<zimoun>civodul: draft blog post added. Comment welcome :-) <civodul>and i didn't even have to intervene, mcron did its magic! <rekado>I found a typo: “probably at the end [-the][+of] Alice's postdoc” <zimoun>And hopefully civodul corrected many other ones. :-) <zimoun>and an attempt to answer why “I use foo version 1.2.3” is wrong. Targetting scientist at large. <civodul>zimoun: aah, haven't read it in full yet but it's a good idea! <dstolfa>rust cult^Wpeople really like to preach the obvious without providing a helpful solution to any of the awfulness they've created in their ecosystem (and language itself as well...) <drakonis>its a bit ironic given the name of their package manager <rekado>my colleague is not happy: “after 4 hours this is still running: /galaxy2/database/dependencies/_conda/bin/python /galaxy2/database/dependencies/_conda/bin/conda create -y --quiet --override-channels --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda --channel defaults --name __bioconductor-rcas@1.5.4 bioconductor-rcas=1.5.4” <drakonis>what's with the surge of new users, did something happen? ***jackhill is now known as KM4MBG
***KM4MBG is now known as jackhill