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<Kolev>shawnw, RIP scsh.
<whereiseveryone>how can i create my own guile prelude?
<whereiseveryone>where do i start?
<rlb>whereiseveryone: what do you mean, more exactly?
<whereiseveryone>rlb: like i'd like to provide my own primitives when i start the repl
<whereiseveryone>by default
<whereiseveryone>and remove others that come with guile when i start the repl
<dsmith>whereiseveryone, You can put things in ~/.guile
<dsmith>whereiseveryone, See
<anemofilia>Does anyone here knows how can I draw a mxn square grid of 1x1 squares and color some of them using guile-sdl2? Couldn't find anything similar to that, and I'm not experienced with graphics
<ArneBab>My article Naming and Logic — programming essentials with Wisp — is now in a state I see as final:— it’s just 64 A5 pages and would be great if you could check whether it would work for you before I convert all the code examples to regular Guile Scheme for a second version (programming essintials with Guile).
<ArneBab>The source is at
<Kolev>Too bad you can't configure a Guix system in Wisp.
<Kolev>Or can you?
<Arsen>wisp is injective into normal scheme afaik so it should be possible, but I'm not sure if guix will actually read wisp files correctly
<ArneBab>Kolev: currently you’d convert the config files with wisp2lisp config.w > config.scm to avoid having to teach guix to read wisp directly.
<ArneBab>The bigger problem is that you’ll then have to mentally convert all documentation, so I’m not sure whether I’d really suggest doing so.
<Kolev>ArneBab, ah. Sounds like more work. I'll stick to Lisp.
<ArneBab>I do the same for the Guix config. ⇒ use Wisp where it has fewer risks and provides bigger advantages.
<whereiseveryone>dsmith: that's one way
<whereiseveryone>i'm aware of that approach
<robin>hmm. suppose i want to include a newer version of (language elisp) in the guile-emacs tree, to avoid the full guile rebuild every time we modify something
<robin>is there a way to map a directory to that module prefix, or would we have to reproduce the module/ tree in-repo and add that to the load path?
<robin>(i suppose explicitly load'ing everything is a possibility at this scale)
<rlb> might need to mkdir -p the parents, but other than that, does shadowing in the %load-path work ok?
<rlb>ACTION is not sure