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<flypaper-ultimat>Guix got mentioned in a Nature Comp Sci Comment!:
<flypaper-ultimat>> The missing link between version control and executable containers is a record of the transformation process from source code to executable. [ ... ] Software management tools such as Nix or Guix ensure full provenance tracking, but their use is still far from widespread.
<efraim>oh nice, and it sounds like they get it. They could've tossed GCC/Clang into that quote instead and been so close.
<flypaper-ultimat>They did in what i left out in ellipsis
<flypaper-ultimat> "This task is performed
<flypaper-ultimat>by compilers and related tools and orchestrated by package managers.
<flypaper-ultimat>However, some package managers do not keep track of the versions
<flypaper-ultimat>of compilation tools, which are subject to change as well. A different
<flypaper-ultimat>compiler can cause unpredictable changes in the results of calculations."
<flypaper-ultimat>also, later on they mention the Software Heritage Archive