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<dsmith>sneek, botsnack
<sneek>dsmith, you have 4 messages!
<sneek>dsmith, antipode says: The manual you linked to does not say they take "dir file port". Instead, it says it takes a "file port", and the variable is named "dir", indicating that the "file port" is a port for a file that is a directory.
<sneek>dsmith, antipode says: You make those the same way you make regular file ports, i.e., with 'open-file'.
<sneek>dsmith, antipode says: Unless you have a special file system where you have regular files that are at the same time also directories, passing a regular file port won't do anything useful.
<sneek>dsmith, antipode says: So no, most likely it isn't ‘regular file port that is in the same directory'.
<dsmith>sneek, later tell antipode Thanks
<sneek>Got it.
<dsmith>So, the port is for any random file in that directory.
<RhodiumToad>it's for the directory itself
<dsmith>For some reason, I've got it in my head that you never just "open" a directory. It's always through some special api.
<RhodiumToad>you generally can't actually read directories these days (you used to), but you can definitely open them
<RhodiumToad>depending on OS, there are mode flags like O_SEARCH / O_PATH to use specifically for directories
<dsmith>Like opendir, readdir, closedir. Yeah back in the day you def could just open them.
<RhodiumToad>the opendir result doesn't work for *at functions
<dsmith>Used to open *and* then read them. And needed to know the struct for the entries.
<dsmith>Thanks. I'll have to play around a bit.
<RhodiumToad>(statat (open "somedir" O_PATH) "somefile") basically
<dsmith>I'm assuming then the *at funcs just use the fd of the port..
<dsmith>ok Makes more sense now
<dsmith>So what's the main advantage or motivation for the *at funcs? Not having to cd and/or /traverse/the/whole/path/to/the/file
<RhodiumToad>changing directory is a _huge_ issue in threaded code
<dsmith>Ya. Never thought about it. Makes sense.
<RhodiumToad>being able to specify a directory handle makes it much easier to walk trees
<RhodiumToad>though guild doesn't seem to have an fdopendir or opendirat
<dsmith>Hm.. In like 35+ years of C coding, I don't think I've ever made a chdir call..
<dsmith>In shell scripts, lots. But in C?
<RhodiumToad>things like ftw/fts often change the directory internally (or did in the past)
<rlb>dsmith: if y'all were talking about what I think you were, iirc the "at" variants can also be important wrt performance (so the kerel, etc. doesn't have to re-parse/traverse/etc. the path for every operation), and safety (for related reasons -- i.e. target can't change).
<haugh>Is SRFI-19 the extent of the date math available to us? My friends are running circles around me with pandas. It's embarrassing.
<wingo>civodul: i looked at rlb's patch set to enable parallel tests. it keeps check-guile but somehow lets automake run things in parallel using the parallel driver. seems ok to me. wdyt?
<wingo>iirc it does so by having automake run ./check-guile foo.test, and it has a list of all the tests
<wingo>so it can partition them etc
<civodul>wingo: hi!
<civodul>i haven’t seen the patch (i’m a bit swamped)
<wingo>gosh me too man
<civodul>i can imagine
<civodul>one thing to keep in mind is that we’re not testing the same thing if we run several ./check-guile processes
<wingo>well, ./check-guile is still serial
<wingo>it's just "make check -j20" that becomes parallel
<civodul>i mean: “./check-guile x.test y.test” is not the same as “./check-guile x.test; ./check-guile y.test”, due to state
<wingo>yes, right.
<wingo>ideally there is no state of course... but, yes
<civodul>it potentially changes the bug-finding performance of the thing
<civodul>but maybe that’s ok
<wingo>i think it would be better to have parallelism in check-guile, in theory, but this is a not-terrible intermediate step
<civodul>yes, i agree
<wingo>i guess you would mostly want check-guile to look for a make job server if it is around, to limit parallelism, and default to using all current processors, with an option to limit to serial processing
<civodul>ACTION nods
<civodul>but then there are some tests that require single-threadedness
<civodul>and there’s --without-threads too…
<civodul>so maybe Automake is more reasonable, all things considered
<wingo>well, i would want to use processes actually, in the hypothetical check-guile parallelism, to enforce isolation of effects
<civodul>ah ok
<wingo>i am not delighted at depending on more automake "features" but this seems not too terrible
<civodul>yeah, sounds good to me
<old>So I stumbled upon this:
<old>and I wonder why my debugging experience with Geiser is not the same and more a `(pk stuff ...)' approach
<RhodiumToad>haugh: what date math do you want?
<old>Could we have something like this in Scheme as well. Is this possible?
<minima>is there anything that is as safe as `system*' but that will allow to parse the output of a command as you can with, say, `open-input-pipe'
<minima>"safe" as in, you feed it with a list of strings, only the first of which will be used as a command
<minima>basically, to safeguard against "echo foo; rm some-important-stuff"
<RhodiumToad>open-pipe* ?
<minima>oh wait... i see there's a `open-pipe*'
<minima>RhodiumToad: this is embarassing
<minima>it's been there all the time
<minima>thank you!!
<dadinn>I am curious about conventions, whether it's recommended/acceptable to use earmuffs on named parameter variables?
<dthompson>dadinn: parameters as in make-parameter? usually those are named like 'current-foo' and earmuffs would be reserved for a op-level mutable variable.
<dadinn>dthompson yes, like in (define foo (make-parameter #f))
<dadinn>dthompson the problem is that the non-earmuffed names are already used. I need to somehow differentiate the named parameters. I could either add some suffix to it like "-param", or I was thinking maybe earmuffs could work well too. I clojure earmuffed variables are used to designate dynamic variables, intended to be used for thread-local
<dadinn>overriding. Guile named paramaters seem to have the same function, so I assumed similar conventions might be appropriate?
<dadinn>dthompson what is a "op-level mutable variable"?
<dthompson>I meant "top-level" sorry, typo
<dthompson>a variable defined in a module whose value gets 'set!' at some point.
<dthompson>(define-module (foo) #:export (*foo*)) (define *foo* 1) (define (inc-foo!) (set! *foo* (+ *foo* 1)))
<dthompson>this is the conventional use of earmuffs in scheme
<dthompson>or at least in guile land
<dadinn>These variables are primarily to be used with parameterize
<dthompson>right. I'm saying it's unconvential to use earmuffs for variables that refer to parameters.
<dthompson>doesn't mean you can't name things whichever way makes you happiest :)
<dadinn>I am trying to contribute an alternate ice-9 expect module using hygienic macros back to Guile. If those earmuffs were frowned upon, it would likely be rejected.
<dadinn>I personally think earmuffs would be appropriate for thread-local dynamic variables in a module... but my intuitions likely won't match the guidelines.
<dthompson>I'm sure someone could suggest more desirable names during code review. my advice would be don't worry about it too much. :)
<dadinn>Thanks a lot for the advice, in that case I'll just go ahead with the earmuffs for now! :]
<dthompson>good luck!
<rlb>dadinn: I'd say that yeah, that's of course the convention in clojure, and I don't think I've ever seen it for that in scheme/guile. In common-lisp, iirc, it was more often an indicator of a global.
<rlb>s/was/is/? (Haven't worked a lot in common lisp in a long while.)
<rlb>wingo, civodul: thanks for looking at the parallel test harness. I suspect I may at least need to add the (I think still expected) per-file commit message entries, and happy to adjust anything else, if desired.
<rlb>And yeah, I suppose we could probably eventually teach guile to talk to make and manage the parallelism itself. Though I also agree that it might not be bad to still keep some per-process isolation (as an option, if nothing else).
<rlb>With the parallel test arrangement, you get closer to the same thing if you run ./check-guile foo.test after a failure. With current guile, the envt is (as you suggest) potentially different.
<minima>what's the idiomatic way of processing a file and returning a list or an empty list if there's no such file? (if (file-exists? filename) (do-stuff-with-filename) '()) but i'm not very fond of it
<minima>that doesn't look very idiomatic to me, and i suspect i might be missing something
<RhodiumToad>(or (false-if-exception (do-stuff-with-filename)) '()) perhaps?
<RhodiumToad>depending on what you want to do if there's some error other than "file doesn't exist"
<minima>RhodiumToad: that seems already much better, thanks!
<minima>hm true, maybe i shouldn't let silently fail, which i know it's usually bad practice
<minima>*let it
<RhodiumToad>you specifically want an empty list rather than, say, #f when the file doesn't exist?
<minima>well, i'm not completely sure, but yeah i was thinking an empty list would be the easiest down the line
<RhodiumToad>I don't see anything especially wrong with using (if (file-exists? ...) ... ...)
<RhodiumToad>(and (file-exists? filename) (do-stuff-with-filename)) will return #f for nonexistent file
<minima>oh ok, brilliant, that's good to know, thanks - i'll try and rethink the flow a bit - but otherwise i'll go for it then
<RhodiumToad>using an empty list for a missing file is also perfectly valid if the situation calls for it
<haugh>RhodiumToad, take the current date, add six months to it, then come back here and tell me you're satisfied with the datetime
<haugh>It's doable it's just clunky. I think if I were so inclined I would write some SRFI-42 generators but I've already got a ton of stuff to do
<haugh>Meanwhile I'm trying to convince my bf that macros are the greatest thing ever and he's just ripping on me because he can generate lists of date indexes with oneliners
<RhodiumToad>is it doable in a reasonable way?
<RhodiumToad>ACTION tends to do date calculations in Postgres, which is pretty good at them
<haugh>That's subjective. With SRFI-19 you need to convert dates to times, extract seconds from times, do math on seconds, and then convert back up to dates.
<RhodiumToad>uh. that's rarely a good approach
<RhodiumToad>how many seconds are there in 6 months?
<haugh>exactly my point
<RhodiumToad>I just tried making a srfi-19 date with 6 months added to the month field, and normalize by converting to julian day and back, and it says that today + 6 months is the 30th of march :-(
<RhodiumToad>a good date/time library is actually really hard to do right, and often can't be built on top of the OS standard functions
<haugh>you started with `make-date'? I'm not sure but maybe you need to start with current-julian-day or current-modified-julian-day, that could explain the drift
<haugh>just guessing
<RhodiumToad>so you end up reading the tzdata files directly, and that leads to proliferation of copies of the tzdb, which then all get out of sync
<RhodiumToad>I did (current-date), extracted all the fields and passed them to make-date, with 6 added to the month
<RhodiumToad>basically it looks like the srfi-19 code just isn't written to handle out-of-range values
<haugh>normalizing with the rational date is a great idea that almost solves this problem, I just can't figure out why it's off a bit
<haugh>oh no, it's not rolling the year over, nevermind
<dsmith>haugh, Is the stuff in any better?
<haugh>it's still "bring your own date math", just with vectors
<haugh>SRFI-19 has some great stuff e.g. builtin leap second table, I just feel like a caveman pulling remainders out of additions
<dsmith>This bit looked encouraging: "The values can be outside their usual ranges. For example tm:hour normally goes up to 23, but a value say 33 would mean 9 the following day."
<sneek>I've been faithfully serving for 14 days
<sneek>This system has been up 25 weeks, 5 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes
<haugh>I missed that! Thank you
<minima>there's this data (a simple list of strings) that i need to de/serialise to/from a file; a csv + readlines would do but then i started thinking of various concurrency issues and remote edge cases where the file gets corrupted
<minima>so i came up with the idea of directly pretty-printing the s-expression to a file and then read it back in one go with `read'
<minima>that should give some data-integrity protection, or at least some more than what provided by csv, isn't it
<minima>conversely, i suppose i lose the possibility of processing the file one chunk at the time, as `read' will probably load the whole thing in memory, won't it?
<minima>this is fine, as my file won't ever grow past a certain size
<minima>is the above assessment well founded?
<dsmith>Sure. Just keep in mind not all things have a read syntax. (hashes for example)
<haugh>I hope goblins' serialization works out. That would be a massive payoff.
<minima>dsmith: thanks!
<minima>yeah, it's a simple list of strings that i'm writing/reading
<dsmith>(read) and (write) are designed to do that very thing
<minima>haugh: that sounds interesting, i'll look it up
<haugh>minima, probably way out of scope for what you're doing and at this point entirely theoretical
<minima>i see
<haugh>not that you shouldn't get into goblins just be warned thar be dragons
<dthompson>haugh: we're working on serialization atm actually
<haugh>I am hype incarnate
<RhodiumToad>haugh: builtin leapsecond table is a misfeature, not a feature