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<ss2>have you checked in a new shell?
<florhizome[m]><podiki[m]> "sneek: later tell karrq are..." <- Should one be running these commands from a .pre-inst-env? :O
<florhizome[m]>btw is the crate importer working for y’all?
<Kolev>There is no mention of readymedia in Networking Services.
<Kolev>I guess I could run “readymedia“ in a terminal while I stream, then ^C when I‘m done. 😈️
<Kolev>Not much help in “minidlnad --help“. 😞️
<Zambyte>Hi, I'm trying to test a system definition that I created for my PC using a VM first. I have some mount points such as the swap and root which reference the UUIDs of real devices. If I use `guix system vm`, how will these UUIDs be treated? Will the real devices be passed to the VM? Should I somehow check if the config is being built as a VM using Guile, and only use the UUIDs if it is targeting a real disk?
<Zambyte>Here is what I am doing so far for reference
<podiki[m]>florhizome: I believe so, you can't operate on your current guix in the store (read only) so you need to do it in the checkout environment
<podiki[m]>you can do guix edit package to see the current version in the store, but won't be able to actually change it
<florhizome[m]>I never read that anywhere —- that you need to run guix style in a ./pre-inst-env
<florhizome[m]>it kinda makes sense but also, not
<florhizome[m]>why wouldn’t guix check if it’s in such an env instead of running against a wall?
<podiki[m]>I'm not sure for each command, but most you only need read access right? like guix lint
<podiki[m]>guix refresh -u being a key exception
<podiki[m]>maybe something to note in the manual then? (perhaps it is assumed that someone running these is familiar already with the whole guix git checkout setting?)
<florhizome[m]>Well at least someone who doesn’t run a local branch or just some packages in guix_package_path
<florhizome[m]>btw a problem anyways: why can’t I just run guix lint or style at some file?
<florhizome[m]>that doesn’t have a substitute
<podiki[m]>I'm not sure, maybe you need to use -L (guild load path)?
<podiki[m]>and yes you are right that you can use those commands on another channel or package path, not just for guix proper
<ss2>sneek: later tell lfam I may have found a solution to the module failures in Samba. I hope to post a patch soon.
<sneek>Will do.
<ss2>sneek: botsnack
<vagrantc>$ guix hash -rx .
<vagrantc>guix hash: warning: '--recursive' is deprecated, use '--serializer' instead
<vagrantc>sneek: later tell efraim any reason to not merge the wip-riscv patches for opensbi and u-boot into master?
<sneek>Got it.
<vagrantc>sneek: thanks
<vagrantc>hrm. that last guix lint fix fixed one thing and broke another. hrm.
*vagrantc fixes...
***hollowman6 is now known as hollowman
<opalvaults[m]>Do I need to do a use-modules (gnu packages $PACKAGE for every single package I want guix home to install for me??
<opalvaults[m]>Is there a catch all? ;p
<drakonis>$PACKAGE is actually the name of the file containing the package declarations
<drakonis>so if you're pulling from lots of modules, it'll look crowded
<opalvaults[m]>there's no way around that is there?
<opalvaults[m]>I figured I'd have Guix Home manage all my packages from now on and just add them to the list when I feel like it
<opalvaults[m]> -- would rather not have to do this kind of thing
<vagrantc>ok, from ~700 guix lint synopsis & description issues down to ~550 in a couple days ... :)
<vagrantc>... 704 to 539, actually :)
<opalvaults[m]>hmm, maybe I can just define modules outside of the guix-home main .scm file that have a definition containing all the packages I want and pull them in that way? Keeps the clutter out?
*vagrantc waves
<drakonis>opalvaults[m]: there's a macro for that
<drakonis>use-packages-module i think?
<drakonis>you probably have it on your system config
<efraim>sneek: I didn't merge the riscv openbsi patches yet because I hadn't tested them well yet. They seemed good to me though :)
<sneek>efraim, you have 1 message!
<sneek>efraim, vagrantc says: any reason to not merge the wip-riscv patches for opensbi and u-boot into master?
<efraim>sneek: botsnack
***hollowman6 is now known as hollowman
<opalvaults[m]>can I feed (gnu packages) a list of modules?
<opalvaults[m]>instead of independent declarations for each one. feels a bit redundant
<attila_lendvai>i tried to install guix on an unencrypted partition, with EFI, and i can't reach grub. it's probably a firmware bug, it's a 10 years old Dell laptop. when i try to select the file from the EFI partition, then the fw hangs. any idea why? next round i'll try to reformat the EFI partition before install.
<attila_lendvai>it had a relatively recent fw update, though, but the hang remained afterwards.
<opalvaults[m]>attila_lendvai: that's a known bug i think
<opalvaults[m]>i've run into that issue as well and I had to reformat the EFI partition to get it working myself
<opalvaults[m]>Unsure what the problem is though :\
<rekado_>opalvaults[m]: (gnu packages) is a module name, not a procedure that you could feed any values
<clemens3>i mean, what is the guix man page, "Run COMMAND with ARGS, if given."
<clemens3>so i guess i know as much as before
<attila_lendvai>opalvaults[m], FTR, it boots fine after reformatting the EFI partition (to fat32).
<rekado_>clemens3: I’m missing context here, so I don’t understand what you mean. Guix comes with a comprehensive info manual. Try ‘info guix’.
<clemens3>so then why have a man page if it doesn't even say what guix as a command means
<rekado_>clemens3: I’m not following. COMMAND is explained below.
<xd1le>it's like git, the subcommand gives meaning
<clemens3>i am running guix system and want to bootstrap/build guix from git.. and it says as described.. in the html manual under installing from git, i don't have PGK_CHECK_MODULES set..
<clemens3>but all i did is install autoconf via guix install
<clemens3>or the envrionment, not sure
<Nazar>Hello, how i can get home user path ? (getenv HOME) returns this -> /homeless-shelter/
<pinoaffe>hi guix! I'm using the certbot service, and I added a new certificate specification, how can I get it to (attempt to) authenticate this cert?
<pinoaffe>the last entry in the letsencrypt logs is from quarter past twelve this night (when certbot checked the certificates that existed at that point), I've tried a couple of things such as changing the name of the certificate-configuration, temporarily removing and adding the service, etc, but so far, I haven't managed to get certbot to do anything
<pinoaffe>not even a reboot did the trick :(
<clemens3>xd1le: in man git it gives a sentence what git is about and then points to the tutorial, not bad i would say..
<clemens3>the git guix bootstrap worked fine on normal installation.. just not on guix system..
<phodina[m]>Hi,... (full message at
<unmatched-paren>hello guix!
<phodina[m]>* Hi,... (full message at
<gnoo>phodina[m]: it's working for me
<gnoo>anyway, friendshp ended with Xorg. Wayland(sway) is my new best friend
<phodina[m]>gnoo: Thanks. I tried... (full message at
<gnoo>yes, check your clock
<phodina[m]>Fri Dec 12:52:57 CET 2021
<phodina[m]>nss-certs and openssl are installed
<phodina[m]>Ok, so the problem is my ISP - doing some weird stuff. It works when I use different network - mobile hotspot
<ouestbillie>hey just did a fresh install from source with --prefix=$HOME/.local, now when I do guix install <package> it says "failed to connect to ${HOME}/.local/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket"
<ouestbillie>did I mess up my install or theres something to start the service I havent done maybe?
<jpoiret>ouestbillie: you need to start the guix daemon service yourself (since you're installing from source)
<jpoiret>i'm not sure which profile is set up by default, but you should explore the profiles in .local/var/guix/profiles/, there should be one with bin/guix-daemon
<florhizome[m]>hello, all, hello unmatched_paren :)
<florhizome[m]>I refactored/cleaned up the wayfire recipe. It should land on guixrus the next week :)
<SeerLite[m]>Hi! I'm a bit confused, shouldn't guix shell <python-package> (without --pure) expose the package and its modules to Python running under that shell? It only does that for me if I use --pure. Is that how it should work? If so, why? Or do I maybe have something mis-configured that's causing it to not work without --pure?
<SeerLite[m]>Same thing with guix install btw, I expected it to expose the Python package in my profile but it looks like it doesn't work either
<ouestbillie>jpoiret: is there a systemd unit that comes with ?
<florhizome[m]>what’s up with the substitutes... building qtbase locally rn :O
<Brandong[m]>When doing a manifest specification (as-in, `(specifications->manifest ...)` ), is there any way to say you want the package at a particular commit? I know you can say "package@1.1" or something when it's a version, but @<commit hash> is not valid.
<jpoiret>there should be one inside the source tree, but i'm not sure there is one in the installed prefix. You can look at etc/guix-daemon.service inside the source tree.
<jpoiret>Brandong[m]: you can, using package transformations
<jpoiret>you should look into package-input-rewriting defined in (guix packages)
<Brandong[m]>doing `guix package -i package --with-commit=package=<hash>` definitely works, but with the `specifications->manifest` form it didn't accept it. But my syntax was probably wrong
<jpoiret>oh, but if it's only a leaf of your manifest (ie a package you want installed, not a dependency of some other package), you can just use a modified package record directly
<Brandong[m]>jpoiret: thanks :) I'll check there
<jpoiret>you'd need to separate "specification-s>manifest" into "specification->package" and "packages->manifest"
<jpoiret>that's what i'd recommend in any case, that's the only way you're going to be able to manipulate your package list via guile properly
<jpoiret>in the end, that's just how package transformations are implemented, they just (inherit ) the package you want and change the version
<morgan>Hey so I just found out that guix can't build guile from its repo. Turns out the release tar doesn't have the file and does have the file configure, unlike the git repo. I think this means we're building it using generated files which isn't ideal.
<Brandong[m]>Ah yes, it looks like for my purpose I should probably define my own `specifications->manifest` function that can compose the specifications. My use-case is a little weird (I'm tangling a bunch of codeblocks in org mode and just spitting them into the middle of a (specifications->manifest (list ...)) and this is the first package I've hit where I wanted a transformation.) But that function composes with `specification->package+output` which
<Brandong[m]>doesn't understand any transformation syntax. It make sense now, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. :)
<ouestbillie>jpoiret: found it thanks, just dropped it in /etc/systemd/system enabled and started, still same error though
<jpoiret>is there a --listen= parameter in the service definition?
<jpoiret>if not you'll need to add it along with the proper socket location
<ouestbillie>no and it s trying to look in .local/var for the bin but the local install from source didnt put anything in there
<ouestbillie>backtracking to bin install I guess
<jpoiret>tbh, I think you're pretty doomed installing guix anywhere other than at /
<jpoiret>as an example, not having /gnu/store as your store dir means that you will be unable to use substitutes
<florhizome[m]>how do I write the source part for some package I modified on a local git checkou?
<florhizome[m]>url-fetch or git-fetch, and how to write the uri?
<the_tubular>I'm getting : no code for module (guix-package) while trying to guix system reconfigure
<jpoiret>it should be (guix packages) iirc
<jpoiret>is there something like (use-modules (guix-package)) somewhere in your config?
<the_tubular>Ha damn, thanks
<the_tubular>Yeah, there is
<gnoo>which documentation node talks about creating your own service type?
<gnoo>i finally got rid of elogind and my login issue is gone!
<jpoiret>florhizome[m]: git-fetch with a "file:///the/path/to/the/thing/" should work iirc
<jpoiret>gnoo: have you opened a bug report about that issue? Even if you'd rather not use elogind in the end, this is something that can be improved on for other users?
<the_tubular>jpoiret, same error : no code for module (guix-packages)
<jpoiret>could you post a paste to your configuration?
<jpoiret>redacting everything you'd like of course
<gnoo>there is already a similar bug report that nckx pointed out. mine was slightly different but it's probably very related
<gnoo>also i'm now using wayland because startx breaks everything
<jpoiret>oh, alright. It's *that* bug 🙁
<the_tubular>jpoiret :
<jpoiret>do you mean, GDM under wayland with a wayland session?
<gnoo>now, just wayland with sway
<gnoo>removed gdm as well
<gnoo>so now i need to make a my-seatd-service-type to start seatd. you gave me a link but that has much more than what i want
<jpoiret>the_tubular: it should be (guix packages), not (guix-packages)
<the_tubular>Damn it lol
<the_tubular>Any other mistakes in there ?
<florhizome[m]>I tried switching back to gdm once tbh and then just left it since cuf
<the_tubular>Is it the same for guix-profiles ?
<jpoiret>gnoo: do you not want greetd as well?
<gnoo>agetty is working and i want to start small :)
<gnoo>so no, not greetd, just seatd
<jpoiret>but you can simply selectively apply the patches you want, you should be able to add only the seatd service from the patch files
<jpoiret>otherwise, you can take a look at "Defining Services" in the manual
<gnoo>well, i can only view the patches from mobile as this machine does not have greetd yet :P
<gnoo>thanks! i'll look at the manual
<jpoiret>although I find the examples throughout gnu/services/ to be much more instructive
<jpoiret>one thing to remember, a service in Guix is not like a service in other distros, you have to think of it more like a node in a dependency graph of "components"
<jpoiret>and these components can each extend other components
<jpoiret>one such extension could be extending the shepherd component with an additional shepherd service (which this time is the classical definition of service)
<jpoiret>but other extensions can be: "here put this file in /etc", or "run this code when reconfiguring", or "here's an additional udev rule", etc...
<gnoo>yeah, i want to put some udev rules as well to control brightness. that'll be useful
<gnoo>so, i'll have to extend the basic service type which is a shepherd-root-service-type?
<jpoiret>well, i wouldn't consider that the basic service type (it's just a service type among many others)
<jpoiret>but yes
<jpoiret>as well as udev-service-type
<jpoiret>but for the udev rules, there are already some helpers in place
<jpoiret>see udev-rules-service in the manual
<gnoo>is the (name 'program) the name of the program which will be invoked or is it something else?
<jpoiret>it can be anything you want, and should describe the "Guix service" (not necessarily the shepherd service)
<gnoo>because in the example, it is never said which executable is called
<gnoo>(in "service types and services" node)
<the_tubular>I get this now : error: module (gnu services my-variables) not found
<the_tubular>I've defined it in a file in the same directory as my other file
<florhizome[m]>did you say (define-module (gnu services my-variables)
<florhizome[m]>...) there, too?
<the_tubular>Is there anything else I need to do ?
<florhizome[m]>jpoiret: url-fetch works, but git-fetch gives me invalid field specifier... (full message at
<jpoiret>which specifier is invalid?
<florhizome[m]>git reference
<florhizome[m]>I‘m not sure it takes file:/// tbh, it’s not described in man, whereas it is for url–fetch
<florhizome[m]>how would I use git fetch to fetch from a file:/// url?
<florhizome[m]>Just trying this on the cli
<florhizome[m]>it tells me my directory is not a git repo
<opalvaults[m]>Trying to extend my Guix home setup. Upon using guix home reconfigure I'm getting: "error: guile: unbound variable
<opalvaults[m]>hint: Did you forget a `use-modules' form?" but I have (gnu packages guile) in my use-modules list. Is there something else it wants?
<jpoiret>i haven't looked into that but the issue might be that we don't use the git command line but rather the libgit2 bindings, so there might be some shenanigans there.
<florhizome[m]>no it doesn’t work from the command line either ;)
<gnoo>is this enough for a barebones seatd service?
<jpoiret>opalvaults[m]: are you sure there's a guile variable in that module?
<jpoiret>it might be that the guiles are named differently
<the_tubular>jpoiret any tip for my other module problem ?
<opalvaults[m]>jpoiret: location shows it to be gnu/packages/guile.scm
<opalvaults[m]>for the package guile
<opalvaults[m]>if that's what you mean
<opalvaults[m]>but let me check
<florhizome[m]>Well I could generate a patch from my branch and just work against upstream
<jpoiret>ah, sorry, I didn't see that. You may want to read how modules are searched in guile. You'd have to put the file defining (gnu services my-variables) in gnu/services/my-variables.scm somewhere in the load path iirc
<jpoiret>opalvaults[m]: note that package names =/= variable names
<florhizome[m]>i guess I will have a look at the source...
<opalvaults[m]>jpoiret: okay cool, thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)
<jpoiret>if you look in the scheme file, you'll see that there isn't a guile variable, only guile-3.0, guile-2.0, etc...
<florhizome[m]>how would I get the whole parchset from the seatd/greetd thread we are talking about btw?
<opalvaults[m]>jpoiret: gotcha
<jpoiret>florhizome[m]: use
<the_tubular>jpoiret I'm confused, /gnu/services doesn't seem to exist
<opalvaults[m]>jpoiret: awesome, I just needed to change guile -> guile-3.0. a bit confusing since if you default install guile it pulls 3.0
<opalvaults[m]>but maybe the modules work differently than say, (use-modules (gnu packages guile))
<opalvaults[m]>err, I mean guix install guile**
<opalvaults[m]>need more caffeine
<opalvaults[m]>thanks for the help!
<jpoiret>yes, when you do `guix package -i name`, you installed the package named `name`, not the package pointed to by the variable `name`
<jpoiret>so you can have multiple variables binding to multiple packages with all the same name, and a different version (guile for example)
<jpoiret>then, when you `guix package -i name`, you always install the latest available version, unless you specify otherwise
<jpoiret>and in code, you'd have to chose the proper variable name
<opalvaults[m]>okay so when you are declaring them in home-environment...package (list..guile) you're referring to the variable name with version attached
<opalvaults[m]>not the package name
<opalvaults[m]>that makes sense to me
<opalvaults[m]>learned something new :D
<potatoalienof13>does guix generally keep multiple versions of packages in the repositories?
<opalvaults[m]>potatoalienof13: I think it depends on the package.
<potatoalienof13>opalvaults: thank you
<opalvaults[m]>it appears that python only has 3.9.6, but guile has quite a few versions to choose from
<potatoalienof13>are parameterized packages currently a thing?
<florhizome[m]>so: git clone works locally, and guix download, too (pointed it at file:///path/padkagedir/.git/HEAD) but in a package declaration, no success so far
<the_tubular>Mhh, been messing with my variables not found problem for an hour and still can't figure it out ...
<tex_milan1>Which module contains definition of substitute*? I am trying to package something and it needs to replace something, I am doing it in (origin (snippet (... and get error about "possibly unbound variable substitute*"...
<mekeor[m]><tex_milan1> "Which module contains definition..." <- i'd "ripgrep 'define.*substitute'" inside the guix repository to find out
<tex_milan1>mekeor[m]: thanks. just found that I need to include that module inside of (origin:
<tex_milan1>mekeor[m]: with (modules '((guix build utils)))
<mekeor[m]>tex_milan1: another possibility to find out is to check out the guix manual and look for substitute* in the index
<florhizome[m]><the_tubular> "Mhh, been messing with my..." <- Did you paste your definition up here?
<the_tubular>Think you pinged the wrong gy
<the_tubular>guy *
<florhizome[m]>it's kinda crazy i can't find a way to build from a local got checkout
<florhizome[m]>this software never ceases to surprise 🤐
<PurpleSym>florhizome: If you’re trying to use `file://` in a origin: That does not work, because the guix daemon does not have access to your files.
<mekeor[m]><florhizome[m]> "it's kinda crazy i can't find..." <-
<PurpleSym>Try `guix build --with-source` instead.
<florhizome[m]>PurpleSym: It works, but only for url-fetch method and I'm working on a local branch
<florhizome[m]>mekeor[m]: I'm sorry, i think you are trying to be helpful, but yes I know the man exists yes i can read and I've been posting about my attempts for the least the last hour now
<florhizome[m]>and I'm kinda frustrated, sorry.
<PurpleSym><florhizome[m]> "It works, but only for url-fetch..." <- local branch?
<florhizome[m]>A branch that only exists on my hard disk
<florhizome[m]><PurpleSym> "Try `guix build --with-source..." <- hm that might lead somewhere
<florhizome[m]>but maybe --with-branch
<PurpleSym>I see. I’ve tried that a few times before and the only reliable path was `--with-source` pointing to a git checkout of the package.
<florhizome[m]>i've now got it to start building with --with-git-url and --with-branch (:
<florhizome[m]>where url is just the path a la /home/..../.git
<florhizome[m]>I thought I had tried passing that via (git reference before
<florhizome[m]>PurpleSym: what hash did you pass? dyt that matters?
<florhizome[m]>Guix will sometimes skip other values if the hash is the same in package declaration
<PurpleSym>It shouldn’t matter, as the hash is recalculated from the source you pass via options.
<avp> that is used by Guix linter seems to be down.
<marusich>I'm debugging a failing test. The test is "file-needed/recursive" in tests/gremlin.scm. I know I can run "make check TESTS=tests/gremlin.scm" to run just the tests in that file. However, it runs all the tests in that file. Is there an easy way to limit the execution of tests to just one test, such as "file-needed/recursive" specifically?
<marusich>In this case, the execution time of tests/gremlin.scm is short, so it isn't a big deal. However, there have been other times when it would have been convenient to do this. I know I can insert (test-skip N) to skip tests, and I can just remove or comment out the other tests that I don't want to run. However, if there is a way to select just one test case, that'd be nice to know about. I don't think there is.
***Xenguy_ is now known as Xenguy
<unmatched-paren>hi guix