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<damo22>off_t is a special type that represents offsets within files
<damo22>if you want 64 bit sized files, you need _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
<gnu_srs1>damo22: Thanks, I know. The problem is that gdal needs OFF_T to be 64bit and build-depends on cfitsio, where it is defined as 32bit.
<damo22>sounds like a bug in cfitsio then
<gnu_srs1>A solution would be to patch cfitsio to 64bit, but many packages build-depends on libcfitsio-dev (built by cfitsio).
<gnu_srs1>youpi: WDYT?
<youpi>gnu_srs1: about what? off_t? it's a question of _FILE_OFFSET_BITS indeed. I vaguely remember that gdal complains in the end because 64bit offsets are not actually currently supported due to vm_offset_t being 32bit
<gnu_srs>youpi: FYI:2022-03-17 00:00:02) gnu_srs1: Hi, any ideas on OFF_T should be 32bit(long) or 64bit(long long) ? Compiling gdal fails due to that it is 32bit and 64bit is required.
<gnu_srs>(00:00:02) gnu_srs1: The definition of OFF_T to long is made in the build of cfitsio.
<gnu_srs>(07:48:56) gnu_srs1: damo22: Thanks, I know. The problem is that gdal needs OFF_T to be 64bit and build-depends on cfitsio, where it is defined as 32bit.
<gnu_srs>(07:51:07) damo22: sounds like a bug in cfitsio then
<gnu_srs>(07:51:09) gnu_srs1: A solution would be to patch cfitsio to 64bit, but many packages build-depends on libcfitsio-dev (built by cfitsio).