<dmarinoj>Has anyone been able to install GuixSD on a Mac? <ng0>macbook 2.1 or something works iirc <ng0>don't ask me how or specifics. <ng0>someone here has done it <Bobbejaantje>I can't really find in the documentation how it tracks services <dmarinoj>kristofer: how did you boot from USB though? <kristofer>it's weird switching between emacs and the general gnome environment <dmarinoj>Kristofer: thanks a lot, I was unable to with refit so I'll try with refind <dmarinoj>cool. I have an old iMac I want to install it on <kristofer>dmarinoj, I outlined my installation process on the mailing list <kristofer>what's the ideal way to install gstreamer? I've been reading the mailing list, but there doesn't seem to be a concensus <koosha>for the windowmaker packge what module should I add at the top of the operating system configuration ? <koosha>can I add graphical mode without changing the operating system configuration ? What packages should be installed ? Thank you . <rekado>koosha: I don't know. I think you need some services to be available and some stuff needs to be in /etc (which is created upon booting the system). Is there a reason why you would like to avoid changing the OS configuration? <fps>interesting, i'm installing beast from my git checkout and for some reason it's pulling a whole bunch of ghc haskell packages :) <rekado>that's because rapicorn needs pandoc. <koosha>What is the windowmaker module ? <rekado>koosha: try guix package -A windowmaker <rekado>koosha: you can run this command on the console. <rekado>it tells you that the windowmaker package is defined in the gnustep module. <koosha>I'm compeletly confused . What should I do to have a graphical mode ? <davexunit>koosha: read the manual. we have an xorg service and other services for desktop setups. <davexunit>I use the %desktop-services list, which includes the xorg service <koosha>I wrote that in the configuration file and after that guix system reconfigure ... but no reasult . <davexunit>then you need to debug and figure out what went wrong <rekado>I don't like Java. To make hamcrest-core reproducible I need to patch the sources to sort an array. How hard can that be...? ***krl2 is now known as krl
<ajgrf>does guixsd support any method to halt/reboot without root privileges? (using shepherd, elogind, anything) <paroneayea>there were more that we wanted to accept this year, but couldn't <sneek>phant0mas, you have 1 message. <sneek>phant0mas, janneke says: have you seen my <ajgrf>davexunit: i'm trying to halt from an unprivileged script though <ajgrf>i tried an old dbus invocation but maybe it changed since a few years ago? <ajgrf>ok, i'll try to figure out what gnome-shell is doing then <ajgrf>i'm getting runtime errors from pycairo, which in other distros would mean cairo was compiled wrong or python couldn't find gobject introspection stuff <ajgrf>afaict neither of those are true with my package <ajgrf>idk what to do. should i just send it to the mailing list in a broken state and see if anyone else can figure it out? <lfam>Has anybody failed to build a GuixSD VM lately due to problems with inkscape? <ajgrf>i spent about 10 hours on it without resolving that cairo issue, so if anyone feels like trying it out and helping that would be amazing <lfam>Disregard my last question. I missed the part of the error message about /dev/kvm having the wrong permissions (Debian locks it down when rebooting). <lfam>It works. Is it reasonable? Should I use it to set a user's shell to git-shell, so that they can do Git over SSH without getting a full shell? <ajgrf>lfam: i don't think that will limit a user over ssh, you should find some option in the ssh server for that <ajgrf>i think they could just run `ssh hostname bash` to get around it <lfam>Fair enough. I'd better do more reading <cpjjl>Hi, I’m currently installing GuixSD, and was wondering whether guile-wm would be usable as a wm <cpjjl>on github it seems nothing happend for 2 years <cpjjl>does anyone have any experience with it? <davexunit>cpjjl: I would only recommend it if you have some Guile experience and can handle using it without any support. <davexunit>I have a couple patches in guile-wm, but I haven't used it in quite some time. <cpjjl>well, may I ask why you don’t use it? <davexunit>I think guile-wm is really neat, but I just have other things to hack on. I would love it if someone picked up the torch. <davexunit>mark witmer wrote some really great stuff, but he hasn't been active in the guile community in awhile. <cpjjl>Is there something close to guile-wm, I mean in the spirit repl-lispish-emacs-tiling <davexunit>cpjjl: stumpwm, but we don't have a package for it. <cpjjl>ok, thanks for the infos, davexunit