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<PurpleSym>guix-cran also hasn’t been updated in a while, so something is broken there…
<PurpleSym>What’s missing to merge python-team, rekado ?
<rekado>PurpleSym: we're stuck on a failing build of some important package.
<rekado>the cuirass logs say that it fails to fetch from repos because SSL certificates are wrong.
<rekado>that explains the lack of progress since yesterday
<rekado>I won't be able to investigate this today as I have appointments
<rekado>PurpleSym: it's a failure in python-notebook. Message-ID: <> on guix-devel has more info.
<rekado>PurpleSym: there are also still a lot of failures due to missing setuptools + wheel
<rekado>from one of the last evaluations I see, for example, that python-pyls-black fails for this reason
<rekado>this is probably best addressed by getting all failing builds for the last few evaluations from the database and then grep their logs for this error.
<PurpleSym>rekado: Yeah, missing setuptools is easy to fix.
<PurpleSym>I’ll have a look at python-notebook.
<rekado>thank you!
<rekado>FYI I've been working on some more immediate upgrades and fixes in wip-python-team
<rekado>(on that's reusing the jobset for wip-pandas-upgrade)
<rekado>this includes a change to make pandas 2 the default.
<rekado>ACTION started reconfiguring berlin, but will have to leave before it's done
<civodul>rekado: did you reconfigure from a commit after the guile-lzlib upgrade?
<rekado>civodul: I just pulled guix and updated maintenance.git to the latest version.
<rekado>it's currently building guix.
<rekado>the certificate errors in cuirass.log are concerning
<rekado>they started some 12 hours ago
<rekado>the last reconfiguration was done by Arun, I think, not too long ago.
<rekado>as cbaines just wrote to guix-sysadmin, removing nss-certs from %base-packages and reconfiguring fixes things
<rekado>I'll wait a little while longer for the current reconfiguration before doing that.
<rekado>build of /gnu/store/i0dwnijjj17sc9p3a8622cg6ax5yyrhy-guix-1.4.0-18.4c94b9e.drv failed
<rekado>View build log at '/var/log/guix/drvs/i0/dwnijjj17sc9p3a8622cg6ax5yyrhy-guix-1.4.0-18.4c94b9e.drv.gz'
<rekado>so, reconfiguration failed, and I'm out of time :-
<civodul>i’ll give it a try, thanks
<PurpleSym>It looks like python-notebook fails due to package version mismatches (yes, it’s tests depend on jupyter-server), so I’m afraid we have to update the entire Jupyter package universe :/
<rekado>cuirass gives me new errors: "Throw to key `lzlib-error' with args `(lz-decompress-read 5)'."
<rekado>this is when the build nodes try to fetch scipy
<civodul>now it gets interesting
<civodul>rekado: do you see that on guix.bordeaux?
<rekado>no, that's
<rekado>I restarted the builds in question and haven't seen it since
<rekado>maybe that coincided with the reconfiguration
<rekado>ACTION sighs and updates numpy...