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<damo22>Pellescours: we need to rearrange rump libs (mainly makefiles) so that ata, wd, piixide and ahcisata are separated by libraries, and then link them all with rumpdisk
<damo22>also scsipi
<damo22>its a bit tricky because we need to work on netbsd and also make a debian package
***alMalsamo is now known as littlebobeep
<Pellescours>damo22: ok, we need to put all symbols in the same lib?
<damo22>no the opposite, we need to put all symbols in separate libs and then link them in rumpdisk only
<damo22>currently we cannot link piixide with ahcisata because we are duplicating the wd and ata symbols
<damo22>the ioconf ensures these things are loaded separately but we still need to compile them as separate libs
<damo22>so then we only link libwd and libata once
<raximus>sorry for the typo
***alMalsamo is now known as littlebobeep