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<roelj>Nevermind, I found it in the manual. <quiliro>rekado: xournal allows adding text on blank spaces? <roelj>quiliro: In 6.2.3 File Systems <roelj>quiliro: The 'options' field. <roelj>Is anyone working on 3.9.1 llvm and clang packages? <roelj>I have LLVM working, but problems with CLANG <rekado>quiliro: xournal is very simple. It allows you to draw on the PDF. This includes adding text. <rekado>you can export a new pdf that includes your changes <roelj>quiliro: Evince provides a way to add annotations as well, in the form of sticky notes on a PDF page. <rekado>I use xournal all the time when I need to “sign” documents or complete forms. <luser1>Is there a guix way to get the source of say, emacs? I'd like to have the source around so I can jump to C emacs files (Useful for *Help* buffers). <adfeno>Let me remember the command, just a second... <adfeno>luser1: You can use the `-S`/`--source[=Source type]` option. <adfeno>More information can be read by doing `guix build --help`. <adfeno>However, I think `guix package` *also* accepts it. <adfeno>(although `guix package --help` doesn't show it). <quiliro>i have a problem starting with the newer kernel <quiliro>it occured because a power outage occured <luser1>adfeno: With ‘guix build -S emacs’ I get an xz file, not much I can do with this. <luser1>What I want is to be able to set ‘source-directory’ to a directory so I can jump to emacs source files referenced in things such as *Help*. <luser1>I can go and download the source and extract it, but wondering if theres a ‘guix way’ to this. <lfam>sneek: what is core-updates <sneek>core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS, gnutls lacks IDN support unless it uses libidn2 <lfam>sneek: Core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS <lfam>sneek: what is core-updates <sneek>Someone once said Core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS, tcsh's test hangs <quiliro>for some reason i cannot use <quiliro>any suggestion for reporting guix system reconfigure problem? <lfam>quiliro: I recommend <quiliro>what is the freeest, most privacy respecting <lfam>We recommend in the welcome message of this channel <quiliro>CharlieBrown: which do you recommend best? <quiliro>my connection is a little flaky....i have the same problem with <quiliro>can u suggest how to send directly from the terminal? <lfam>quiliro: You can use curl to send it to the sprunge pastebin <lfam>Where 'path/to/file' contains the information you want to share <quiliro>lfam: how about redirecting the output from a command to curl? <lfam>Sure, just pipe it to curl <lfam>Make sure to include stderr: <lfam>$ command 2>&1 | curl ... <lfam>There's an extra 'l' there <quiliro>how can i advocate guix to developers? <quiliro>will the stack predictability do it? <quiliro>what do i have to learn to demonstrate it? <quiliro>and how to solve the reconfigure error? <quiliro>methalo: thank you...will test with it now <quiliro>only the numbers vary but not the errors or files they reffer to <lfam>quiliro: This problem started after you lost power? <quiliro>i noticed it because on reboot, i had a kernel panic with some selections when booting grub <lfam>Did you run a filesystem check (fsck) when you rebooted? <quiliro>lfam: the system did it automatically <luser1>Well, my guix froze and now I can't log in. <lfam>luser1: A graphical system? <lfam>luser1: I would switch to another TTY with 'CTRL + ALT + F2' and then investigate from the console <luser1>Logging in via tty, I see bash complains of dbus-launch. <lfam>luser1: What do you mean by "bash complains of dbus-launch"? <lfam>quiliro: Maybe try `guix gc --verify=contents`. This option will probably take a long time, but it will tell you if any files in /gnu/store are corrupted <luser1>lfam: -bash: dbus-launch: command not found. <luser1>Okay, so something is happening with $PATH. <quiliro>since updating guix from 11 to 12 all generations disappeared...all i have is 3 <lfam>quiliro: Please send a bug report to <>. Please include as much detail as possible <luser1>Hm, ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile is empty for some reason. <lfam>sneek: what is core-updates <sneek>Last time I checked Core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS <quiliro>how can i advocate guix to developers? will the stack predictability do it? what do i have to learn to demonstrate it? <atw>quiliro: for me the draw was "you can install dependencies easily and per-project" (guix environment) <atw>so I'd say guix environment <package> ("there, now you can develop <package>") and guix environment --ad-hoc <package> ("there, now <package> is available"). And neither of those modifies the "installed packages" state <rekado_>quiliro: I have presented Guix in front of developers and people interested in functional languages at BOBKonf. <rekado_>quiliro: “guix environment” is cool, having separate persistent profiles is great too. <rekado_>being able to manipulate the dependency graph programmatically is another. <catonano>I see $XDG_DATA_DIRS is populated with a lot of stuff. How does it get populated ? <roelj>Is there a network-manager-service availabe? All I see is 'network-manager-shepherd-service', and it isn't a public function.. <methalo>i reconfigure my system and persist! <ng0>would you be okay with me getting a local limnoria instance in here to test the weblog plugin, to see if it's sufficient enough for the new gnunet bot log view? I just need to test it for a couple of lines.. and need to set it up first of course. I have no real interest in bots, so I don't know if there are special rules on irc networks.. <ng0>to get there of course, it would be nice to solve the weird offloading issue <ZombieChicken>Anyone here able to get GuixSD to boot using UUIDs? I just installed it into a VM and set the rootfs's UUID (the filesystem is written over the entire drive; there are no partitions) and it can't seem to find the rootfs... <ng0>"The guile command must be in the search path on the build machines. In addition, the Guix modules must be in $GUILE_LOAD_PATH on the build machine—you can check whether this is the case by running: " isn't that the case already on an GuixSD system when I just install Guile? <ng0>in GUILE_LOAD_PATH at the end is /run/current-system/profile/share/guile/site/2.0/ which includes guix, guix.scm, etc <ng0>no matter if/how I solve it, either offloading documentation is still not good enough or one of the systems needs to be redone <ng0>"hook reply is postpone".. but I have even stoped cuirass on the build machine <ng0>you mean how to write it? <ZombieChicken>I'm currently trying to get some test installs working in a VM and keep running across odd stumbling blocks here and there and was thinking of submitting some documentation for them <ng0>I only know of texinfo and its exports, which is where I only know enough of to fix the export of the gnunet docuemntation right now :) <ZombieChicken>like how grub can't install to a drive that is taken by a single filesystem w/o a partition table <ng0>ah, so for guix, contributions to the documentation <ng0>I've just read the source <ng0>and if I haven't found an sample fopr what I needed to do, I searched for something texinfo related <ng0>this offloading issue makes me angry :/ <ZombieChicken>and if it's making you angry, leave and go have lunch or a coffee break or something. Never helps to work on something while angry <ng0>depends.. just look into it. Some previous contact with LaTeX can help, but doesn't have to <ZombieChicken>I'm also trying to figure out how the heck to install the vanilla kernel with all this, which might be a problem <ng0>there'S probably a cheatsheet on texinfo <jmd>ZombieChicken: Have you tried asking on #grub about your problem? <ng0>I will just redo the build machine... nothing valuable on there so far and maybe reconfigure missed something, idk.. maybe it fixes the issue. if not, I wantd to redpo the layout..I hope that this time I can help to ducment the issues and fix the documentation <ZombieChicken>ng0: How clean is a guix system reconfigure anyways? Any chance it left a file in place it shouldn't have and is now causing problems? <ng0>but the installations are very old <user111011>Trying to install the package pwgen, ‘guix package -i pwgen’ returns ‘guix package: error: unsupported manifest format’. What does this mean? <methalo>user111011: can you post full command/error ? <user111011>I'm unable to look at packages from within emacs via guix.el as well. When I try listing all the user installed packages: <user111011>That's from *messages*, the repl buffer closed immediately. <methalo>i use command line to install packages <user111011>Sure, but as you can see, from the command line I get a similar error. <methalo>try 'guix pull' first, i've problem with that! <methalo>at the moment i use an older version <quiliro>and some messages do not get sent, they give me error <sneek>I could be wrong, but core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS, gnutls lacks IDN support unless it uses libidn2 <sneek>I could be wrong, but Core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS, tcsh's test hangs <sneek>Last time I checked Core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS, tcsh's test hangs <quiliro>how can i find out the reason my mails do not get into the queu <quiliro>i cannot send a report to <ng0>is it easier when I just send all vim plugins alone and not just a bunch of them? <ng0>I have more I hold back for now because of the ones whic hhave not been reviewed <snape>is there a file describing the convention for commit messages? <Apteryx>snape: you can install the package gnu-standards, and then the Change Logs node. <quiliro>i have discovered the reason that Claws Mail will not deliver some of my emails <quiliro>when there are special characters like ñ or ó it refuses to copy the email to the queue folder <quiliro>i don't understand why these characters work in other applications and not on Claws Mail. <quiliro>i have the character problem in the terminal too <lfam>sneek: what is core-updates? <sneek>Last time I checked Core-updates is fontconfig, eudev and cups-minimal FTBFS, tcsh's test hangs <lfam>sneek: core-updates is ready to build again! <paroneayea>quiliro: it looks like you're hitting some sort of unicode error, but beyond that I don't know <paroneayea>quiliro: are you using guixsd or just guix as a package manager? <quiliro>how do i know if i correctly set up unicode <quiliro>i found "Establish codepage" and it is in UTF-8 <paroneayea>quiliro: there may be a locales issue? though if you're running guixsd I would think things would just work. but maybe it's specifically an issue with clawsmail? <catonano>quiliro: have you tried a Gnome session ? Have you uissue with characters there, too ? <quiliro>paroneayea: it is an issue with claws mail and with xfce4-terminal <quiliro>i don't remember if it is an issue with Xfce <catonano>quiliro: so it's not an xfce specific thing <catonano>quiliro: wat does happen with these faulty characters in the xfce terminal ?