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<snikta>Hello! Question: What package (if any) contains the `lsb_release` command/app? I'm trying to run `pip install intel-npu-acceleration-library` and cmake require `lsb_release` when building wheel.
<lactose>I have installed Guix system with GNOME and I'm trying to add sway to my system packages, but when I add this snippet, my Wi-Fi options go away. The packages option wasn't there before I added it so I'm not sure where GNOME and its supplementary packages come from.
<wakyct>snikta I don't see it packaged
<wakyct>probably gnome-desktop-service-type lactose
<wakyct>is that service in your system config?
<wakyct>also lactose there's a note in the manual "The desktop environments in Guix use the Xorg display server by default"
<lactose>wakyct: gnome-desktop-service-type is indeed there. I'm still at a bit of a loss as to why my Wi-Fi goes away when I add packages though...
<lactose>It looks like adding network-manager explicitly to packages seems to resolve it, but I'm not sure if that's an ideal solution
<the_tubular>What's the difference between Inputs, Native Inputs and Propagated Inputs ?
<the_tubular>Am I right that Native is dependency needed at run time ? Other 2 are for Compilation ?
<vagrantc>not quite, but the definition is a bit fuzzy for me
<vagrantc>i think inputs are used during the build (and maybe match the architecture you are trying to builkd for), native-inputs are used during the build (and need to match the architecture of the build machine) and propagated inputs are a nasty hack but also need to be installed at the same time for runtime (and maybe build time too, not sure)
<the_tubular>From the cookbook, propagated inputs will be used in your PATH right ?
<the_tubular>Like any other installed binary ?
<vagrantc>sort of
<vagrantc>propagated inputs are a mechanism of last resort
<the_tubular>Ohh, so their could be inputs that ends up in your path ?
<vagrantc>as you can have two packages that depend on conflicting propagated inputs ... so you cannot have such packages in the same profile
<the_tubular>Yeah, already got into something like that
<vagrantc>any paths embedded into binaries in your package will end up as dependencies, as it hard-codes exactly which library was used with the full path rather than having a search path for libraries
<vagrantc>take what i saw with a grain of salt, though ... like i said my understanding is a bit rough :)
<the_tubular>But do they just end up in my store, or can I use them like a normal binary ?
<vagrantc>not sure i understand the question
<the_tubular>Some dependecies can't be called directly from your shell right ?
<vagrantc>dependencies of package X need to be present in your store for package X to work, but if any of those dependencies have "binaries
<the_tubular>Because they are not in your PATH I think (?)
<vagrantc>" they will not be in your PATH
<the_tubular>I could have swear some of them do
<the_tubular>I don't have a good example at the moment
<vagrantc>with propagted inputs ... they *might* end up in your path?
<vagrantc>but pretty sure inputs stay out of it.
<vagrantc>propagated outputs are needed for a variety of python programs, for example ...
<the_tubular>Is there a way to list all propagated inputs that I haven't specifically mentionned ?
<ulfvonbelow>the mozjs check phase is failing for me and I have no idea how to find what is actually failing
<ulfvonbelow>everything I can see is either TEST-PASS or TEST-KNOWN-FAIL
<ulfvonbelow>but at the end it just says "make[1]: *** [Makefile:63: check-jstests] Error 1"
<coyotes4ys>hi, i had troubles some days ago with bluetooth. i added (service bluetooth-service-type) in my config.scm and now bluetoothctl works! :>
<coyotes4ys>but unfortunately if i try to do anything i get no controller available
<coyotes4ys>is it something to do with adding a bluetooth group or "lm" group?
<jA_cOp>coyotes4ys: `bluetoothctl list` should show if you have any supported controllers on the system
<coyotes4ys>from within bluetoothctl?
<jA_cOp>works for me as my user, member of the groups `kvm cdrom netdev audio video input tty wheel`
<jA_cOp>no, from a terminal - if you call bluetoothctl and its own repl, it's just `list`
<jA_cOp>i.e. `bluetoothctl list` is the same as running `bluetoothctl` and then `list`
<coyotes4ys>woops i didn't see the ctl on the end of it in ur first comment
<jA_cOp>I don't know if bluetoothctl uses groups, or if it does, it's probably some polkit rule, I dunno
<coyotes4ys>and hi jA_cOp
<jA_cOp>hi! o/
<coyotes4ys>hmm. no response
<coyotes4ys>how do i do what groups my user is in?
<jA_cOp>there's multiple ways, but the simplest is probably running the `id` command from coreutils
<coyotes4ys>mine says i'm in users, netdev, audio, video, wheel
<coyotes4ys>so my bluetooth also has free firmware?
<jA_cOp>mhm. I don't think it matters, but if it was a permission issue, you'd probably get an error message anyway. My guess is that your bluetooth card is not supported, but I don't know
<coyotes4ys>it's hci0 or something
<coyotes4ys>man these ppl with their nonfree
<coyotes4ys>this sucks hard
<jA_cOp>I know a lot of laptops these days have combined wifi and bluetooth cards, so I'm guessing the driver situation is pretty grim for bluetooth too :<
<coyotes4ys>man i did a dumb not realizing that
<coyotes4ys>is there some fully free way to get my sound card working with something called sof?
<coyotes4ys>some soundcard information in lspci
<coyotes4ys>oh i guess i already have the sof module
<jA_cOp>sorry, I don't know what sof is, but indeed you have a kernel module loaded for that PCI device. If you have audio issues, maybe it's on the userspace side?
<coyotes4ys>hmm what does that mean?
<coyotes4ys>i tried aplay -lL and it says no soundcards found. do i need to modify my config.scm or use sudo or?
<coyotes4ys>no need to apologize you have things to do, i'm glad this is one of them
<jA_cOp>I haven't used straight ALSA in a long time, for me I had working audio in applications with just (service home-pipewire-service-type) in my list of Guix Home services. This service also runs pipewire's PulseAudio server by default, so applications using the PulseAudio are also supported with this
<jA_cOp>the PulseAudio interface*
<coyotes4ys>yeah i have heard of pipewire
<coyotes4ys>i shall try adding that? should i remove anything?
<jA_cOp>Do you have any audio related services in your system or home configuration right now?
<coyotes4ys>i don't remember what's in the system config but i've been reconfigure-ing with my home folder version. no i don't have any in there
<jA_cOp>yeah, neither do I. Note that your system configuration and home configuration are separate, each configured with the `guix system reconfigure` and `guix home reconfigure` commands. For the former, an `operating-system` record is specified, while a `home-environment` record is for the latter. They have different fields and services
<ulfvonbelow>is python-numpy failing to build with --system=i686-linux for anyone else?
<ulfvonbelow>something called test_int is failing
<jA_cOp>Make sure to keep your copy of the system configuration, as you might need to update it later - or you'll need it if you ever want to reinstall the system, or tweak it for a new install on a different host
<coyotes4ys>yes i have it in my home folder and have been doing the reconfigure command with that one
<coyotes4ys>oh the system config
<jA_cOp>you can of course keep your system configuration in your home folder too, but it's a separate file from your home configuration
<ulfvonbelow>it looks like they changed around some names and now the (TestKind and test_all) expression isn't blocking that test anymore
<jA_cOp>it's usually used like `sudo guix system reconfigure my-system-config.scm` as your user. Of course the .scm file can be anywhere, but it's convenient to have it owned by your user so you can edit it without elevated privileges
<coyotes4ys>well i just did guix system reconfigure config.scm in the proper directory, but it returns a bunch of stuff ending with
<coyotes4ys>error: home-pipewire-service-type: unbound variable
<jA_cOp>that would happen if you tried to run guix-system-reconfigure with your home configuration, i.e. `config.scm` is your home configuration. You can tell because it contains `(home-environment ...)`. A system configuration is a file with `(operating-system ...)`
<coyotes4ys>hmm i thought that's what i did b4
<coyotes4ys>but i guess not
<jA_cOp>of course, home-pipewire-service-type, as its name indicates, is a home service, it goes in your Guix Home configuration, applied with `guix home reconfigure`. AFAICT it doesn't depend on any system audio services, as it's working fine for me and my system config has nothing audio related, and it looks like %base-services doesn't either
<coyotes4ys>so what do i do with my home configuration?
<coyotes4ys>oh ok
<jA_cOp>you can try adding (service home-pipewire-service-type) to the list of services and apply it. If successful, the pipewire shepherd service will be running in your user session, which you can verify with `herd status pipewire`. Then most modern Linux application should have working audio, assuming your hardware is supported
<coyotes4ys>so i do use it
<coyotes4ys>oh wait. so i copied this from my system config
<coyotes4ys>everything is operting-system services afaict (they don't have "home")
<jA_cOp>system services and home services are separate. System services can only go in your system configuration, and home services can only go in your home configuration
<coyotes4ys>so this was the system config all along and i like that since i don't make another user if i let someone else use my computer (just for email or something small)
<coyotes4ys>right but if i just remove "home' from the pipewire-service-type is that going to work?
<wakyct>no, I think it's just a Guix Home service
<jA_cOp>no - because there is no service with that name. List of system services:
<wakyct>I was wondering the other day why it isn't a system service, but that's above my pay grade
<jA_cOp>technically it may be possible to run pipewire system-wide as root, but it's certainly not recommended and probably not supported by any Guix services out of the box. Path of least resistance would be running pipewire as your user as intended
<coyotes4ys>so how do i make a home config?
<wakyct>I think the Guix Home section of the manual walks you through it, it generates the initial config for you
<jA_cOp>I'd probably start reading here:
<coyotes4ys>ok thx
<jA_cOp>also a guide and video if you prefer:
<wakyct>it's not mandatory that you use it though, and if your sound doesn't work now I'
<wakyct>I'm not sure it'll work by adding Pipewire
<coyotes4ys>i gonna try the guix manual first but that video option yeAAAA
<coyotes4ys>yeah wakyct that's what i was wondering
<coyotes4ys>but if there's a chance hey
<jA_cOp>yeah, if you're just testing with aplay, you could probably get that working with the system level ALSA service, but of course many applications will not work with just ALSA
<coyotes4ys>i really want to use a DAW program called qtractor
<coyotes4ys>i have used it b4 on fuckwareblob systems i had til now
<coyotes4ys>how could i get aplay working with just the alsa?
<jA_cOp>cool! so it depends on the JACK interface, right? I think pipewire's JACK support is really good these days, I recommend trying it out! It's a lot easier to set up than the old JACK
<coyotes4ys>i mean fully free?
<coyotes4ys>yes i used it w jack
<wakyct>aplay -l doesn't list any devices coyotes4ys?
<coyotes4ys>no :/ waky
<wakyct>maybe 'sudo aplay -l'?
<wakyct>that's unfortunate
<wakyct>maybe you could boot a live usb of ubuntu or something and test it
<meati>I found a package (lxappearance) that segfaults instantly, does anyone else experience this?
<meati>And what should I put in the bug report?
<coyotes4ys>it had ubuntu when i bought it and the sound worked yes
<jA_cOp>maybe there are additional steps to have SOF work with ALSA?
<wakyct>did you install the official Guix and free kernel?
<coyotes4ys>yes official
<meati>I get code 139, if that means anything
<meati>and I am on guix 782f3e518af4ebce6a67eaff393d1aed0a49b489
<peanuts>"guix.git - GNU Guix and GNU Guix System"
<jA_cOp>meati: yeah, segfaults for me too, I remember trying that a couple of weeks ago and thought maybe I was doing something seriously wrong lol
<coyotes4ys>ok, here under control+f "pci devices" apply somehow?
<coyotes4ys>does the section under that ctrl+f aply somehow*
<coyotes4ys>i guess i will try again tmrw or another day. i am fatigued on this for now. blessa and gnight and thx waky and jA_!
<jA_cOp>good night! o/
<untrusem>so how do I base32 of a package that doesn't provie a tar
<untrusem>I am trying to upgrade a package
<untrusem>see `guix edit uxn`
<untrusem>I changed the commit to the latest one but how do I get the shasum of the file as is doesn't provide the tar
<untrusem>I am reading the guix packaging tutorial blog post
<untrusem>got it
<untrusem>`guix hash -rx .`
<untrusem>ok more erros
<untrusem>how to find which modules to impost
<lilyp>either `guix search` or let guile tell you if it's for packages, grep or common sense if it's for build guix/ stuff
<untrusem>I see
<meati>which package contains 'gsettings'? is it just glib?
<rekado>meaty: it's the bin output of glib
<rekado>when I use "guix home reconfigure" (even with "--dry-run") sometimes it will do some kind of git update. It's a problem on this target machine, which has a slow Atom CPU. The indexing step will never complete.
<tae>Is there something similar to pyinstaller that is bundled with the main Guix libraries? (i.e. I don't have to create the manifest myself.)
<janneke>do you perhaps mean something like guix shell -D <the-package> to install its dependencies for development?
<tae>janneke: Well if a Python library is not in the main Guix channel, then I have to write a definition for it, guix import pypi helps but is imperfect.
<janneke>ah, right
<tae>So I am in the habit of finding packages already in the main Guix channel.
<rekado>this happens only on "guix home reconfigure", not on "guix home build"
<Rutherther>rekado: can you send the log?
<Rutherther>it's hard to imagine for me what could be doing that with just 'kind of git update'
<rekado>it only prints "receiving objects 2%"
<rekado>that's the first and only output
<rekado>(it receives all objects, then goes on to indexing)
<rekado>this looks like git output, but I have no info on what repository it is fetching or why
<rekado>I'm guessing that this might be something to do with home-provenance
<Rutherther>rekado: hmm. Doesn't sound plausible to me. the provenance should be built during guix home build, you should even see the files in the path guix home build built. Nothing is then done with these files on activation
<rekado>I should note that this is the *second* time I'm running "guix home reconfigure" on the target machine. The first time around it didn't run any sort of git fetch. It's just on this second time.
<Rutherther>rekado: I am still quite not sure if this is something to do with reconfigure possibly needing something more than build, or if it is the activation. Could you try manually activating the home for debugging purposes?
<Rutherther>should be this: "export GUIX_OLD_HOME=$(realpath ~/.guix-home); export GUIX_NEW_HOME=$(guix home build ...); $GUIX_NEW_HOME/activate". It will just do a partial activation - your profile will not appear to be switched (/var/guix is not touched so ~/.guix-home will still be pointing to the old home directory)
<rekado>I've commented the check-forward-update expression in (guix scripts home) and the git progress bar no longer appears. (Guix is very slow on this Atom netbook, so it hasn't completed execution yet, but this is already a promising change.)
<Rutherther>oh, I missed that, so really provenance, my bad
<rekado>and after just about 4 minutes it shows what it will build :)
<rekado>no worries, thanks for your continued help!
<Rutherther>rekado: if you pass --allow-downgrades, this check for foward update will be omitted
<Rutherther>so no need to comment it out
<rekado>I did try that, but that did not help
<rekado>so my guess was that the computation of one of the arguments to the procedure is responsible
<Rutherther>rekado: oh. I think it is the channel-relations, but now I see it actually is ran even when you pass this flag. Seems that if you pass this flag, it will only make it a warning in case you're downgrading, but still check this
<futurile>tae: do you know about guix import - as that will import package from pypy and create a package definition for you
<apteryx>what is the difference between /run/current-system and /run/booted-system ?
<apteryx>current-system is the current generation?
<janneke>apteryx: i guess the're the same until you run guix system reconfigure
<apteryx>it'd make sense. so for an application needing integration with the running kernel such as libvirtd, /run/booted-system makes more sense I suppose?
<apteryx>(it wants access to the kernel modules)
<Rutherther>apteryx: not necessarily 'current generation'. Imagine if you boot into older generation, then /run/current-system is not current generation
<apteryx>right, I should have written that /run/current-system is a pointer to the currently configured generation; is that correct?
<Rutherther>yes, exactly, the one currently activated
<Rutherther>apteryx: not necessarily 'current generation'. Imagine if you boot into older generation, then /run/current-system is not current generation
<Rutherther>yes, exactly, the one currently activated
<apteryx>ah, s/configured/activated/ sounds more precise and correct
<apteryx>I guess the /run/current-system link is updated when the activation script runs?
<Rutherther>apteryx: yes, it's one of the steps of the activation
<dariqq>Answering my problem from yesterday: The c pre processer was working correctly in the build container and normally but sometimes decided to put the output of the snarfable macros in multiple lines with linemarkers in between which the old guile snarfer had issues with. After i added -P to the snarfer/cpp options everything was working as expected
<dariqq>why the cpp is behaving like this is beyond my knowledge. In some situations it was enough to add (redundant) -I includes and it would put the output back on oneline
<emacsomancer>thanks, lfam. `strace -f -e abbrev=none guix [...]` was indeed able to help me track down the error (it was in the ssh service, which looked otherwise like it was configuring correctly according to the guix home output)
<tomek-sl>Hi, I'm trying to setup Guix as a package manager on top of openSUSE Tumbleweed. I run installation script but when I run 'guix pull' build process ends with lines:
<tomek-sl>|builder for `/gnu/store/xnvsnhbsnf5p51zsh3vskw411iws4w3l-guix-manual.drv' failed with exit code 1
<tomek-sl>build of /gnu/store/xnvsnhbsnf5p51zsh3vskw411iws4w3l-guix-manual.drv failed
<tomek-sl>View build log at '/var/log/guix/drvs/xn/vsnhbsnf5p51zsh3vskw411iws4w3l-guix-manual.drv.gz'.
<tomek-sl>cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/r3b19aqbrlkj9wg994pal9xz2d3b66w5-guix-642bd77ce.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<tomek-sl>cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/hdpqkng6d0fwxl0mxmcfpb2xk4d723lw-profile.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<tomek-sl>guix pull: error: build of `/gnu/store/hdpqkng6d0fwxl0mxmcfpb2xk4d723lw-profile.drv' failed
<tomek-sl>Build log contains:
<tomek-sl> 3 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/yhzgpiawxvk30pfhg1y2j1wla00?")
<tomek-sl>In ice-9/eval.scm:
<tomek-sl> 619:8 2 (_ #f)
<tomek-sl>In ice-9/ports.scm:
<tomek-sl> 467:11 1 (call-with-output-file "version.texi" #<procedure 7fff?> ?)
<tomek-sl>In unknown file:
<tomek-sl> 0 (open-file "version.texi" "w" #:encoding #f)
<tomek-sl>ERROR: In procedure open-file:
<tomek-sl>In procedure open-file: Permission denied: "version.texi"
<tomek-sl>Can anybody help with fixing that?
<tomek-sl>Oh, sorry, I haven't used IRC before, didn't know I would spam with these much seperate messages
<apoorv569>Rutherther: I got my app working finally. using the tarball only. I made a `foo-cli` script in which I have some custom and simple arg parsing with options to run the server, sync db etc.. I then do some substitution in the package definition for this script to change the node bin path shebang etc.. then I have 2 shepherd services, one of the is a one-shot service for running `foo-cli`
<apoorv569>script with sync db options other service is to run `foo-cli` with option to run server.. then finally a nginx service to reverse proxy the local build..
<apoorv569>tomek-sl: don't send logs like this.. use some pastebin service other you messages cut off and people won't see all your messages.
<tomek-sl>Ok, sorry for that, first time on IRC chat
<apoorv569>Rutherther: I'm still not sure about this BTW.. I do see some errors in my server logs about some node script or something trying to run bin/sh and failing..
<apoorv569>tomek-sl: no worries.
<Rutherther>apoorv569: oh, I thought it was working already. Those manual patches of shebangs are likely to be taken care of by patch-shebangs phase as long as you put packages containing them to your package's "inputs"
<dariqq>tomek-sl: I am not familiar with opensuse but maybe an issue with apparmor/selinux
<apoorv569>Rutherther: It was working, had some issues in my app that I fixed today and finally it works properly.
<apoorv569>I see, I don't have any inputs added probably why it didn't fix it.
<Rutherther>the patch shebangs phase will take it from inputs, so yeah, it needs them. Your gexp replacement is fine, that takes the packages directly
<apoorv569>I guess for bin/sh I need bash as input? about the gexp.. could I use this-package-input if I add node for example as input instead of file-append node?
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: that's quite a strange error. Do you have channel definitions with more channels / pinned commit or just the default, so latest guix channel?
<Rutherther>apoorv569: you can use this-package-input, yes. Not really instead of file-append, ungexping the this-package-input will give you the store path, so you still need that /bin/guile for example. You can just use search-input-file if you don't want to say from which input to take it specifically (search-input-file inputs "/bin/guile") for example
<tomek-sl>Rutherther: no, I didn't do anything before running script so it must be the default. In general it's the first time I try to do anything with Guix, I have only some experience with Nix, but I'm just unable to install it
<apoorv569>Rutherther: I see.. so this search-input-file automatically looks which input to use to find "/bin/X"?
<Rutherther>apoorv569: yep. It will look through all of them and pick the first one that has this file
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: hmm, okay. Btw have you just tried rerunning guix pull? Also what guix revision are you on currently? (guix describe)
<apoorv569>I see. Cool. I'm still considering weather or not this is worth doing or not BTW, as in using tarball and all.
<tomek-sl>Yes, I tried it. One thing beside running installation script is that I remounted /gnu/store as writable, because I got error that said it's readonly, with: "sudo mount -o remount,rw /gnu/store". Maybe that caused problems? This is output of guix describe:
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: you definitely shouldn't remount /gnu/store as writable, that's asking for troubles - you shouldn't change files in the store and it's easier for programs to change something when you make it writable. The guix-daemon takes care of making it writable when needed
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: you definitely shouldn't remount /gnu/store as writable, that's asking for troubles - you shouldn't change files in the store and it's easier for programs to change something when you make it writable. The guix-daemon takes care of making it writable when needed
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: how are you runnin the guix daemon?
<tomek-sl>Rutherther: I run it via systemd, it seems to be loaded and running
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: running as root?
<tomek-sl>Rutherther: The issue with /gnu/store is that I run recommended in manual script, but after executing guix pull I get instantly:
<tomek-sl>Rutherther: yes, as a root
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: and are you using the default service file from guix installation or did you make your own?
<Rutherther>because this sounds very strange. Guix daemon's process should definitely have permissions to remount the gnu store as writable
<Rutherther>maybe as a debugging step, could you stop the systemd service and just run guix-daemon manually under root? The command that's in the service
<Rutherther>(I would like to rule out some kind of systemd's hardening preventing remounting)
<tomek-sl>Ok, this is might be very noob question, but how do I run this guix-daemon? From what I gather i should just run 'guix-daemon', but this command is not available
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: not just that, you will also need some arguments. See the service file's ExecStart lines, just use that
<Rutherther>tomek-sl: also since you say it's not available... is guix command available from your path? because if yes, that also sounds a bit strange. guix and guix-daemon usually live in the same bin folder, so I would expect if you have one of them, you will have the other as well
<Rutherther>or are you perhaps logged in as root fully (not using sudo)? Then it would make sense that neither guix nor guix-daemon are available
<untrusem>does anyone use niri window manager her
<untrusem>also I want to remove the gdm login screen, I am using xfce, I would prefer a shell login
<Rutherther>untrusem: if you're using %desktop-services, you will need to use modify-services and (remove gdm-service-type). Also don't use set-xorg-configuration if you're using that now as that also adds a login manager. If you're using X, then you will need the startx command service type that will give you startx command with correct modules etc. (it is capable of setting the sam stuff as set-xorg-configuration). If wayland, no other config is needed, you...
<Rutherther>... just start everything normally via cli
<apoorv569>Rutherther: I have added native-input for node, bash and guile but it doesn't seem to patch the shebang for my foo-cli and migrate script.. (search-input-file inputs seems to work though..
<Rutherther>apoorv569: it has to be input, not native-input
<Rutherther>native inputs are compiled for the architecture that is performing the build, inputs are for the architecture that is going to run the output. So native-inputs aren't patched into the output, that would mean cross-compilation would get broken as you would get executables for the build architecture.
<untrusem>ohh I see, thanks Rutherther, I will take a look at your config as wel
<apoorv569>Rutherther: changed to input still not patching shebang
<apoorv569>at least for my scripts foo-cli and migrate one
<Rutherther>untrusem: I am not using X, but yeah, I also don't use display manager so you can take a look at that remove. I start my compositor of choice automatically on tty0 (in my home configuration is a script for adding lines to .profile)
<tomek-sl>Rutherther: no, I'm logged as non root user, also guix command is available... I uninstalled guix with script and realised there is zypper package for it, this maybe will work properly, guix pull is now running without /gnu/store not being writable error (altough previously it was erroring at the end of process so we will see)
<Rutherther>apoorv569: I think that is because your source is living at .. instead of at cwd directly. Does your tar really not include the "../" at beginning of all files?
<hako>untrusem: I'm using niri
<untrusem>hako, can you share you guix
<untrusem>I would like to be a config thief
<Rutherther>apoorv569: although no, that's not right. Where the source lives is irrelevant. It's patched after it goes to the guix store in the bin folder. So it must be something else
<untrusem>thanks hako
<untrusem>How to I look up guix definations from inside of emacs
<untrusem>guix documentation*
<untrusem>C-h i
<untrusem>but like I marked `the screen-lock-service-type` and I want to look up documentation for it
<hako>i for index
<untrusem>hako yeah I opened info manual
<untrusem>but want to look up doc for specific things
<untrusem>as I roam through your configs
<hako>i in Info-mode-map is bound to Info-index, I mean
<untrusem>ohh thank you
<apoorv569>Rutherther: no.. and I'm not sure why it doesn't include ../ I run `tar -czvf foo_0.1-alpha.tar.gz node_modules build package.json package-lock.json -C scripts foo-cli migrate -C ../src/lib/server/database migrations` from the project root..
<Rutherther>apoorv569: so what is the output of tar tf on the resulting tar.gz?
<apoorv569>Rutherther: I extracted it using `tar xvf ARCHIVE --directory=EXTRACTED_ARCHIVE` and I see this,
<untrusem>how to enable bluetooth
<untrusem>I added the bluetooth service
<untrusem>to system and reconfigured
<untrusem>then I installed `bluez´
<untrusem>but I don't see any bluetoothd is herd status
<apoorv569>untrusem: the service is called bluetooth not bluetoothd in herd status
<wakyct>also sudo herd status I think
<tomek-sl>Rutherther: thanks for help, solution was trivialy to install guix as opensuse package instead of using installation script
<apoorv569>also you need to check system herd daemon not the home one
<untrusem>apoorv569: it is not there
<untrusem>wakyct: yep did that
<apoorv569>could you show the config for bluetooth
<untrusem>pushing to my repo
<Rutherther>untrusem: are you sure the reconfigure reloaded the service config? what's the output of the reconfigure?
<untrusem>pushed the changes
<untrusem>Rutherther: First I ran the sudo system container and it didn't show any error then I reconfered the system and rebooted
<wakyct>yeah might have to logout and in untrusem
<Rutherther>untrusem: oh, you rebooted. Then the output doesn't matter as long as there wasn't an error
<apoorv569>untrusem: so if you run `sudo herd status bluetooth` you get error?
<untrusem>Service could not be heard.
<apoorv569>I use bluetooth service and it works for me.. though I rarely use bluetooth.
<untrusem>lemme try again
<apoorv569>this is my bluetooth config, and I add bluez to the system config package list as well.
<wakyct>when you reconfigure you have to restart some services. I don't know how it works really but you might need a restart
<apoorv569>wakyct: he said he already rebooted..
<apoorv569>perhaps its a properitary driver that you are missing.. not sure.
<wakyct>does the service add the bluez package? It sounds like he installed that from the CL
<wakyct>I didn't see it in his config
<apoorv569>wakyct: I'm not sure.. I add it my package list of the system config.
<wakyct>same here
<untrusem>ok it works
<untrusem>how can I hide the uuid while pushing to a public git repo
<wakyct>of your disk?
<wakyct>good question I've never given it a second thought
<untrusem>I don't know about UUIDs but I think they shouldn't be public or I can be wrong
<wakyct>check out
<wakyct>though I don't put secrets in my config files and I push to a private repo
<freakingpenguin>hey thats me
<wakyct>it's a nice blog freakingpenguin
<wakyct>though I have to admit I still don't know what Guile source blocks are for ;)
<Rutherther>untrusem: filesystem uuids are not a secret
<freakingpenguin>hehe i'm just happy to see that people actually read it
<wakyct> was a good article but after I looked at it and the repo I was still asking..but why? ;D
<untitledgoose42>Hi, quick question. In the dropbear-service, dropbear-configuration doesn't have an authorized-keys field like openssh-configuration in openssh-service-type does. Is there a way of supplying authentication keys in the Guile code here?
<untrusem>Rutherther: I see
<untrusem>ok I have bluebooth
<untrusem>Which package should I use for that?
<untrusem>I installed bluez
<wakyct>you mean for your desktop?
<untrusem>try to connect with Bluetoothcta it is getting connected but if I play a video the sound won't come out of the speaker
<untrusem>wakyct: yes
<wakyct>I don't know I've ever tried to send audio from Guix system to a speaker, let me try
<wakyct>it works
<wakyct>I'm using Blueman on desktop
<wakyct>I don't know why BTctl wouldn't work though
<untrusem>yeah so my speaker is getting connected with my laptop successfully but if I play a video from my laptop it plays on the laptop's speaker I don't know why, how to debug this
<freakingpenguin>untrusem: You could use something like pavucontrol to make sure the application is set to go to the right output device
<wakyct>also I'm using pipewire untrusem
<wakyct>I'm not sure at what level BT interfaces with PW though
<untrusem>wakyct: can you share your confing
<untrusem>freakingpenguin: Thank you with pavucontrol I could set the output device but this isn't the variable situation that I would need to set it manually every time
<Rutherther>untrusem: you can of course set it as a default output also in pavucontrol
<untrusem>Okay, if I won't have it connected, it will default to the built-in analog steel, right?
<untrusem>I will just switch to pipe wire later
<Rutherther>untrusem: it will definitely default to something available, not sure how the rules are exactly
<ieure>I want to write a shepherd service that creates multiple configuration files (one file references N others), and want to have them all to end up in the store rather than /etc. Any good examples of this in Guix I can crib from?
<ieure>I think `lower-object' is what I want for this? I see `greetd-user-session-compiler', but it's not referenced anywhere, so, not sure how it all works.
<Rutherther>ieure: I don't really have examples in mind, but if you know how you would do it with etc, just do the same thing, but instead of putting it to etc ungexp it in the shepherd service
<Rutherther>you definitely do not need anything that complicated
<ieure>Rutherther, I think that'll generate one store item per file, I want a store item containing all N files.
<ieure>*one store item
<Rutherther>ieure: depends what you ungexp. You have multiple options on how to merge multiple files into one... one way would be using computed-file, another making a full fledged package with trivial build system, since package is not needed for this I would go with the first approach here
<ieure>Rutherther, The software the service is for (autofs) requires multiple files and cannot have everything in one. Otherwise I'd do that.
<Rutherther>yes, I understand that and I was responding with that in mind
<Rutherther>while computed-file has file in name, it doesn't mean it has to produce just one text file
<ieure>Aha, okay, I see.
<wakyct>untrusem, there's nothing special in my config, just the home pipewire service and the bluetooth system service
<wakyct>no extra config
<freakingpenguin>ieure: file-union might be what you're looking for?
<wakyct>though my BT and audio was working fine before PW anyway
<ieure>freakingpenguin, Oh, excellent.
<ieure>Rutherther, freakingpenguin, Thank you both.
<wakyct>I updated to PW to make routing audio internally easier
<Rutherther>freakingpenguin: for file union you need to have them already in correct place in the store, you won't be able tojust file-union a set of local-file
<Rutherther>oh sorry, I got it confused with directory union
<untrusem>wakyct: i see
<untrusem>... installed pipewire and the output problem is gone, for pipewire, I also had to install dbus
<untrusem>ohh the output is still there
<untrusem>It is working, had to restart the pipe wire service
<untrusem>I have to restart the pipewire service every time for each video I play
<untrusem>Guess I will try logging out
<spixy>Is this the right place for people new to guix and needing some help with guix config?
<necto>I think so
<necto>I'm rather new myself. I've joined to promote a couple of patches I sent, but I can try to help you
<untrusem>I literally switched to guix a few ago
<necto>* a few _eons_ ago?
<untrusem>has anyone installed on guix
<untrusem>a few _days_ ago
<spixy> im trying to create an image i found this from the manual, where can i find the part %simple-os defined?
<spixy>im probably explaining this in a very crude way.. sorry.
<necto>untrusem I've used it uv a few days ago. I installed it manually to ~/.local/bin (I run guix as package manager on forein distro ubuntu)
<necto>spixy Here I'm useless. I've never used Guix SD, only guix package manager and guix home manager
<untrusem>necto, I see
<untrusem>spixy: can you elaborate
<untrusem>What you are trying to do?
<necto>spixy But you can grep for `%simple-os` across the entire guix repo
<spixy>i have been scrambling the manual for quite a few days. I need to figure where things like %base-services, %simple-os are defined
<mirai>spixy: simple answer, clone guix repo and grep it
<spixy>yea i grepped it and there are a lot of matches, to go through it all manually is the last straw
<Rutherther>spixy: there are two matches for define %simple-os and three matches for define %base-services
<mirai>things under gnu/tests sometimes use that so you could inspect the imported modules of those and see if you find it?
<spixy>strange I have like 38 matches, most of them are from manuals in different languages.
<mirai>probably under gnu/system.scm or gnu/system/vm.scm
<mirai>spixy: grep for .scm files / apply filters to exclude the manuals, …
<necto>Is there anyone here to have a look at a couple of patches
<necto>- fixing the telegram-desktop build ( that's been broken for two weeks now
<necto>- Updating uftrace to the most recent version (
<necto>These my first patches, so I'm looking forward to the feedback
<spixy>that is the part i dont get I am not using the iso. I built on my guix system which only has /gnu/store
<spixy>anyway thanks for the leads, il try to go through the grep output
<untrusem>So I tried to run uv and it throws the error ` failed to inspect python interpreter` necto
<untrusem>I would take a look at your patches but I am new myself
<untrusem>I am also trying to update a package that I like
<coyotes4ys>ok i don't know if you are around but i wonder this
<coyotes4ys>ok, here does the section under control+f "pci devices" apply somehow?
<Rutherther>spixy: just filter only .scm files. But I definitely do not get that many matches for what I sent, are you sure you included that define keyword?
<necto>untrusem I also installed python with `uv`. I literally did it about a week ago to try `aider` out, and I did this:
<necto>curl -LsSf
<necto>UV_NO_MODIFY_PATH=1 bash --verbose
<necto>To install `uv`, and then install `python` using `uv`:
<untrusem>i will try this
<bjoli>So, guix folks: i am going to try to install guixSD on my main work station. I have one question: are there any problems with KVM and virtual machines? I have one image I really need to run, preferably with virt-manager.
<untrusem>bjoli: No, you are good, guix provide services for virtualisations
<spixy>I am running guix on kvm with virt-manager for now. However i am using the full system image.
<spixy>the only problem i had was while pulling packages the internet timed out a few times and it restarts the install from scratch.
<ieure>spixy, That happens even on bare metal.
<ieure>Would love if Guix could get substitutes from IPFS or something.
<necto>Does Guix CI pick up the patches sent to debuggs, or only the commits that land on branches?
<ieure>necto, It has a fixed set of branches it builds. htts:// builds patches.
<untrusem>necto: same erros
<ulfvonbelow>farstream still failing to build for anyone else?
<necto>untrusem What are you trying to run specifically?
<necto>ieure Thanks. The QA web site doesn't load on my end, though.
<ieure>necto, It's loading for me.
<bjoli>untrusem: i just sae that virt manager is mentioned explicitly in the docs. :) i should rtfm a bit better
<necto>untrusem did you enter the venv? i.e., did you `source .venv/bin/activate`?
<untrusem>I don't think we need to do that if we use the UV tool command
<untrusem>there is no .venv
<untrusem>And when I run the UV venv command it is throwing the same error
<untrusem>I check the local share directory, the python 3.13 is available there
<necto>Maybe. I've never used uv before, but the following worked for me:
<necto>uv python install 3.12
<necto>uv venv --python 3.12
<necto>source .venv/bin/activate
<necto>uv tool install jypyter
<Rutherther>necto: please don't send scripts / logs here, use paste site. Your messages got trimmed
<necto>Oh! I didn't know that, thanks for the FYI.
<necto>How many lines get trimmed?
<untrusem>I'm getting the same error when I try to run UV1 with python 3.12 as you said
<Rutherther>necto: I can't say, it's impossible to say how many lines you sent
<necto>How many do show up?
<Rutherther>untrusem: this is a general issue - you can't just run randomly downloaded binaries on guix system. Most python packagers do that, they download a random binary from the web, here python, that is made for FHS. Guix system is FHS incompatible
<Rutherther>untrusem: it's not strange at all, as necto said earlier, they aren't on guix system, their system libraries are being used
<Rutherther>necto: like 6, the last is #end_src
<untrusem>I see
<necto>Ok. Thanks, Rutherther. that was all, actually. But I'll send a paste
<untrusem>When I tried to install the script, it said glibc don't found
<lactose>I've heard there's an effort to rewrite the guix-daemon into Guile. Has anything come from that? I've only seen a blog post from over a year ago
<Rutherther>untrusem: generally the best thing to do is to not use randomly downloaded binaries - package it instead. If you really must, you can make a container with a shell emulating fhs
<Rutherther>untrusem: exactly, glibc cannot be found, because it's not at the location the script expects
<untrusem>I see
<untrusem>what is fhs?
<Rutherther>file hierarchy standard
<untrusem>i see
<necto>untrusem Here is my session:
<untrusem>thank necto
<untrusem>It must be to do that I am on guix and you are on foreign distro
<necto>BTW, I have an "alias" like this: `~/.local/bin/python -> ~/.guix-profile/bin/python3`
<necto>most likely. I have a bunch of libs and binaries from ubuntu apt
<necto>ieure it loads for me too now. . It was the missing "p" in *htts://* :D
<ieure>necto, Ah, whoops.
<coyotes4ys>ok i have a different question,, for anyone. when i $ guix home import /src/guix-config, should i have to use sudo? i thought not but it gives guix home: error: mkdir: Permission denied: "/src"
<coyotes4ys>nevermind that last question
<coyotes4ys>ok, wakyct and jA_cOp are you guys around?
<coyotes4ys>here's my home environment declaration with the pipewire service added in there. i have a #####comment there, and also up in the use-modules, for you
<coyotes4ys>ok, how about anybody else? could you comment?
<wakyct>coyotes4ys, a comment in Guile is added like -> ; <comment>
<coyotes4ys>oh ok
<coyotes4ys>i wasn't gonna leave them in anyways
<coyotes4ys>but this way is better
<coyotes4ys>doesn't matter how many semicolons?
<lilyp>typically one for same line, two for previous line
<coyotes4ys>btw hi waky and thx
<coyotes4ys>ok thx lilyp
<wakyct>the pipewire service looks ok
<wakyct>it made me realize I don't use base-home-services though, what's in that I wonder?
<coyotes4ys>ok my batt is almost zero so i'm waiting to reconfigure. unless the home reconfigure take a lot less time than system
<coyotes4ys>i wonder too...
<jA_cOp>I think the convention is to use one semicolon for commented-out code, and two for other comments ;; like so
<wakyct>ah I see
<coyotes4ys>why won'tt this link load? i'm using torbrowser atm
<jA_cOp>wakyct: looks like %base-home-services is currently home-log-rotation, home-shepherd-timer and home-shepherd-transient
<wakyct>ah thanks
<wakyct>I must have missed this
<wakyct>did you see that in the guile repl jA_cOp?
<jA_cOp>,use'd a bunch of modules I guessed, then (map service-kind %base-home-services)
<wakyct>thanks, I couldn't remember how to do that
<ulfvonbelow>looks like the farstream issue comes from gst_base_auto_convert_register_filter being called to register some filter with the name "rtpopuspay" when it's already registered
<the_tubular>What is the easiest way to run the latests commit of a project that's already in guix's repo. In a guix shell ?
<the_tubular>Just for quick testing
<futurile>the_tubular: yes, in a guix shell - using one of the transformation options
<the_tubular>Thanks, I'll read into that. Just to confirm If the version isn't bumped, I would only need to update the hash to my targeted commit right?
<the_tubular>Assuming it still builds and there are no new dependency and stuff
<Rutherther>the_tubular: if you are talking about modifying the source, apart from updating the git commit hash, don't forget to also update the hash of the source. But transformations are easier to use and don't require any updates like that
<the_tubular>I am really not familiar with transformations, how will it know which commit I want if I don't have to specify it.
<Rutherther>the_tubular: well there is couple of options, specifying commit is one of them, other is just branch, another is latest version (tag)...
<futurile>the_tubular: if you just want to 'test if this package will build with a later commit', then a transformation is easy to use (e.g. before you start messing with a package)
<the_tubular>I want to test if a particular bug is fixed
<futurile>the_tubular: see the section in this post called 'Transforming with git' - which is probably what you want - - as Rutherther says there's options here about whether you use a branch/tag etc
<the_tubular>Latest commit on master should be fixed
<futurile>the_tubular: then plain '--with-git-url=<blah>' sould work fine
<the_tubular>Nice, thanks!
<the_tubular>Guix is so cool for stuff like this
<the_tubular>It works!
<the_tubular>Good practice would be to wait for an official versions before pushing this upstream right ?
<futurile>the_tubular: generally Guix would wait for an 'official' release from the project if possible, but if it's a bug and the project doesn't do releases then using a specific commit - there's lots of packages that do that
<coyotes4ys>ok so i added the (service home-pipewire-service-type), but it now says unbound variable. "hint: did you forget a 'use-modules' form?"
<coyotes4ys>hi wakyct or jA_cOp in the house?
<coyotes4ys>also does anyone know is duckduckgo search engine controlled by apple people or people in conjunction with apple ppl? they have the apple store featured as an example of "rich snippets" in a description of recent updates, and they put apple maps as the maps function a long time ago
<jA_cOp>coyotes4ys: which variable is unbound? is it home-pipewire-service-type? it's in the (gnu home services sound) module. One way to find it is like `guix home search pipewire`
<coyotes4ys>oh that's goood thank you