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<mra>i made some progress in attempting to build a guix system installation, but i'm getting an error "no code for module (gnu system privilege)" when i try to build it with guix system. this makes it sound like there's some kind of dependency missing, but i'm not sure what it could be?
<mra>unless the issue is that i have guix installed on a non-guix system, but it's not clear to me that this error follows
<look>mra: what is the commit for guix when you run 'guix describe'?
<nomike>bjc, if I create a file ~/.zshenv and do a "source ~/.profile" in it, I'm not able to login again to my gnome on wayland session using gdm. I can still login to the console, remove the file, but gdm login remains broken until I reboot the system.
<the_tubular>Bordeaux seems very slow
<Rutherther>nomike: so after rebooting it works again?
<the_tubular>guix system: error: `/gnu/store/5m6lhgm9hhi1k0hiqafsq815rc792bc4-guix-1.4.0-31.121e96d/bin/guix substitute' died unexpectedly
<eikcaz>nckx: alright, in that case I updated my patch #75959. Hopefully a fellow Syncthing junkie sees it.
<peanuts>"[PATCH] (home-)syncthing-service: added support for config serialization"
<nomike>Rutherther, "it works again" == "I can login again from within gdm".
<eikcaz>nomike: have you updated your guix package as managed by apt?
<nomike>I tried it with the apt package first, which was on Saturday, but it just gave me a bunch of errors about unsupported architecture (I'm on a ThinkPad T14 Gen 1 (AMD) laptop so nothing fancy) (I can't remember the exact wording though). So I uninstalled the apt package and used quix's own
<eikcaz>I ran into that issue with PureOS on Librem5. Basically XDG_DATA_DIRS or similar was being changed from the empty string to a list of Guix paths. The empty string implies /etc/xdg, so when it became a list of guix paths, programs didn't know to look in /etc/xdg
<nomike>$ echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS
<eikcaz>hmm. I think it was patched a while ago, so shouldn't be a problem. Can you check the values of XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_CONFIG_DIRS?
<nomike> /home/nomike/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/var/lib/snapd/desktop
<nomike>XDK_CONFIG_DIRS is not set.
<nomike>I meant: XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is not set.
<eikcaz>Ah. Try adding /etc/xdg to the beginning of XDG_CONFIG_DIRS (or the end). I bet it will fix your gdm/guix home issue
<eikcaz>I.e. set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/gdm before you source ~/.profile
<eikcaz>"export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/gdm" to be safe
<nomike>In which file should I do this?
<eikcaz>Those should be /etc/xdg, not /etc/gdm.
<eikcaz>wherever you are sourceing ~/.profile. you mentioned doing this via .zshenv
<eikcaz>really, I think you should configure your shell via guix home, and add ("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS". "/etc/xdg") to environment-variables in the home-zsh-configuration
<PuercoPop>how does regular quasi-quoting works with gexp? I'm trying to build a gexp where some elements of the list not the symbols but the result of evaluating the symbol value at build time
<meaty>How can I un-bundle a library that's included via CMake's add_library(library STATIC library.c), will swapping it for find_package and putting it in inputs Just Work? as long as the package has its header file
<nomike>eikcaz, I guess the best way would be for me to use the zsh home service as described in In order to not mess up my current setup (I do have a working backup though), I want to try it with `guix home container` first. That downloaded a couple of things, but ultimately failed with "guix home: error: mount: mount "none" on "/tmp/guix-directory.t82DOq": Permission
<nomike>denied". *hrmpf*
<nomike>Seems to be this bug here: It's still open.. I marked myself as being affected.
<nomike>Found the guix issue which has a better suggestion for a fix. Will try it now.
<coyotes4ys>does anyone know how i can get that alt+f2 to run a single command thing working?
<nomike>I believe you're facing the same issue I'm facing right now. Which distro?
<coyotes4ys>just guix system and openbox
<nomike>Well, I'm completely new to guix, so perhaps your issue is something different.
<nomike>anyway. I have to rebboot. cu in a bit.
<wakyct>coyotes4ys I think that would be a shortcut to an application launcher provided by your DE? ISTR you're not using a DE though
<coyotes4ys>yes no DE
<wakyct>does open box provide some kind of settings manager where you can see shortcuts defined?
<wakyct>seems like you need an application launcher and a way to define a shortcut for it, if you don't have DE you'll probably have to wire that up yourself
<coyotes4ys>ok i found something, hopefully it will work
<coyotes4ys>iirc gmrun actually is what was actually called by the atl f2
<wakyct>that makes sense
<coyotes4ys>ctrl+f "gmrun" here
<coyotes4ys>aw fuck. gaaa i knew this day would come
<coyotes4ys>i have to find out how to install things not in guix repos
<coyotes4ys>ACTION puts on flight goggles and scarf and puts head down behind windshield
<coyotes4ys>so i need to specify an additional channel?
<coyotes4ys>is my .config/guix/channels.scm supposed to be completely blank starting out?
<coyotes4ys>oh i created it. hmm it wasn't supposed to be there already?
<dcunit3d>is there a way to get guile to ignore modules for a specific directory?
<mange>dcunit3d: What do you mean ignore modules? Guile will only load modules you actually ask it to (via use-modules and friends), right?
<dcunit3d>well from the search path. there's a lot of files i don't end up finishing, but if they're in my dotfiles directory, then i see a lot of warnings when i run guix commands
<dcunit3d>most aren't commited up. in some cases, i work in another directory or from an org file, then building with -L $channel path
<mange>Ah, okay. I imagine that's caused by Guix looking for package definitions. I don't think you can ignore things, but you might be able to get away with using -e on some options to define a specific variable you want (so Guix doesn't have to search).
<mange>Usually what I do is I have my channel in an incomplete state on disk, but push a working version to a git repo. I use the git repo as my channel for "guix pull", and -L when I'm working on the channel itself.
<mange>When I work on local package definitions, specifically, I use "guix build -f" to build from a file, so Guix doesn't try to load everything all the time.
<wakyct>coyotes4ys you always have the default Guix channel I believe, so you don't need to add one
<coyotes4ys>hmm, ok so how do i install gmrun which doesn't seem to be in guix?
<wakyct>you don't have to make a channel to write a package, it might be easier to not use one while you're hacking on one
<coyotes4ys>oh ok
<wakyct>then you don't have to pull etc. to update
<wakyct>you just 'guix build'
<wakyct>I think there's a hello package tutorial in the cookbook that will explain
<coyotes4ys>i hear you thx, looking at cookbook
<wakyct>but honestly it took me a few tries to even get to where I'm at now, which is not that far ;). But usually my workflow is create a directory, start writing a pkg definition, then use 'guix build --load-path=./ <name of pkg>'
<wakyct>if I'm hacking on an existing package I'll use 'guix shell -D <pkg>'
<coyotes4ys>man it's a lot to learn...............................
<wakyct>-D which installs development dependencies in that shell
<wakyct>yeah it is tbh
<wakyct>but that's the point right? ;)
<coyotes4ys>oh good to know about -D
<coyotes4ys>hmm the point is to learn, or are you saying the point is to have *a lot* to learn?
<coyotes4ys>i agree with the first one not the second. i don't really think u meant that hahaha
<wakyct>that's a good question, it might depend on how I'm feeling that day ;)
<apteryx>what's the idiomatic way to deprecate a field in a Guix define-record-type* record?
<coyotes4ys>well i hear u but i want as little as possible. i mean, i can see the fun in computing more too, with the right meaning/execution
<apteryx>I've seen sanitize + warn-about-deprecation, but most examples in code pas its location to #f, which seems suboptimal (no source location info in output warning)
<coyotes4ys>is this useful wakyct or anyone? trying to install gmrun
<hanker>does anyone know how to mark a field in a `define-configuration` as non-serializable?
<hanker>so far I'm using an ugly `filter` to smooch out the offending field, but that seems unwieldy
<apteryx>after the documentat6, you add empty-serializer, as explained in (info '(guix) Complex Configurations').
<mirai>apteryx: I too am interested in knowing how the source location thing works
<mirai>experimentally, anything other than #f doesn't seem to work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<apteryx>mirai: that warn-about-deprecation can only really be used as a helper to syntax, because source-properties are only available at compile time.
<apteryx>I do find strange that this one gets exported a public API
<apteryx>correction; not *only available at compile time*, more like they are produced at compilation time, and only available in code that was byte compiled
<apteryx>if you simply interpret something, syntax-source wil return #f IIRC
<apteryx>ah yes, and syntax-source only accept a syntax object at argument, which means inside a syntax definition (e.g. in a syntax-case)
<mirai>there's also the 'configuration-field-error' procedure which also accepts a loc parameter
<mirai>and is exported
<mirai>that one too befuddles me
<mirai>I've never got the loc to work on that one and the few examples of this procedures usage also set it to #f
<mra>quick question: when a package is added to the `packages` field in an `operating-system`, does it normally install the default output of the package, or all outputs?
<dariqq>mra: only the default output
<mra>ah, never mind. looks like it installs the default, and for another output i need to use (list package "output")?
<mra>dariqq: thanks
<mra>ah, i was looking at the wrong part of the documentation. it's not in 6.4, it's in 12.1
<dariqq>this has the benefit that your profile does not need huge amoutns of debug symbols, documentation, etc (if you build locally these can be garbage collected immediately or when using substitutes you dont need to download unwanted outputs) [grafting complicates this a bit though]
<mra>oh, i'm just building an installation image and didn't notice that the default output of the zfs package doesn't include the kernel module
<f1refly>when I run `guix shell handbrake` it puts HandBrakeCLI into my path, but isn't handbrake supposed to have a gui part as well? Is there a trick to getting that?
<f1refly>the package only shows `out: everything`, the default
<Rutherther>f1refly: the gui binary is called ghb
<adarcy>Hi, just tried to install guix in WSL2 : it failed with `./ line 165: sysv-init_REQUIRE[@]: invalid variable name`
<adarcy>Is it a known issue ? Thanks
<mra>adarcy: sounds like a missing dependency? searching "guix installation on wsl" yields, which may be helpful
<mra>there also seems to be this:
<dariqq>adarcy: found #71695
<peanuts>" REQUIRE check for SYSV_INIT_REQUIRE"
<mra>the mention of system v is weird. maybe an abi-related thing?
<adarcy>mra thanks. It looks like it's for the distro ? I only want the package manager :)
<adarcy>I'm on ubuntu 20, will try to upgrade to get the guix package in apt
<mra>oh, apologies. i didn't look closely enough
<adarcy>Any chance of 71695 being merged ? :)
<efraim>the kexec-load-file in tests/syscalls.scm fails on armhf on aarch64
<sneek>Welcome back efraim, you have 1 message!
<sneek>efraim, ekaitz says: to ping me when he's available for a short talk
<civodul>efraim: d’oh, i thought i tested it when fixing
<civodul>but i think we didn’t update the ‘guix’ package after this fix
<civodul>are you running the test from current ‘master’ or via the ‘guix’ package?
<efraim>I see where it says 401 in the linux sources
<efraim>uh, from the guix package, since I'm building an image for the novena
<civodul>efraim: could you try running it from the repo?
<civodul>i guess it’s gonna take you hours if you need to build the whole thing manually…
<rhuijzer>Hi! I need to run my python program with uses locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'nl_NL.UTF-8'). My system locale is en_US.utf8 because having a non english locale is a bit annoying with bug reports and stuff
<rhuijzer>Does somebody know which package to use in the manifest for nl_NL.UTF-8 ?
<rhuijzer>glibc-locales doesn't cut it, glibc-utf8-locales doesn't build
<Rutherther>rhuijzer: just add the locale to your operating-system locales field
<adarcy>Update: with ubuntu 22, I got the apt package for guix. Too bad the install fails though
<adarcy>Edit: actually, it does not work
<Rutherther>adarcy: you need to start the guix daemon. I would expect ubuntu package to provide it
<Rutherther>rereading my message, what I meant to say: I would expect ubuntu package to provide the guix-daemon.service for systemd. This then might have to be enabled manually
<rhuijzer>Rutherther: Oh that's simple, thanks again !
<cluelessguixer>screen@5.0.0 is a little weird, huh. Suddenly couldn't reattach a detached screen with the message "Attaching from inside of screen?" The funny thing is, the only way to solve it was to... attach from inside of a screen.
<adarcy>Rutherther good catch ! I had to enable systemd first
<adarcy>Is there a way to document it somewhere ?
<adarcy>It's an old version and I have to `guix pull` thats slooow
<Rutherther>adarcy: you definitely didn't have to enable systemd, that is your pid 1, the only thing you needed to enable/start is the service
<Rutherther>adarcy: the first pull is slower than the consequent ones
<Rutherther>although wait, previously you said you're in wsl, so I am mistaken, sorry for that
<adarcy>No worries. thanks
<civodul>looks like the GCD may well be adopted in a few hours
<civodul>the GCD process, i mean
<nckx>ACTION chills the champagne.
<podiki>mumi frontend not showing new patches from last week?
<podiki>side effect: makes it look like we are more caught up :)
<meaty>What's a good program in guix that lets me markup a pdf?
<ieure>podiki, It's been way behind for weeks, no idea what's up with it. It was stalled on 1/28 for a good while.
<meaty>I wish there were an easy way to filter out libraries, texlive packages, etc. and search only end-user applications
<ieure>Haven't been following the Codeberg discussion closely, but this is the sort of problem I hope it completely eliminates.
<podiki>with guix locate we should be able to build that, for instance sub server has all outputs and can search just e.g. in /bin
<andreas-e>meaty: To fill in pdf forms, I use xournal.
<eikcaz>meaty: by markup, do you just want the ability to add notes and highlight text? If so evince will do the job. If you want more than that, I second andreas-e's "xournal" reccomendation
<meaty>eikcaz: somebody emailed me a pdf of a form, and I want to fill it out without needing to go to the library to print and re-scan it
<meaty>I remember being able to do it on my mac using Preview
<eikcaz>evince will let you type in any fields if they are provided. xournal will let you write directly on it. Often you need both (fill fields with evince, then sign with xournal)
<podiki>our xournal is very old, seems it moved and is updated here Xournal
<podiki>or i guess a newer fork/continuation
<eikcaz>xournalpp has a more "modern" UI, but I still like xournal better. Also, last I checked the xournalpp package was broken
<podiki>oh we do have both
<simendsjo>I just updated guix, and building webkitgtk fails. Tried without grafts, but it still fails. Once it failed on tests, another time on compilation. I see several non-reproducible probles with the packages, but the open issues are years old: Anyone else encountering issues here?
<podiki>i think that one also takes lots of time/resources to build? currently there is a sub available so it does build (at least once)
<podiki>x86_64 at least
<simendsjo>Yes, it takes forever. It didn't download from the substitute for me though...
<podiki>might depend what commit you are on or if you have some local changes you are using
<podiki>you can see the hashes on that page, though sounds like you have a different one
<civodul>looks like Savannah went down (again) on Monday, and Cuirass (ci.guix) was stuck trying to fetch from it
<civodul>it’s back to life so we should see new evaluations at
<simendsjo>Yes, I have a different hash. I don't have anything which should modify webkitgtk though... q1pzfbkkxw6cq6n9bfig8zrgn20cmx9j is my hash
<coyotes4ys>why is torbrowser working fine for a minute or two then slowing down to a crawl or stop?
<podiki>civodul: what's the status of the ungrafting branch/job? lots of grafts currently
<coyotes4ys>i tried in #tor but no answer yet
<civodul>podiki: i had to suspend it altogether because a glibc graft was committed
<civodul>so now our next stop is ‘core-packages-team’ i guess :-/
<podiki>for just number of builds? or do you anticipate some issue with glibc etc. being ungrafted?
<gabber>coyotes4ys: we have torbrowser packaged?!
<coyotes4ys>yes when was the last time u pulled
<gabber>i pull regularly, but i do not check all possible packages every time (:
<gabber>last time i checked is probably a bunch of years ago
<gabber>let me check whether i can reproduce your described behaviour
<coyotes4ys>i didn't assume anything, was just asking
<gabber>my torbrowser works - websites look kinda ugly but it is running without issues for some minutes now
<coyotes4ys>well i am on obfs when it does what i said. when i tried snowflake i got into a loop with a dialogue box about "tor exited unexpectedly" or something like that, then i click restart tor in the dialogue box, then i click connect, then the dialogue box happens again
<podiki>there's a lot of factors for tor, i doubt it is something guix specific (or wouldn't be my first guess)
<coyotes4ys>also on obfs it sometimes works indefinitely
<podiki>oh, that might be more specific though
<coyotes4ys>i have a question out to #openbox so we'll see
<coyotes4ys>tthere are only 13 ppl in there rn and i waited a long time before i think, with no one responding
<coyotes4ys>it is on oftc network, it's listed in the openbox website
<mra>is it typical for emails to debbugs to take a long time to show up on i'm trying (possibly naively) to bring back #55231, but the emails/patches that i sent don't seem to have appeared
<peanuts>"[PATCH v1] initrd: Allow extra search paths with ?initrd-extra-module-paths?"