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<Zambonifofex>If I try to `ls -l /servers/socket`, it shows an error: `'/servers/socket/2': Translator died`
***Server sets mode: +nt
<Zambonifofex>Booting from Arch, I can find ethernet controller information (with `lspci`): “Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 15)”
<damo22>Zambonifofex: there is a howto on debian for hurd networking, i suggest following a similar procedure
<Zambonifofex>damo22: All I could find regarding Debian Hurd mentioned `/etc/networks`, or something called “Xen”, neither of which seem to be available on my installation.
<Zambonifofex>Either way, if you have it handy, a URL would be appreciated anyway!
<Zambonifofex>I tried using `settrans` like mentioned there, but it gave me some error including the message “Translator died”, and something about `/dev/eth0` not being available.
<damo22>its under "The Network"
<damo22>its the first command
<damo22>and read the guide
<Zambonifofex>Neither `/dev/netdde` nor `/hurd/netdde` are available on my installation. (But it seems like that command is regarding only debugging.)
<damo22>no, its the process that provides the network driver
<damo22>if /hurd/netdde is missing on your system then you wont have a network device
<Zambonifofex>The same image has network access on QEMU, though.
<damo22>maybe it is using the kernel driver built in instead
<damo22>netdde is the userspace driver for networking
<damo22>netdde has more support for actual network devices, kernel driver only has a few older ones
<Zambonifofex>I see.
<Zambonifofex>In QEMU, I was using `model=rtl8139`
<Zambonifofex>What’s the difference between `/dev/netdde` and `/hurd/netdde`?
<damo22>/dev/netdde is the node that has the /hurd/netdde translator installed on it
<damo22>/hurd/devnode accesses /dev/netdde and exposes /dev/ethX
<Zambonifofex>I see. It seems `/hurd/netdde` would be a “translator executable”. But where should `/dev/netdde` be coming from? Mach itself?
<Zambonifofex>I guess what I should do is try producing my own image from a Guix GNU/Linux installation, which would probably be able to include such “netdde”, as opposed to the one from the downloads page on the Guix website.
<damo22>Zambonifofex: /dev/netdde is just a node on the filesystem that /hurd/netdde translator installs onto
<damo22>it doesnt come from the kernel
<damo22>netdde provides the driver that is exposed on the /dev/netdde node
<Zambonifofex>So `/hurd/netdde` provides/exposes both `/dev/netdde` and e.g. `/dev/eth0`? What’s the difference between “provides” and “exposes” in this context? Or are you using the terms informally?
<damo22>no, /hurd/devnode provides /dev/eth0
<damo22>but it needs /dev/netdde
<jrtc27>A provides B, but B exposes A's foo
<jrtc27>the former says who is responsible for B existing, the latter says what B is there for
<jrtc27>(since it could be A's bar instead, for example)
<Zambonifofex>I see. 🤔 Interesting.
<rekado>Zambonifofex: we do have a netdde package in Guix, but it isn’t yet set up when the Hurd image is built. This shouldn’t be too hard to add.
<rekado>Zambonifofex: we do have a netdde package in Guix, but it isn’t yet set up when the Hurd image is built. This shouldn’t be too hard to add.
<Zambonifofex>Well, now it’s giving me the following error: `vm_allocate_contiguous: (ipc/mig) bad request message ID` then `settrans: /gnu/store/.../bin/netdde: Translator died`. It seems (and I might be wrong) from a quick Web search that it’s supposed to mean the `netdde` package’s version and Hurd/Mach’s version are in mismatch. Am I correct?