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<dthompson>janneke: sneek showed me your past message... but in the #spritely channel lol.
<dthompson>to answer your question "does hoot support goops?"...
<dthompson>not currently, but given that most/all of goops is implemented in scheme it should be possible in time
<dthompson>I have not tried using it yet so I don't know what the problems are but I know there will be some :)
<janneke>dthompson: oh sneek is fun :)
<janneke>that makes sense, goops being pure scheme
<janneke>i don't need it right now but am looking for a path away from javascript and currently the scheme alternative uses goops
<janneke>and it's good to know that depending on goops is not going to be a dead end
<dthompson>it shouldn't be! I use it for certain things, too
<dthompson>hoot is in a state where we're starting to be able to do a lot with it, but we're finding lots of bugs to deal with.
<dthompson>but before long I hope we can show some significantly large program running on it
<janneke>yeah, sounds like "programming" ;)
<dthompson>janneke: lol yeah basically :)