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<rlb>RhodiumToad: oh, right, sorry was just working from vague memory. So yeah... I might just consider a rx/replace/trim if we promised consistent syntax/availability there, but of course they're far more than's needed.
<RhodiumToad>my examples aren't quite right if you didn't do basename first, consider ""
<RhodiumToad>and they'll return #f rather than, say, "" if there is no extension
<apteryx>could srfi-64 be made to show the full backtrace on exceptions?
<apteryx>that'd make finding the actual problem much easier
<apteryx>currently it shows me the source of the test, and a very succint error such as:
<apteryx>(which also appears ill-formatted)
<apteryx>I've added the actual backtrace I can see from a REPL:
<flatwhatson>apteryx: the problem is here:
<flatwhatson>it would need to capture backtrace at that point and include it in the test-result
<apteryx>would that be a welcome change?
<flatwhatson>it makes sense to me at least :)
<flatwhatson>the proper way would be to rewrite it to use exceptions, and attach the backtrace as part of the compound exception
<apteryx>flatwhatson: OK! I'll add this to my todo :-)
<apteryx>ugh, Geiser is something buggy for me:
<civodul>apteryx: with-http-server spawns a thread and so here you get two REPLs reading from stdin
<apteryx>guix repl behaves differently: In procedure %readline: readline is not reentrant (looping on that)
<apteryx>so I can't test it from a REPL?
<civodul>you can, as long as the server doesn't throw :-)