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<Kolev>Anybody know how to get pages/ to go to /about/?
<sneek>Yey! dsmith is back
<johnjaye>question. do the docs come with the text of R5RS?
<dsmith>sneek, botsnack
<AwesomeAdam54321>Hi, how can I use a (case (datum1) body) where datum1 is a string?
<AwesomeAdam54321>Guile warns that it can't meaningfully be compared with `eqv?` and proceeds to the else case
<AwesomeAdam54321>s/case/case "a"
<robin>got a question about python support in guile. does anyone know if it's being worked on as a supported language?
<dthompson>there's no module/language/python dir in guile itself
<robin>(and generally some people are curious about whether there are guile languages other than the built-in one)
<robin>ah stefan tempe has/had a "python-on-guile" project, maybe that's what i was remembering
<jackhill>robin: yeah, that's the one I remember too (and thay it may even have been used in Guix for some bootstrapping?)
<mwette> is what I have
<mwette>^ as location for Stefan's code repo
<robin>thanks mwette
<johnjaye>did someone answer my question while i was disconnected?
<johnjaye>i was asking if guile is supposed to come with the R5RS spec in the docs and if so why is debian not doing it
<morenonatural>johnjaye, are you seeing an error because of Guile not coming with R5RS? can you provide such code?
<johnjaye>yes it's in 1.6 Obtaining and Installing Guile. there's a link at the bottom.
<johnjaye>when i click it it says i should install R5RS which it also says it is providing. heh
<johnjaye>i mean obviously i can google search for it. it just looks a bit odd
<mwette>So, while the guile distribution includes a r5rs.texi (to generate the install on Debian does not include it. Is that your issue?
<johnjaye>that seems to be it yes. so it would have it if i had built it you're saying?
<rlb>It looks like I omitted it in 2006, but I don't recall why. It might be because back then we had a separate r5rs-info package.
<rlb>I added the exclusion as part of 2d6b35b4ae1cf7488c0a33649b33070e25b729c8 in the debian repo.
<johnjaye>guile-2.2-doc and guile-3.0-doc are the only packages i see
<johnjaye>rlb: wait, you excluded it?
<rlb>looks like -
<johnjaye>that's pretty amazing. i don't think i have ever asked about something in a channel and the person who made the change said oh yes i did that a decade ago.
<freakingpenguin>Reminds me of the Stack Overflow answers where the creator provides an answer
<johnjaye>although given the amount of controversy every change to gnome or kde causes i could understand trepidation
<rlb>We can consider restoring it, but if there are other scheme packages that also have it, it might be "some work", i.e. it'd need to be handled via update-alternatives, etc., or we'd have to rename ours to guile-something, or...
<rlb>My offhand guess is that I just suppressed it because we had the r5rs-info, but that's gone (apparently still installed on this machine...).
<rlb>(This machine was originally installed a *long* time ago :) ).
<johnjaye>it looks like racket includes it but in html on separate pages. no info
<rlb>It is sometimes handy to be able to "info r5rs", but I feel like it might make more sense to consider broader rnrs packaging for debian if we were to go that route...
<rlb>(are there info pages for all the standards? -- I've never really looked in to it)
<johnjaye>info definitely not. but i do see gambit and others doing html or man page
<rlb>In any case, ideally (and just offhand), doesn't seem like the kind of thing that should be bundled (packaging-wise) with any particular scheme implementation. i.e. perhaps better to have apt install rnrs-doc or something.
<johnjaye>i thought i downloaded all the rnrs papers awhile ago. but now i don't see them...
<johnjaye>well i just thought the guile docs shouldn't include the link since it seems misleading to say click here and then demand i supply the link when i click on it
<rlb>Oh, where's that?
<rlb>in the info pages?
<johnjaye>yes. i'm literally describing 1.6 Obtaining and Installing Guile
<johnjaye>Since this manual frequently refers to the Scheme “standard”, also
<johnjaye>known as R5RS, or the “Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language
<johnjaye>Scheme”, we have included the report in the Guile distribution; see
<johnjaye>*note Introduction: (r5rs)Top. This will also be installed in your info
<johnjaye>clicking the link provides the helpful message encouraging me to go find R5RS for myself
<rlb>Hmm -- it'd be "trivial" to put the info pages in a new (optional) guile-r5rs-doc package. I'll think about it.
<rlb>perhaps "Suggests"...
<johnjaye>i like the idea of an rnrs-doc package
<johnjaye>have all the scheme papers in there too
<rlb>That'd be less "trivial" I suspect :)
<rlb>(but not hard if the sources are readily available, and the licenses dfsg)
<rlb>Anyway, thanks for the report.
<johnjaye>no problem. nice to see the channel is so active that devs hang out here
<graywolf>So I just run the reference test suite for SRFI-19 against guile: Results: Runs: 31; Goods: 9; Bads: 22; Pass rate: 9/31
<graywolf>I hope I am doing something wrong...
<graywolf>(date->string (make-date 0 0 0 0 31 12 2020 0) "~V") gives 51. Am I holding it wrong or is it just broken?
<johnjaye>by the way, where does all the active guile development happen?
<johnjaye>like guix or guile-devel and what not?
<ArneBab>johnjaye: I mostly see it on guile-devel.
<ArneBab>And here.
<ArneBab>johnjaye: and in external projects that *use* Guile. For example Guix and Spritely Hoot.