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<dsmith>robin, I see you used org-mode in your presention. What package or function did you use to present it as slides?
<robin>dsmith, i used org-present + visual-fill-fill-column (with "centered" text), loosely inspired by
<dsmith>robin, Thanks!
<robin>more commonly i use org-reveal, but then the slides wouldn't have been presented with guile-emacs, which at least one person appreciated ;)
<dsmith>I've used org-tree-slide before
<Kolev>Hi! Anybody make an IndieWeb site with Haunt? I'd like to see examples! 😀
<robin>Kolev, besides, the #systemcrafters community has a webring (yes, really) including a number of haunt sites:
<Kolev>robin, right, but what about IndieWeb features like POSSE?
<Kolev>(POSSE is Post on Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere: Automatically scrape personal site, post to Mastodon/Bluesky.)
<robin>Kolev, oh right, i was thinking "indie web" not "IndieWeb" :) idk but i'd be surprising if there weren't at least some activitypub-commenting type extensions to haunt
<Kolev>robin, I think I'll be able to adapt a Haunt site to IndieWeb tech, using external services like Hopefully I can use Haunt and avoid WordPress.
<ArneBab>dsmith: thank you!
<ArneBab>sneek later tell graywolf: I use ,profile (for-each (λ _ (PROC)) (iota 10))
<ArneBab>sneek: botsnack
<civodul>there’s a tiny easter egg of sorts at
<civodul>i was hoping someone would find out, but this hasn’t happened yet
<dthompson>one moment...
<dthompson>civodul: ohh hoot is being used for the herd command demo carousel!
<dthompson>credit to amy for helping me figure this out!
<dthompson>very cool civodul!
<civodul>dthompson: aah, you found it!
<civodul>it’s a bit of a sledgehammer and the code leaves a bit to be desired
<civodul>but it was fun :-)
<graywolf>ArneBab: Thank you for the suggestion. It did not help, I got the same result (and by same result, I mean it took the same time; not 10x as I would expect), but it send be down the rabbit hole to find the reason.
<dthompson>civodul: where can I find the source?
<graywolf>ArneBab: It seems that Guile REPL introduces about ~26s of delay on the evaluation of my expression. So doing ,profile (eval (...) (current-module)) did the trick.
<graywolf>At that point I did not need to profile anymore though, since the result was instantenious
<weary-traveler>though that's just the wasm. my bad
<weary-traveler>ah nope has reflect.js and start.js
<civodul>dthompson: there’s a link to the source at the bottom of each page
<dthompson>civodul: ah okay cool :)
<civodul>dthompson: ‘haunt build’ invokes the wasm compiler directly, which is pretty nice!
<dthompson>civodul: oh cool! glad it works nicely for you :)
<dthompson>guessing this used a custom haunt builder. will take a peek at the code when I can
<Kolev>In Haunt, how do I remove the .html from URLs? I just want a /posts/hello-world/ link.
<robin>Kolev, hm, now i'm curious too. plenty of haunt sites have individual pages with that url style but i'm not finding examples for blogs
<robin>Kolev, oh wait, guix's blog is an example:
<robin>with source at
<Kolev>robin, looks like they use a custom builder for the blog, rather than the stock blog builder. Hm.
<morenonatural>what's the corresponding curl -d key=value ... with http-request?
<morenonatural>for a GET call
<ArneBab>sneek: later tell graywolf: do you have an idea *why* the REPL added a 26s delay? That seems like something to fix
<sneek>Got it.
<ArneBab>sneek: botsnack
<robin>Kolev, would be nice to have as an upstream option, i prefer that style too
<dthompson>Kolev, robin: this is web server configuration often known as "url prettification". is equivalent to
<Kolev>dthompson, right.
<Kolev>dthompson, will pretty URLs break `haunt serve`?
<Kolev>This `#:make-slug` no longer works on source code.
<dthompson>Kolev: 'haunt serve' does pretty urls
<dthompson>regarding the slug thing... idk you gave nearly 0 context I couldn't begin to speculate
<Kolev>dthompson: I took your haunt.scm and added #:make-slug from the link above. It used to put posts at /2024/12/10/
<Kolev>I can post the whole code later I guess.