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<dsmith>sneek, botsnack
<sneek>I've been aware for 28 days
<sneek>This system has been up 7 weeks, 6 days, 1 hour, 36 minutes
<RavenJoad>I am trying to build one of my Guile projects on another machine (one which I do not manage) and autoconf is being weird. I have the line "GUILE_PKG([3.0 2.2 2.0])" in my, but in the produced configure script I have "GUILE_PKG(3.0 2.2 2.0)". Obviously the GUILE_PKG macro is not being expanded. But why might that be? Any ideas?
<RavenJoad>I have checked and it is not the autoconf version. My laptop and the remote server both have autoconf 2.69, so that is not it.
<dsmith>RavenJoad, Most of this auto* stuff is beyond me, but I'm guessing it's related to which guile.m4 file is/isn't being used.
<dsmith>Or something like that
<RavenJoad>dsmith: Yeah. That you be the reason. /usr/share/autoconf/autoconf/ on the server does not have guile.m4, so autoconf does not know how to expand the macro. I will have to talk with the server admin. Thanks for the pointer!
<dsmith>On my Debian box, guile-3.0-dev includes /usr/share/aclocal/guile-3.0.m4
<dsmith>Maybe you need a -dev package installed?
<RavenJoad>dsmith: This is an ancient RHEL machine, so Guile 2.0 is all that is present. A -devel package may be needed. Doing a quick "dnf search guile" only returns the normal guile package, so I do not know.
<RavenJoad>Even "dnf search guile-devel" does not return anything. So I will need to talk with the server admin and figure this out.
<wakyct>does anyone have suggestions for sdl2 gui widget libraries that might have Guile bindings?
<wakyct>I've found some with other scheme bindings but nothing Guile specific so far