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<rekado>gah, numba doesn't work with numpy > 1.24
<rekado>but I need numpy >=1.26 for python-pandas-stub, which I need for pandas 2.
<rekado>this scientific python stack is a never ending source of frustration for me. It's very hard to dial in just the right amount of breakage (it's unavoidable).
<civodul>apparently it’s a source of frustration even for those who used to be super enthusiastic about it
<rekado>don't get me wrong: these are really useful, high performance libraries, and a lot of good stuff has been built on top of them
<rekado>but it is so hard to keep this ever-shifting network of dependencies from going out of whack.
<rekado>ACTION rebased wip-python-team and updated it with the latest compromises; it's being built here:
<rekado>I hope there isn't too much breakage left before I can finally merge it.