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<apteryx>ieure: whenever I upload pictures to some sites such as ebay/facebook, the pictures get garbled (mostly as a uniform color). Have you experimented that?
<apteryx>using librewolf
<wolfdog>i'm pretty sure that's because those websites can't access the canvas data
<wolfdog>i've seen it in websites like instagram, soundcloud
<wolfdog>and allowing access to canvas data fixed it.
<huguix>hello guixers. I wonder if anyone has any clue why modprobe wouldn't be picking up my conf file from /etc/modprobe.d? :)
<huguix>~> cat /etc/modprobe.d/70-rtw89.conf
<huguix>options rtw89_pci disable_clkreq=y disable_aspm_l1=y disable_aspm_l1ss=y
<huguix>options rtw89_core disable_ps_mode=y
<huguix>~> sudo -E modprobe -v rtw89_8852be
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/lib/crypto/libarc4.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/rtw89_core.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/rtw89_pci.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/rtw89_8852b.ko.zst
<apteryx>wolfdog: thanks, there's even a convenient button left of the URL bar to enable it per site
<wolfdog>youre welcome :-)
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/lib/crypto/libarc4.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko.zst
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/rtw89_core.ko.zst disable_ps_mode=y
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/rtw89_pci.ko.zst disable_clkreq=y disable_aspm_l1=y disable_aspm_l1ss=y
<huguix>insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/6.9.6/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/rtw89_8852b.ko.zst
<wolfdog>please use a pastebin
<wolfdog>you might want to use the kernel module loader service ( to setup the kernel modules you want to configure, i'm not sure guix uses any files at /etc/modprobe.d for configuring that
<wolfdog>wait, nevermind
<wolfdog>misread what you were trying to do-
<huguix>yeah the example there puts a file in /etc/modprobe.d
<wolfdog>ACTION nods
<huguix>I followed the example as my template:
<wolfdog>maybe add the respective options in your kernel arguments?
<wolfdog>other than that i'm not sure how else would you be able to do it if etc/modprobe.d files don't do it
<huguix>yeah that does indeed work
<huguix>but I wanted to learn how (if possible) to do it via a conf file too
<huguix>it's a bit mysterious to me that following the example from the manual doesn't work in this case
<wolfdog>yeah, it's definitely odd. searching around has led me to some records of the same experience
<huguix>oh, can you share a link? :)
<huguix>btw hardwiring a symlink to the conf file in /usr/local/lib/modprobe.d also works, but I guess I don't know how to make that happen from my operating-system declaration
<huguix>(I'm not a very good guixer)
<adanska>god i ***** hate cmake
<adanska>trying to work around `find_packages` nonsense coupled with linking boost components is just a nightmare
<adanska>im trying to package Sourcetrail because i thought it would be fun to have but it turns out its just a nightmare
<adanska>conan nonsense and config.cmake files missing
<adanska>what a farce
<adanska>id rather eat gravel tbh
<interesteduser>Hi, I am considering to switch to guix. I am fairly security minded without being an expert. How would you compare the security of guix compared to other distros? In terms of speed of patching vulnerabilities and builtin features? Also, has sheperd any security advantages/disadvantages compared to systemd?
<jaft``>interesteduser: It's from a year ago but I expect remains just as accurate (I, likewise, am not an expert, though (including at Guix), so someone else may correct me).
<futurile>jaft``: I don't think that links is "accurate" at all honestly. There's no nuance or understanding from the asker. Running guix lint on your installation and then deciding if the issues that are found are important is the right anser is you ask me.
<futurile>jaft``: not that I think we couldn't do more on security. It's actually where I think there's a conflict between the idea of "as many packages as possible" versus "packages kept up to date and securely. For a small distribution, the total number of active contributors is a real limiting factor.
<jaft``>futurile: which is totally fair; I always forget about ~guix lint~ (which is why I definitely wanted to mention there could be things I was missing or unaware of). Thanks for point it out!
<pabs3>does guix have any tools for checking if a source tree has any files or data in files that are definitely not the preferred form for modification?
<pabs3>(or even just non-ideal forms, like formats that aren't the native format of a libre program, or don't have an open standard)
<futurile>pabs3: don't think so - general expectation is that the packager will inspect the source (at the very least to assure the licenses)
<pabs3>yeah, but its a lot of work and you can still miss something, like a hex blob in the middle of a C file
<pabs3>a tool could be useful to catch the easy stuff and to prioritise fixing the known stuff before doing the full audit
<apteryx>anyone successfully transfering pictures from a Canon EOS or similar digital camera?
<apteryx>I tried gphoto2 but it says no device detected
<apteryx>perhaps I need udev files from the package or similar
<apteryx>hm, there are non, outside lib/udev/check-ptp-camera from libgphoto2
<janneke>on an older laptop (last reconfigured sept 2023) the shepherd runs at 100%, and i cannot login over ssh, is that a known issue?
<janneke>ACTION goes to pull and reconfigure first
<janneke>juggling multiple laptops :)
<nikolar>ieure: i am not sure about the cpu pegging, but if the clocks change while shepherd is running, it can get stuck
<nikolar>because the underlaying library is using the wall clock to schedule stuff
<nikolar>so if the time changes underneath, it just gets stuck
<janneke>nikolar: that could be it; the hardware clock was waay off
<nikolar>no problem
<apteryx>oh, the trick to get that Canon EOS m50m2 camera detected was to plug it *first*, then turn on
<apteryx>now 'gphoto2 --auto-detect' lists it
<apteryx>oh, and then there is 'gphotofs', a "FUSE file system module to mount your camera as a file system"
<thanosapollo>newbie guix user, just sent a patch adding & updating a couple emacs packages any input appreciated if I made a mistake
<thanosapollo>a couple patches* I make too many typos today lol
<futurile>thanosapollo: there's an emacs team isn't there? - make sure you cc'd them on the patch
<thanosapollo>oh, didn't know about it, thanks futurile
<futurile>thanosapollo: it doesn't always work - but it's often a good way to get some attention -
<Harzilein>interesting :)
<Harzilein>i'm no guix user, but reading guix guile team messages should be interesting for everyone as much as w/ the emacs one
<graywolf>How can I write a package that has access to a ssl certificates? I tried propagated inputs, but that does not seem to work in a shepherd service (probably the environment is not sourced). What is the common approach? #:environment-variables and set SSL_CERT_DIR? wrap-program to make the program self-contained? So other way?
<Harzilein>my first contact with guix people in a guile channel wasn't very nice, because i happened to ask about guile package managers (like guildhall)
<Harzilein>(i think that happened to never take off anyway)
<bnes>The manual recommends not installing all packages in the base, and also installing as a user. how to determine which packages to add to the system. and whether it is worth it if I want to use guix on my home pc
<ngz>thanosapollo: I have a couple of comments to make on your patches if you want.
<thanosapollo>ngz: sure, any input appreciated
<ngz>The first one is (almost ;) perfect. It just needs a final full stop at the end of the first line in the commit message.
<theesm>thanosapollo, guix ships a gitconfig (./etc/git/gitconfig) in its repository you can use via =git config --local include.path ../etc/git/gitconfig= that would (among other useful things), if you use send-email, set the appropriate team to CC automagically for the respective patch you want to send
<ngz>thanosapollo: In the second one, you need to order inputs alphabetically. Also, the description should consist of complete sentences. It cannot start with "Spaced repetition…".
<ngz>(there's also the missing full stop, but…)
<ngz>In the third one, you also need to bump revision binding (and set it to "1"). I suggest to fix the commit message, too. For example gnu: emacs-jabber: Update to 0.8.92-1-af0315e.
<ngz>I think that's it.
<thanosapollo>Nice! Thanks theesm ngz I will make adjustments and resent the patches on the thread
<ngz>thanosapollo: BTW, I suggest to use mumi to send patches. It's a nice tool, and it will take care of CC'ing the right team.
<thanosapollo>mumi? Is that in emacs? Currently I'm using mu4e and was about to add the team as CC
<thanosapollo>Hmmm I guess j need to revisit the email patches workflow
<ngz>no, it's a CLI tool. You can call it from Emacs, but there's no dedicated interface for it (yet?).
<ngz>Basically, you prepare the patches with Magit, or directly with git, then mumi new ; mumi send-email *.patch
<thanosapollo>Nice, I will be trying this out, might be easy enough to make an emacs interface for it as well
<ngz>You will find more info at (info "(guix)Debbugs User Interfaces").
<janneke>i need to set GDK_SCALE=2 for a user's gnome desktop; how/where do i do that?
<sarg>home-environment-variables-service-type ?
<sarg>or you want it specifically for gnome?
<janneke>hmm, the user doesn't use home-environment
<janneke>ACTION tried in ~/.profile ....
<janneke>and gnome-tweaks crashes... oh my
<janneke>it would make sense to set it in gdm?
<janneke>not sure if it can be done declaratively, but there's "gsettings"...what a mess
<ieure>gsettings: "What if we brought the Windows Registry to Linux?"
<ieure>Big brain move.
<dlowe>they did it twice with dconf
<brandhout>We've got dconf
<Franciman>hey, is there any tool i can use to send files over LAN from one pc to another?
<Altadil>Franciman: it’s probably overkill for this, but I use syncthing for this use case.
<apteryx>does using FUSE modules in an environment (with nautilus) supposed to work?
<apteryx>is using*
<Franciman>apteryx: hmm we have it in the repos?
<apteryx>Franciman: I seem to recall netcat could do this via a TCP socket or similar
<apteryx>if you're looking for a command line utility
<Franciman>yeah i'm looking for something very simple
<janneke>arg, and it's using wayland now; so my xinput settings to enable the touchpad don't work
<Franciman>netcat looks ENGORGO
<attila_lendvai>a simple leaf package update for a conservative comitter:
<sarg>took me a while to write a function which would take a service with a shepherd-root-service-type extension and disable auto-start for it. Is it idiomatic scheme code or there is a better / more elegant way?
<Deltafire> Franciman: rsync
<dlowe>My first thought is rsync
<brandhout>Rsync is a great option if you have to install something anyway.
<Franciman>does rsync require a server to listen?
<ieure>No, you can use it over SSH.
<Franciman>oh, ok, thanks ppl!
<Franciman>i tried with netcat and it kinda worked
<Franciman>except it corrpted my zip file lol
<ieure>Franciman, The stupidest thing that can possibly work to move files between *nix boxen with zero additional software is to use tar and pipe it across a ssh session.
<ieure>Franciman, ex: `tar czf - whatever-you-want-to-send | ssh user@remote-host tar -xzvf -'
<Franciman>oh nice
<ieure>On the remote side, you can use `tar -C /some/destination/directory' if you don't want it in $HOME.
<ieure>So: `tar czf - whatever-you-want-to-send | ssh user@remote-host tar -C /tmp -xzvf -'
<ieure>Or whatever.
<ieure>The way ssh (and rsh before it) can get shimmed into a command pipeline is a pretty good unix feature.
<Franciman>damn cool, i didn't know i could do this
<ieure>If it's one file, scp is the simplest.
<ieure>If you want to send multiple, tar piped over SSH is an elegant solution.
<ieure>I'm not sure it's *simple*, exactly, but it is elegant. :)
<Franciman>netcat was also very elegant
<Franciman>but it corrupted my file, no idea why
<ieure>Don't like netcat for that, you have to run commands directly on two machines. Log into the remote end `nc -l -p 1234 > file', then `nc remotehost 1234 < file' on the local. scp or tar-over-ssh does it from one.
<ieure>Listener terminates after one go, so you have to restart it if you mess up the other end... have to care whether that port is open... yech. SSH is much better.
<ieure>I am a creature of laziness.
<elevenkb>Hi there everyone, I want to package lean4 and I have a first draft going.
<elevenkb>The trouble is that there's stuff like this in the build files:
<elevenkb>`SHELL = /usr/bin/env bash -euo pipefail'
<elevenkb>The problem is that /usr/bin/env doesn't exist and this is not a shebang so patch-source-shebangs doesn't substitute it.
<elevenkb>What to do?
<ieure>elevenkb, Use the (substitute* ) procedure.
<elevenkb>@ieure: I eventually want to merge the package upstream.
<elevenkb>is it okay to just substitute "" in for "/usr/bin/env".
<elevenkb>patch-source-shebangs does something more sophisticated.
<elevenkb>Alright, I see a pattern in the guix source that I shall use.
<elevenkb>Thanks ieure.
<ieure>elevenkb, You'll need to replace "/usr/bin/env bash" with the path to bash, taken from the package's native-inputs. Dig around in the package defs, there's lots of prior art.