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<KE0VVT>I could not adapt dthompson2_'s theme.scm to my site.
<haugh>I'm currently using a reader extension to "scope" changes to the read options, e.g. disabling square-brackets for a single macro invocation. It works fine, but it feels wrong. Is there any other way?
<apteryx>is there a way to *drop* a node instead of rewritting it with SXML's apply-templates?
<apteryx>I have some spacers like "\r\n" in between an ordered list items (ol (li "something") "\r\n" (li "another value")) that is causing some issues with pattern matching
<apteryx>i.e. (sxml-match node ((ol (li ,value) ...) replacement)) does not match
<apteryx>maybe I can preprocess using foldts
<apteryx>hm, is foldts different in Guile than in Chicken Scheme?
<apteryx>this example: produces duplicated elements, e.g. div div, p p, etc.
<apteryx>it doesn't produce these in Chicken
<apteryx>is it a bug?