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<old>sneek: later tell dthompson in the same vein, how would an allocation can be avoid in vec2-dot ?
<sneek>Got it.
<old>sneek: later tell dthompson ehh I guess that's because floated are always heap allocated ..
<cow_2001>how do i quasiquote in match? (match '("a" "b" "c") (`("a" ,rest ...) (display rest)))
<flatwhatson>cow_2001: seems like a quirk of ... in quasipatterns. this works:
<flatwhatson>(match '("a" "b" "c") (`("a" . ,rest) (display rest)))
<cow_2001>what about in non-quasipatterns?
<cow_2001>where do you use ...?
<cow_2001>wait, that works
<flatwhatson>fwiw quasipattern is basically useless in this case: (match '("a" "b" "c") (("a" . rest) (display rest)))
<flatwhatson>also this works: (match '("a" "b" "c") (("a" rest ...) (display rest)))
<flatwhatson>the difference is likely that the dotted pair accepts improper lists
<cow_2001>and ellipsis checks for proper listness. i now remember someone saying something about that. maybe lud...o (don't want to highlight needlessly)
<cow_2001>okay, all is well. thank you, flatwhatson!
<flatwhatson>proper lists are mentioned in match the docs, you might recall it from there
<flatwhatson>cow_2001: this works if you want to embed a proper list match in a quasipattern:
<flatwhatson>(match '("a" "b" "c") (`("a" . ,(rest ...)) (display rest)))
<cow_2001>flatwhatson hmmm
<cow_2001>how do you use ,@ inside of it?
<flatwhatson>i'd expect this to work, but it doesn't:
<flatwhatson>(match '("a" "b" "c") (`("a" ,@(rest ...)) (display rest)))
<flatwhatson>maybe a bug?
<cow_2001>don't ask me. i can't even delineate between legal and illegal match patterns
<cow_2001>but i am getting the hang of it, maybe ~_~
<cow_2001>for a while i've been using just conds because match is a bit of extra syntax
<cow_2001>learned recently that you have a guilefmt in the form of guix style -f blah.scm
<cow_2001>(spawn "sh" (list "sh" "-c" "echo moo 1>&2") #:error (open-file "moo-error-file" "w")) works but (spawn "sh" (list "sh" "-c" "echo moo 1>&2") #:error (%make-void-port "wb")) does not and results with a segmentation fault
<cow_2001>how do i redirect spawn's error into the great big void?
<jpoiret>cow_2001: a segfault shouldn't happen
<jpoiret>for now you can redirect into /dev/null
<jpoiret>basically spawn can't use guile ports that aren't backed by an actual file descriptor, because it's just an interface to the underlying libc's spawn
<jpoiret>what guile version are you using?
<jpoiret>spawn was buggy when it was introduced unfortunately
<old>cow_2001: #:error (open-output-file "/dev/null" #:binary #t)
<graywolf>Hello, what is difference between (string-copy) and (substring)? I read the docs, but do not understand what the difference is.
<ieure>graywolf, The docs seem pretty clear to me, what part aren't you getting?
<graywolf>I mean, it seems to be that they both return a string, initially sharing the storage, copied as soon as one is modified.
<graywolf>While both are documented in different words, they seem to be doing the same thing.
<graywolf>So I am missing something, but not sure what.
<ieure>There's a paragraph at the beginning of the substring documentation which explains what it's doing differently.
<ieure>Did you miss that?
<graywolf>I see that paragraph. The (optional) start, end for string-copy are not documented, but I assumed they behave the same way
<graywolf>Is that not the case?
<graywolf>In other words, I do not understand how (string-copy "foo" 0 2) differs from (substring "foo" 0 2)
<ieure>Okay, I see what you mean. That is weird.
<graywolf>In REPL they both produce "fo", hence my confusion
<sneek>Welcome back old!!
<lloda>these functions do the same thing. I imagine substring was written first and then string-copy came from srfi-13
<lloda>doc could be clearer that they're the same
<graywolf>lloda: I see, thank you :)
<lloda>oh it looks like substring is r5rs
<old>scm_srfi13_substring_copy (srfi-13) calls scm_i_substring_copy (substring)
<dthompson>old: sneek sent me your messages from... whenever you sent them... to me in a different channel.
<old>dthompson: ahh classic sneek
<old>I sent them yesterday on this channel
<dthompson>to answer "how would an allocation can be avoid in vec2-dot?", allocation *is* already being avoided in vec2-dot. all the arithmetic is unboxed
<dthompson>*and* vec2-dot is inlined wherever it's called so the unboxing can continue if the vec2-dot call is part of a larger computation
<old>If I disassembled vec2-dot, I can see allocate-pointerless-words/immediate at the end of the procedure
<dthompson>as a standalone procedure, yes, that would be expected
<dthompson>because the return value has to be boxed
<dthompson>that box likely goes away when inlined
<old>okay yes I understand, the callee does not know where to put the storage for the caller, so it boxed it on the heap
<dthompson>yeah the callee needs to receive a scheme value
<old>regarding loot-at!
<old>there are intermediate value that does not seem to be unboxed I do now know why
<dthompson>look-at! allocates 3 vec3s currently
<dthompson>all the arithmetic is unboxed, though
<old>the 3 are the axes?
<dthompson>the way to fix this to not allocate at all is to avoid using vec3s at all internally and do the vector normalization and cross product directly in the procedure
<dthompson>some code duplication in exchange for no allocation
<old>eeeh. would there not be a way for the compiler to do more agressive optimization instead?
<dthompson>not in this case
<dthompson>vec3 is a user defined data type
<old>ahh it is a record wrapepr
<old>without the srfi-9 around, do you think the compiler would be able to avoid any allocation then?
<old>say vec3 was a bytevector
<dthompson>same thing if it's a bytevector
<dthompson>you'd still be allocating bytevectors
<old>that allocation could be done on the stack if the VM could support it no ?
<old>since these allocations are only intermediate value
<dthompson>stack allocation is reserved for objects that can fit within a word, though
<dthompson>fixnums and such
<dthompson>I guess we could imagine an optimization that was capable of noticing well-known bytevector allocations of just a few words or less that did something special with them. doesn't feel like it meets the threshold for being worth additional complexity.
<old>If the compiler can determine the maximum size of the bytevector, then it is totally worth it
<old>allocating words on the stack vs GC allocation is order of magnitude faster
<dthompson>but now we're changing the execution model in a pretty fundamental way :)
<old>for the better perhaps!
<cow_2001>old: i feel like that's cheating :| it's using a file that may or may not be there
<cow_2001>there are weird installations out there