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<taylanub>ngz: you need to set the environment variable LOCPATH to include ~/.guix-profile/lib/locale
<taylanub>that being said, I seem to be getting it despite having done that, lately. not sure when this started.
<ngz>So, basically, I have to add "export LOCPATH=$LOCAPATH:~/.guix-profile/lib/locale" to my .bashrc?
<taylanub>well, something sets LC_ALL to en_US.utf8, and I can't figure out what. maybe it wouldn't give the error if it were en_US.UTF-8 ('UTF-8' instead of 'utf8')
<taylanub>ngz: I think LOCPATH is usually not set, so maybe without the '$LOCPATH:' part. (shell annoyance no. 7132: no array data type, appending is a pain :P)
<ngz>Thank you. Apparently, I still get the warning.
<ngz>This is not a big deal anyway.
<taylanub>hm, for me it just "magically" went away. well, I just removed a bunch of Debian packages from the system; maybe it was that. annoying that I can't figure out what happened...
<taylanub>ngz: did you 'export' the variable?
<ngz>I did. However, I don't have any "locale" in ~/.guix-profile/lib/
<taylanub>oh, you need to install the 'glibc-locales' package
<taylanub>(not the confusingly named 'glibc-utf8-locales' though, which apparently only contains a few locales useful for test environments.)
<ngz>OK. Installation is on its way.
<pecg>Hello. what options can I use to install a VM using qemu, I'm unable to boot from the USB image.
<pecg>I booted it.
<ngz>Hmmm. I now have a locale/ directory, but "export LOCPATH=~/.guix-profile/lib/locale" in .bashrc doesn't seem to be sufficient to make the message go away.
<dmbaturin>Are ISO images available? If not, are they planned?
<dmbaturin>Also, does the package manager support binary packages, or only source packages?
<iyzsong>dmbaturin: no ISO avaliable now. yes, binary packages is avaliable from
<dmbaturin>There are no ISOs just because no one has done it yet, or there are other reasons?
<iyzsong>I'd like to have ISO too, yeah, no one has done it yet.
<dmbaturin>Few people do OS development on physical machines these days, and installing from a passed through or emulated USB stick in a virtualized environment is going to be quite cumbersome.
<iyzsong>dmbaturin: also, here are detail for 'binary-caches' =>
<iyzsong>isn't the usb image enough in most case? the only one I can think of is to deploy to some VPS (which may just support ISO.)
<dmbaturin>Well, it's technically enough, but unless you have a procedure for it already, it's quite a headache. Booting from an ISO is one option/click in all hypervisors, but a disk image is something you have to make first. :)
<dmbaturin>Not that making a qcow2/vmdk/whatever is a big problem, but it's going to deter casual users from trying it IMHO.
<dmbaturin>Also, I like predefined build system macros.
<dmbaturin>Also, out of curiosity, what are real mips64el machines? I've only seen Cavium MIPS64, and it's big endian.
<iyzsong>I once have a little loongson2f notebook, but it's too slow for me :-(
<dmbaturin>And why there's no MIPS32, which is far more common than MIPS64?
<dmbaturin>I wanted to buy one of those loongson machines, but couldn't find a supplier, so I've never even seen a non-embedded MIPS myself.
<iyzsong>well, I get disappointed by loongson, won't recommend it
<dmbaturin>Got an asus x200ca (non-touchscreen one), which is pretty much blob-free, except wireless. And its UEFI has no restricted boot or other genetic diseases. But that's offtopic.
<iyzsong>the build 'macros' is 'edo' from ebuilds? we have build systems written in scheme, but reley on the package's build system to do the right thing mostly (IMO).
<dmbaturin>Also, why there is no easy fallback to hand-coded build sequences, as in (build '("./" "FOO=bar make" "make install")) ?
<dmbaturin>I hate packages like that (when there clearly were better options), but if the language is not well supported by autotools, or language-specific build system doesn't fit into the ./configure && make & make install model, things often get tricky.
<iyzsong>yes, then the packager have to figure it out.
<dmbaturin>Well, I mean why doing those things is so complex?
<dmbaturin>Or, wait, I may be looking in wrong place.
<dmbaturin>Also, dmd "init scripts" are written in scheme too?
<iyzsong>yes, dmd read a guile configure file, it's generated by Guix on GuixSD.
<dmbaturin>How does dmd solve the problem that udev is now dead?
<dmbaturin>* rather, systems that use dmd
<iyzsong>dmd is lacks of udev integration currently. OT, we use eudev instead of systemd.
*dmbaturin wonders if the concept of init scripts written in a typed language would be feasible
<dmbaturin>Also, does dmd support service dependencies and multiple instances of the same service?
<iyzsong>well, we have some integration, otherwise the system can't boot :)
<iyzsong>dependencise is supported, no multiple instances, but you can build mulitple services easily in scheme level.
<iyzsong>(build from a template)
<dmbaturin>Does dmd allow to wait for a dependency to actually finish initialization before starting things that depend on it?
<dmbaturin>On a side note, I'm glad to see guile actually becoming the standard scripting language of the GNU project.
<iyzsong>yes, by look at gnu/services/base.scm (udev-service), I find that it has (wait-for-udevd).
<dmbaturin>Maybe emacs will get rid of the dynamically scoped lisp some day? :)
<iyzsong>that's another project, guile-emacs
<lvlnd>Is there any way as a user to skip the testing phase? I found when I tried to install some programs while using the installation medium that building tar would fail in the test phase, and I don't really need it working 100% for temporarily installed software.
<dmbaturin>Is there an easy way to test package build?
<iyzsong>lvlnd: for development, you can modify the package definition to disable tests. but in your case, it sound like a bug, the GNU 'tar' should be substituted instead of building IMO.
<lvlnd>I told it not to substituted, because that method was not working for me
<iyzsong>lvlnd: so, something werid happend.. could you send a bug report to ML?
<lvlnd>sure, I had the problem through that the build directory would always delete itself after failing, so I never recovered the test log
<iyzsong>lvlnd: you can use 'guix build -K tar' to save the directory
<lvlnd>cool, thanks
<iyzsong>you're welcome
<amirouche>sneek: later tell rekado Can you recommend me a "tracker" or something to actually create songs/patterns before mixing?
<sneek>Got it.
<taylanub>I also seem to be getting e.g. "substitute: warning: failed to install locale: Invalid argument" (not sure where else) even though I have glibc-locales installed and LOCPATH set. I have LANG=C and LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
*davexunit prepares to install guixsd on his laptop
<taylanub> if there's something obviously wrong here please tell; otherwise I guess I'll write a bug report later
<paroneayea>davexunit: oo
<mark_weaver>taylanub: that's probably to be expected on a system where the substituter was built in a guix environment and is run on a non-GuixSD system.
<mark_weaver>the substituter is run by guix-daemon, and presumably it's not setting LOCPATH for the substituter
<mark_weaver>and glibc in Guix is configured to look for locales in /run/current-system/locale when LOCPATH is not set
<mark_weaver>one hack would be to set up that directory and put locales there on your non-GuixSD syste
<zacts>hi guix
<rekado>Hi Guix!
<sneek>rekado, you have 1 message.
<sneek>rekado, amirouche says: Can you recommend me a "tracker" or something to actually create songs/patterns before mixing?
<rekado>I ended up shrinking my encrypted LVM and created a separate root partition for Guix.
<rekado>I have to manually decrypt and mount my home directory before logging in, but I think I should be able to define a dmd service for that.
<rekado>amirouche: afaik we have no trackers packaged for Guix yet.
<rekado>Ardour has some MIDI support, but it's not a tracker.
<rekado>Major annoyance: ibus doesn't seem to work at all. Still have to use .xsession to set the layout to Dvorak.
<paroneayea>rekado: amirouche: would be cool to get milkytracker packaged
<davexunit>hmm, didn't realize milkytracker was free software
<daviid>paroneayea: milkytracker seems unmaintained
<paroneayea>daviid: it's still nice software
<paroneayea>davexunit: have you ever used btw?
<paroneayea>really nice for making simple game sounds
<paroneayea> some examples
<paroneayea>that guy also has a cool article on sound theory
<davexunit>paroneayea: yes, I have. should package for guix.
<davexunit>still trying to get all of my precious configuration files version controlled and stuff so I can ditch debian on my laptop and go full dogfood mode with guixsd.
<paroneayea>davexunit: rsync'ing $HOME isn't enuf?
<rekado>I hear stow can be used for managing configuration files.
<davexunit>rekado: I'm going to write a quick guile script to symlink stuff from a git repo to the relevant places
<davexunit>paroneayea: I want to clean out a lot of the cruft
<davexunit>and get my dotfiles easily portable
<davexunit>given the many computers I use
<civodul>Hello Guix!
<davexunit>hey civodul
<paroneayea>davexunit: truly portable $HOME is quite the goal ;)
<paroneayea>johnsu01 had a "everything in git" home directory for years, though I think he let it slide once he became ED of the FSF :)
<paroneayea>I once asked him about what he did about the kind of binary files that firefox and gnome install in some places and he said "I don't use those"
<paroneayea>plaintext veganism
<davexunit>paroneayea: I just want my dotfiles portable
<davexunit>everything else in home is just cruft anyway
<davexunit>binary files and stuff I can move with more traditional backup solutions
<davexunit>but I want my various plain text configs to be version controlled
<paroneayea>makes sense
<davexunit>I'm going to write a little script that will symlink the files to the right places in $HOME
<alezost>davexunit: I had the same need for my config files :-)
<daviid>davexunit: that's what i'm doing as well, it's been so much time that it still is cvs :)
<civodul>it's definitely a good idea
<civodul>re portability, one thing i'd like is to be able to generate a USB image that has all i need, including a writable partition for $HOME
<civodul>so i could travel with it rather and use it on somebody else's laptop
<cehteh>since some years i am thinking of some p2p filesystem for this cases, things get locally cached, one can define which machine holds which files, supporting disconnected operation and re-merging things
<davexunit>civodul: that would be very nice
<daviid>1+ i always wanted that as well :)
<cehteh> .. found that, but .. uhm .. nice ,, yet .. doesnt work, small academic team, development seems to be stalled
<cehteh>guess i have to work on my own
<rekado>hmm, I'm having trouble with my gpg private key
<rekado>"gpg: public key decryption failed: No pinentry" -- although I do have pinentry installed.
<davexunit>someone reported a similar entry on the mailing list
<rekado>yeah, I saw that too.
<davexunit>rekado: I believe you have to tell gpg where to find pinentry
<cehteh>oh .. apropos gpg ..
<cehteh>thats some serious wtf
<civodul>rekado: i have this in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf: pinentry-program /home/ludo/.guix-profile/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
<civodul>rekado: not sure what needs to be done so that it works out of the box
<civodul>cehteh: uh, indeed
<rekado>civodul: hmm, even with this setting it doesn't work for me. Installed gnupg-1.4.19 instead and that works fine.
*rekado shrugs
<civodul>i'm using gnupg-2.0
<rekado>Just thought I'd try mpv instead of mplayer but then noticed that it has samba as one of its inputs. So big.
<zerwas>Wow, why Samba?
<davexunit>rekado: hmm maybe we should make a second package without samba.
<rekado>mpv and mpv-full / mpv-minimal and mpv?
<davexunit>the latter I guess
<civodul>smtp via fencepost hangs, and hangs; it's a bad day :-/
<davexunit>not a good day for GNU/FSF sysadmins
<paroneayea>cehteh: that's... concerning? it seems hard to find more info
<cehteh>lets wait how it turns out
***jchmrt_ is now known as jchmrt
<rekado>"sudo: unable to stat /etc/sudoers: Permission denied" -- /etc/sudoers is readably only by root:root in a fresh GuixSD installation.
<civodul>rekado: but normally sudo is from /var/setuid-wrappers/
<civodul>and is setuid-root
<civodul>isn't it?
<rekado>"which sudo" --> /run/setuid-programs/sudo
<rekado>it's setuid-root.
<barnsey>Hi, Ive just downloaded, and installed 0.8.2 on a debian box, and attepted to add substitutes, I get the following error
<barnsey>guix archive --import < /root/.guix-profile/share/guix/
<barnsey>warning: failed to install locale: Invalid argument
<barnsey>guix archive: error: build failed: input doesn't look like something created by `nix-store --export'
<rekado>s/--import/--authorize/ ?
<barnsey>just warning: failed to install locale: Invalid argument tnow, sorry, I meant to paste result of authorize...
<barnsey>Do I need to set my locale somewhere?
<civodul>barnsey: you probably need to the set LOCPATH environment variable
<civodul>like LOCPATH=/usr/lib/locale
<barnsey>civodul: thanks, but it's not that.
<civodul>barnsey: on closer inspection you need (1) guix package -i glibc-utf8-locales, and (2) export LOCPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale