vm_fault_page: Assertion `!must_be_resident' failed <damo22>.Debugger invoked: assertion failure <damo22>Kernel Breakpoint trap, eip 0xc1022654 <damo22>Stopped at Debugger+0x13: int $3 <damo22>/hurd/startup: Crashing system; essential task ext2fs died <damo22>updating my new system, see if that fixes id <damo22>Hurd server bootstrap: ext2fs[part:2:device:wd0] exec startup proc auth. <damo22> 8 f5b49900 /usr/libexec/console-run(1) [1]