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<cow_2001>where's the more command?
<cow_2001>assumed it's in coreutils, but maybe it isn't?
<cow_2001>oh, it's in util-linux
<sepeth>cow_2001: for future, you can use `guix locate more`
<cow_2001>sepeth: thank you!
<fartwormer>Hey, i was wondering if any nushell users knew how to make it point to the right profile after a `guix pull`
<PuercoPop>With (serialize-configuration ...) I get a gexp back. How do I see the contents of the file the gexp evaluates to?
<Rutherther>PuercoPop you need to build it. You can use computer-file for that
<PuercoPop>Rutherther: I tried doing that but I still not sure how to see the file.
<PuercoPop>ej. (computed-file 'test-conf (serialize-configuration 'home-git-configration '()))
<PuercoPop>returns $9 = #<<computed-file> name: test-conf gexp: #<gexp gnu/services/configuration.scm:164:2 7fca8729cc30> guile: #f options: (#:local-build? #t)>
<PuercoPop>I don't see a /gnu/store path or anything like that
<PuercoPop>(that said, I am exiting that to evaluate to the empty file)
<Rutherther>You need to build it, so either guix build or ,build in repl (after use of (guix))
<PuercoPop>Rutherther: Thanks, so I ,build the return value of computed-file? That seems to succesfully complete after using a string instead of a symbol for the file name
<PuercoPop>but it doesn't return a store path
<Rutherther>It has to return the output path after it builds it
<PuercoPop>so if it doesn't return anything it means it didn't build anything?
<Rutherther>I dont know what you mean by "doesn't return anything"
<PuercoPop>There is nothing shown between the ,build (computed-file ...) and the new prompt
<vhns>Hi, how would I go about reading the documentation on this: ? I tried going through the info files in emacs, but I couldn't find it
<vhns>The oci-container-service-type, that is
<vhns>I just found it in the info pages under "(guix)Miscellaneous Services" -- oci-container-service-type", sorry
<vhns>Sorry for pestering so much, is this still the defacto way of runnin guix system containers as a service?
<junker>Hi guys. I'm trying to start KeepassXC in container without network, but when i start it i got error: "qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :1.0". But when add "--network" KeepassXC starts. How to fix this, some ideas?
<junker>starting this way: guix shell --container --no-cwd keepassxc --preserve='^XAUTHORITY$' --expose="${XAUTHORITY}" --preserve='^DISPLAY$' -- keepassxc
<qzdl>howdy guix
<Rutherther>junker are you connected locally to the machine - a screen connected to it is on the display?
<junker>Rutherther: locally,
<junker>this is simple desktop. another Xorg apps do not require "--network" option
<junker>i tried some other QT apps in container without "--network", they start normally.
<junker>qbittorent doesn't want to start without "--network" argument ether
<junker>same "qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :1.0" error
<olndrxyz>Hi, I have a problem with some X apps not displaying the correct cursor theme which I configure by adding `xsetroot -cursor_name Adwaita` to my .xinitrc/.xsession files. In my case it only displays an X for the apps that use the X config. The cursor theme is only applied when I use `left_ptr` instead of `Adwaita`. Is it the same for you? The xsetroot package is installed.
<Rutherther>olndrxyz are you sure you are on x and not wayland? For cursor path in gtk apps you can use config file of gtk and for gtk4 dconf,they dont respect config file anymore. Maybe those are gtk apps that do you have a problem in?
<olndrxyz>Rutherther: I'm using exwm
<olndrxyz>I'm already using the gtk config file, but other apps like urxvt read the X config.
<olndrxyz>If you are on X try to open zathura. The blank page should display the cursor that is configured in your .xinitrc or .xsession (an X icon if no cursor theme is defined). This is what happens in my case. When I open a pdf instead, the Adwaita cursor theme is displayed correctly.
<Kabouik>Can anyone give me a hint of what is causing these "undefined reference to `crypt' errors here? The same package used to build just fine for years, I haven't changed it (not even the tarball or hash), so maybe it's related to one of its deps in Guix?
<Kabouik>I can't find anything saslauthd related in Guix search
<z572>Kabouik: i think need libxcrypt.
<krascovict>Hello everyone, I suggest putting the Java version of I2P in the i2p.scm
<krascovict>later I continue to translate to pt-BR
<janneke>Error resolving "strverscmp": "guile: undefined symbol: strverscmp" -- rings any bell?
<civodul>janneke: hey! that’s (guix utils) trying to ‘dlsym’ strverscmp from, right?
<civodul>it should be there
<civodul>unless that’s a static build of Guile, for instance
<janneke>civodul: ah thanks
<janneke>i'm running ./pre-inst-env guix system image -t iso9660 gnu/system/install.scm
<janneke>possibly rm guile?
<civodul>ah yes, could be
<janneke>ACTION is still puzzled
<janneke>hmm, this just works:
<janneke>./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (guix utils)) (pk version-compare)'
<janneke>so it's probably a problem with my patches...let's bisect then
<old>anyway to have clang++ and g++ working in the same profile? I have no problem with C, but in C++, clang tries to use compiler header from GCC, resulting in compile time error
<dariqq>Hi civodul: regarding the setuid/setgid thing from last week i have sent a patch #73767 to change the default order of the services (and thus the order in the final activation-service). Not really happy with it because it is dependant on the current implementation of fold-services and not something the graph encodes but idk if this can be done easily
<peanuts>"[PATCH] gnu: system: Privilege programs after creating accounts."
<civodul>old: i’m afraid not, see and
<civodul>dariqq: cool; perhaps that’s the best we can do so far
<civodul>would be nice to have a test, maybe added to the “basic” test in (gnu tests base)
<old>civodul: meh :(
<civodul>maybe not definitive though, dunno
<Rutherther>civodul: what assumptions does it break?
<civodul>Rutherther: clang + gcc? i forgot the details, i think it’s some confusion about which headers to use etc.
<Kabouik>Thank you so much z572, that was it! Just to be curious, how did you know? Am I missing a command that can help finding package names?
<dariqq>civodul: I havent worked with srfi-64 yet. Might have some time to look into it over the weekend. I guess it is enough to verify the order in the activation-service-type or should it also check the created priviledged binaries?
<peanuts>"SRFI 64: A Scheme API for test suites"
<civodul>dariqq: yes, if you look at ‘run-basic-test’, you would add a test that checks that the relevant binaries exist and have the right permissions, or something like that
<civodul>(make sure the test actually fails when the fix is not present)
<civodul>janneke: BTW, there’s still this bug i wanted to fix that prevents us from using childhurds right now:
<dariqq>I think that will be the easiest because either the binary will not exist (setgid) or it will hit the repl during boot because an exception (setuid). Will look into it :)
<z572>Kabouik: See , search "libcrypt is no longer built by default", and you can use "guix locate" to search it.
<Kabouik>I didn't know about guix locate, nice.
<childebert>Bonjour à tous ! Ça fait 2 semaines au moins que j'ai envoyer un message est encore hier sur le bug rtags à cause de la dépendance rct qui refuse de compiler.
<janneke>civodul: okay, thanks for the heads-up
<janneke>ACTION is taking a stab at having the installer cater for the hurd...
<janneke>yeah, reading my draft blog post made my think again `how hard could it be' :)
<civodul>the other day i thought: how hard could it be to add the x86_64-pc-gnu cross-compilation target?
<civodul>turns out we’d need to use a newer GCC for that
<janneke>hehe, oh wow; you'd think that gcc-3.4 could cross compile to x86_64
<ieure>Reminds me of an old boss of mine. We spent some time with him and his parents (who were in their 70s), and at one point, they sarcastically remarked "How hard can it be?" So I got the story of how he entered an elementary school talent show to play piano. He didn't know how to play piano, but told his folks "how hard can it be?"
<ieure>Still getting dragged for that in middle age. Incredible.
<luca>Hi, does anyone know how I can get bluez/bluetooth to work on guix system? Assuming I have the right drivers `bluetoothctl scan on` tells me `SetDiscoveryFilter failed: org.bluez.Error.NotReady`
<Rutherther>luca: do you have the bluetooth service type in your system services?
<luca>Yep, just `(service bluetooth-service-type)`
<Rutherther>have you also tried power on first or checking rfkill?
<Rutherther>if yes, maybe also try restarting the bluetooth service. I don't really think there should be more to setup
<luca>I have tried a restart and rfkill says it's unblocked (both bluetooth hci0 and bluetooth tpacpi_bluetooth_sw, not that I know what thsoe are)
<Rutherther>and the power on command?
<luca>oh that worked! I thought you meant a PC restart haha. Thanks!
<rynn>I have both my theme.el and theme-theme.el sitting in ~/emacs.d/, but emacs is still complaining that it can't load the theme. Anyone know where to start fixing this?
<ieure>rynn, Is ~/emacs.d present in the load-path variable inside Emacs?
<ieure>(do you mean ~/.emacs.d ?)
<rynn>ieure: I meant ~/.emacs.d, yes
<rynn>As for the load-path variables, as far as I can tell it seems to mainly put to the gnu store emacs location, but when I put the themes in .emacs.d and they show up under customize-themes
<hwpplayer1>hello, I want to get started and get involved hacking GNU Guix. I am able to read docs, I am a GNU Emacs user also. What should I focus on first ?
<ieure>hwpplayer1, Do you have Guix System installed?
<hwpplayer1>I don't
<hwpplayer1>I tried to install 1.4.0
<hwpplayer1>but I failed
<hwpplayer1>I need to read some source code maybe that will help
<ieure>hwpplayer1, Start there.
<hwpplayer1>Now I need to sleep Talk to you later / tomorrow Thanks ieure !
<ieure>Installing it, that is.
<krascovict>I'm back... now I'll continue translating into Portuguese