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<drakonis>so, i started writing my guix vs nix post and i feel like i might end slamming nix pretty hard <drakonis>civodul: so i have actually started writing the post and i think i might be slamming nix a bit too much <civodul>drakonis: hi! heh, slamming is not fruitful IMO <dstolfa>agreed, imo it would be best to acknowledge its contributions, talk about its limitations and reasoning for guix <dstolfa>without nix there would likely be no guix, so... <drakonis>its that i'm not aiming to do it but it comes across as such <dstolfa>drakonis: well, it's a good exercise! :) <drakonis>a lot of the things that guix has as a core driving principle are merely incipient on the nix side and are driven by a small crowd <civodul>i think the way to frame it is that the two projects have different goals and priorities <civodul>people who like one may be disappointed that the other one has other priorities :-) <drakonis>hah, there are even a few of nix's folks on guix's channel <drakonis>i've already framed it as such but talking about nix having such things is where it comes across as such <civodul>thanks to rekado_'s suggestions in particular <civodul>(i tend to be harsh towards pip & conda actually, but i think these pieces of software and associated workflows deserve it :-)) <dstolfa>civodul: i don't read it as harsh, i read it as just stating the facts that people like to ignore <dstolfa>that is to say... simply saying your software does one thing does not make it so :)