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<daviid> FlaminWa`: wrt to your goops quiz, you should use ensure-generic, see "8.11.9 Generic Function Internals" <daviid>mwette: i don't know, but you might want to look at /libguile/gsubr.h and ./libguile/programs.h <daviid>mwette: in this paste, i think you miss an argument to the g_object_get_type call(?) <daviid>g_object_new needs a valid GType (those that can be instantiated ...) <daviid>mwette: as in (g-object-new (g-type-from-name "GObject"))\n $7 = #<pointer 0x56192c5df000> <mwette>daviid: right: all the get_type calls are thunks that return a GType (aka unsigned-long); e.g., extern GType g_object_get_type(void); <mwette>daviid: I'm not using g-golf or gi-guile, if that's what you mean. <daviid>mwette: no, i was tryting to help knowing you do not ... can you just try (g_object_new 80) <daviid>and with the def you give in the paste, i dont see how it can possibly return a valid instantiable GType, just curious <mwette>If I call (g_object_get_type) it returns 80 <mwette>I think something is hosed in the class registration. <mwette>I'm using ffi-helper w/ scheme-bytestructures. <daviid>ah ok, so (g_object_new (g_object_get_type) %null-pointer) should work indeed then <daviid>mwette: fwiw, the GI team did recommend me to use size_t, not unsigned_long, a while ago, i forgot the details of the discussion, but i did take some notes about this ... would need to dig <mwette>I believe that. The ffi-helper uses whatever is defined in the headers, which must be unsigned long. <mwette>GType is typedef'd from gsize, and gsize is typedef'd from unsigned long. <daviid>mwette: i highly recommend you patch the ffi-helper so it uses size_t as the GType C type, but do as you wish ofc <mwette>The ffi-helper is a black box. If unsigned long is bad, this is a case of garbage in, garbage out. On x86_64, size_t and unsigned long are both unsigned 8-byte integers. <daviid>mwette: don't you have an override mechanism in the ffi-helper? anyway, yes it will work for most 'situations', but there are arch and/or platforms where that is not the case ... so was i told ... then i patched g-golf, as all other GI lang bindings did to, fwiw <mwette>daviid: I believe you. So, you're saying that's a bug in glib.h. I could try to change the glib.ffi spec so that is changes gsize def from unsigned long to ssize_t. <daviid>mwette: no, i ean to say that in ythis paste, and any such guile ffi calls that would use a GType arg, you should pass size_t (not ssize_t, but not sure it is a typo in your text or an existing type :)) <mwette>daviid: That code was to isolate the bug I was running into. It's hard to belive that could be a problem when /usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gtype.h defines GType to be an unsigned long. <daviid>i was not saying it was the reason why your pasted code was not working, i was just sharing with you that those who wrote /usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gtype.h did recommend GI lang bindings authors to define GType as a size_t - so did i immediately patch g-golf ... do as you wish, but it will fail on sone platform, so was i told ... <mwette>OK. Got it now. Thanks. To fix, I would try adding "gsize=size_t" to the ffi-helper #cpp-defs option. <daviid>mwette: wrt "... how gobject finds an interface given a class.", i don't know how GObject itself does that in its 'engine', but iiuc your quiz, in g-golf, i defined g-type-interfaces procedure, which retrieves the GType list of the interfaces used by a GObject (sub)class, then use/call g_type_interface_peek to retreive its (pointer to) structure ... if that helps <daviid>mwette: i am a bit scared that you would change the gsize def, and not the GType def, they might be cases where gsize is used and meant to be an unsigned_loing ... i am not competent enough here, please ask in #introspection (matrix room, they left irc a while ago) <cow_2001>is it at all possible to use (srfi srfi-9 gnu)'s set-fields to change a field whose value is a vector? maybe with getter-with-setter? <rlb>cow_2001: offhand I'd assume only if you want to replace the whole vector with some other vector. i.e. not if you mean setting individual values, a la clojure's assoc-in where you can "traverse" vector sub-components via their indices... <rlb>e.g. (assoc-in {:x [0 {:y 1}]} [:x 1 :y] 2) => {:x [0 {:y 2}]} <cow_2001>what i'm thinking of is something like (set-fields foo ((foo-vector (vector-field 2)) new-value)) <sneek>declan, vagrantc says: glad to hear you're enjoying guix, welcome to the community! <cow_2001>where foo is a (make-foo (make-vector 8 0)) <rlb>declan: guile's regexes do "whatever the platform does" (I'd prefer we eventually provide something stable -- pcre or whatever, if we can.) <rlb>declan: I suspect "man 7 regex" will give you your local syntax. <rlb>And also suspect it just doesn't support some of what you have there. <rlb>(stable/standardized across platforms) <rlb>s/standardized/the same/ <rlb>Hmm, or maybe we do that, i.e. if you have regex support, it's always defined to be POSIX? <declan>I don't know. Got an error: `No manual entry for regex in section 7` <rlb>Hmm, might need to install the relevant manpages. In debian it's in "manpages". <rlb>See the "as described in"... <declan>I am using Guix BTW. I am not so familiar with regex in general. <Kolev>We Guix should take over the "I use BTW" meme. <rlb>I would guess that \d might not be in posix (I forget), if so, you might just need to replace those with [0-9] <rlb>ACTION is much more familiar with jvm/perl(pcre)/python rx. <rlb>Oh, and I believe guile defaults to the "extended" flavor, when you're reading those docs. <rlb>(also bet there's a guix way to get those manpages) <rlb>An actual dot, I think, i.e. not a wildcard. <rlb>But note that if you're typing scheme code, you'll need a double backslash for each one to make it through to the eventual string, i.e. "\\." or whatever -- if you mean a literal dot. <rlb>Oh, right, that's at least part of your issue. <rlb>Just tried it, and the error you're seeing is what you get for that. <rlb>Try, for example just "\." in the repl -- that doesn't work because \. is not a string escape. But "\"" does, and gives you a string containing just a double-quote. <rlb>e.g. "this is \"exciting\", no?" <graywolf>Hello :) How can I use (case) to compare symbols? (case 'x (('x) #t)) this complains that (quote x) cannot be meaningfully compared using eqv?. <graywolf>Is there a way to check symbols using (case)? <dsmith>You do not need to quote the cases. <dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (case 'x ((x) #t)) <graywolf>Hm, how can I get current buffering behavior of a port? There does not seem not seem to be getvbuf. <dthompson>david wilson's keynote for libreplanet is going to start soon <daviid>is there a way to temporarily 'block' the gc to 'enter in action'? i'd like to test running a g-golf based example in guix, blocking the gc and see if that 'solves' the bug i am tracking <old>daviid: I do not think that this is possible without leaving Guile context, thus not executing scheme code <old>Although it would be possible, just not implemented