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<PurpleSym>rekado: Afaik when I added python-jupyter-server as a dependency to python-notebook its tests failed differently, accessing a non-existent object key.
<PurpleSym>Unfortunately the package metadata is not indicating any minimal versions, but several packages have seen major version bumps – amonst them python-jupyter-server, python-jupyter-core.
<rekado>I've already broken through many of the boundaries that I had set myself; so now I've touched python-rich, jsonschema, attrs, python-ipykernel, etc
<rekado>mass rebuilds!
<rekado>let's see what good this will do us
<rekado>(if any)
<civodul>rekado: you’re a hero
<civodul>we should set a broad Guix+Python meeting to discuss ways to make this sustainable
<rekado>yeah, there are a few things worth discussing
<rekado>I just found the reason for an annoying problem: some pytest plugin propagated python-tornado, but everywhere else I'm using python-tornado-6.
<rekado>this is a very frustrating vector for build failures: some other package in the huge graph of transitive dependencies adds this pytest plugin and somewhere down the line jupyter fails because it ends up loading tornado 5 instead of 6
<rekado>the convention to overload the meaning of "native-inputs" in the case of Python to mean "development tools and libraries, or whatever" suggests a separation that doesn't actually exist
<rekado>successfully built python-notebook
<rekado>...but I wonder how many more I broke