<phant0mas>in order to build glibc in commement, I need the headers, which need mig, which need flex <civodul>flex can be built with %bootstrap-inputs, i think <phant0mas>I should really do a rebase of wip-hurd on core-updates and push it to wip-hurd <phant0mas>then it'll be easier for you to review wip-hurd <phant0mas>and possible merge them sometime in the (near?) future :-) <mark_weaver>civodul: so, I was thinking for the next core-updates cycle, we could improve the timestamp handling in patch-and-repack: instead of making all timestamps zero, instead preserve timestamps of all files that aren't modified, and all modified files would have a timestamp 1 second newer than the newest mtime in the original tarball. <civodul>honestly i didn't expect the kind of issues we had with libpsl <civodul>anyway, going to bed, so the next shift can take over :-) <rekado>I'm trying to package NTK (a fork of FLTK with graphics rendering through cairo), but they don't provide tarballs. <rekado>So I use git-fetch to get a particular tag, but the hash of the checkout appears to change each time I try to build it. <rekado>The repository is git://git.tuxfamily.org/gitroot/non/fltk.git <mark_weaver>rekado: that shouldn't be possible with a git repository. are you using a hash commit id (as opposed to a branch name)? <mark_weaver>the commit hash is a hash of not only the entire directory contents but also the commit history. it should not be possible to change anything in there without changing the hash. <rekado>I'll try with just the commit id. <mark_weaver>looks like tag v1.3.0 has been stable for 22 months or so <rekado>I guess I should have breakfast. <mark_weaver>rekado-: oh, sorry, I got mixed up. it was bavier1 :) <mark_weaver>bavier1: thank you for fixing git in core-updates :) <mark_weaver>bah, I've hit a code generation bug in gcc 4.9.3 on arm/neon. <civodul>apparently our firmware is okay, but linux 4.1 isn't, somehow <rekado->ghostscript-9.16/Resource/IdiomSet/Pscript5Idiom --- this file is part of Ghostscript 9.16. <rekado->What is the difference between GNU Ghostscript and AGPL Ghostscript? <civodul>maybe you can package the other one, and have it used by lilypond? <mthl>civodul: That looks like a lot of fun! <rekado->bah, ghostscript bundles a lot of libraries and doesn't build when I remove them. More work than I expected. <civodul>my guess is that linux 4.0 worked fine without that, but 4.1 no longer does <rekado->erm, gnu-ghostscript *also* comes with Resource/IdiomSet/Pscript5Idiom, but the file is not installed. <rekado->same with AGPL Ghostscript --- the files are not installed. <civodul>think of all the joy once you've fixed this :-) <civodul>maybe lilypond is making an incorrect assumption <rekado->when built with "-disable-compile-inits", the resource files are installed. <rekado->unfortunately, this doesn't fix anything. <civodul>it's nice that people are talking about this! <remi`bd>“you broke the internet; we’ll make us a GNU one” isn’t that Christian’s moto? <civodul>wait, we're not on the "project map", that's unacceptable! <mark_weaver>bah, well, I can't make any more progress testing armhf now, because I can't get the netpbm source code <mark_weaver>their home page is sourceforge, which is having extended downtime, and their subversion repo (which does not have a sourceforge URL) is also down. <quux>i downloaded guix sd and it's a xz file <quux>how can i make it something virtual box will use? <isd>quux: did you try decompressing it (unxz)? iirc, it's just a raw disk image <quux>xzcat guixsd-usb-install-0.8.2.x86_64-linux.xz > guixsd-usb-install-0.8.2.x86_64-linux <quux>First I tried dd'ing that to a USB to boot it and it did boot but that computer overheated so I can't use it <isd>quux: it's been a long time since I've used virtualbox. There should be a way to hook up a disk image to the USB bus somewhere. <quux>vboxmanage to convert into a vdi format <mark_weaver>^^ bug report I just filed about a GCC code generation bug on ARM that causes a Bus Error in OpenSSL when targetting NEON. <civodul>nice that you were able to isolate it! <civodul>i've never tried using "Delta" to obtain reduced test cases, but reportedly it works well <mark_weaver>ah, good to know. I just used my usual stone tools :) <civodul>anyway, it looks like a perfect bug report <mark_weaver>I hope so. there are some similar bug reports that have been sitting unfixed for a couple of years; hopefully the minimal test case will help with that. ***jgay is now known as GrumpyGNU
***francis7 is now known as GoodGNU
***GrumpyGNU is now known as jgay
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***francis7 is now known as IGNUThatMuchAlre
***IGNUThatMuchAlre is now known as IGNUItAlready
***IGNUItAlready is now known as francis7