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<civodul>hey there!
<civodul>i’ll test and apply the pytorch upgrade before it bitrots:
<civodul>might break the -cuda variant again…
<rekado>civodul: sounds good to me!
<rekado>I'll try to fix it up if it breaks.
<rekado>but it would be helpful if the build farm could do most of the legwork. Looks like it hasn't successfully built jaxlib, tensorflow, etc.
<rekado>(I've built these locally before pushing to guix-science{,-nonfree}, but it always takes a day on my laptop
<civodul>rekado: oh, the issue you reported the other day, right?
<rekado>you restarted the cuda-toolkit build, but the dependent builds seem to have not restarted automatically.
<civodul> had failed (again?) due to ENOSPC
<civodul>just restarted it
<civodul>maybe i restarted the wrong one the other day?
<civodul>pushed the pytorch update
<rekado>ugh, it failed again with ENOSPC