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<daviid>dthompson: finally, it was worth asking, savannah activated the cgit syntax-highlighting config, using highlight (not pygments) and what appears to be a basic default theme - pointing to those who prefer not, to use gitweb -
<RhodiumToad>ACTION wonders why (identity) doesn't seem to be inlinable, or otherwise optimized out
<lloda>it's not defined as inlinable
<lloda>is it optimized if you replace (define (identity x) x) by (define-inlinable (identity x) x) ?
<RhodiumToad>ACTION writing a macro to generate a bunch of methods that are basically wrappers, and mostly the parameters need a transform function to be called,
<RhodiumToad>but sometimes they don't
<RhodiumToad>(think passing a string to a foreign function using string->pointer, but an integer just gets passed as-is)
<RhodiumToad>I already did it by defining my own inlinable function, but was just wondering if there was a reason why (identity) itself wasn't optimized
<lloda>i don't think the compiler knows anything about (identity) the way it knows about some other functions like apply etc.
<RhodiumToad>obviously it'll get called out-of-line a lot, because you often pass it as a parameter to other functions
<RhodiumToad>after all, there's no actual reason to write (identity foo) in normal code, unless it's coming from a macro
<lloda>optimizing macro output can be important
<lloda>idk if you'd need to add identity to tree-il to handle this
<flatwhatson>isn't "values" equivalent to identity?
<lloda>that's true. You could just use values instead RhodiumToad
<RhodiumToad>that does seem to optimize
<flatwhatson>it sounds like we're working on similar stuff, i've been playing with foreign function wrappers lately too
<flatwhatson>FFI boilerplate which is just a bunch of repetitive wrap/unwrapping between scheme & foreign types sucks, even if we have some decent tools to autogenerate some of it
<flatwhatson>a lot of that could be handled neatly by declaring wrapper types & prototypes, eg:
<flatwhatson>(the stuff below there is a wishlist of patterns to be supported; output params & converting error codes into exceptions)
<flatwhatson>but eg. the cstring type handles converting arguments & returns with pointer->string and string->pointer, the enum types are symbol<->int, pointers are wrapped/unwrapped, etc.
<lloda>why do assoc and assoc-ref have reversed arguments grrr
<RhodiumToad>hysterical raisins
<lloda>i wish this could be fixed somehow. Move the old functions to a module, make a new module with fixed defs, idk
<mwette>flatwhatson: ffi-helper in nyacc automatically generates pointer->procedure calls, enum symbol<->int conversions etc. You feed it the name of a dot-h file.
<mwette>some parts need updates; a big job coming some day
<elevenkb>hello there, i'm trying to import a package which calls (current-filename)
<elevenkb>the issue is that this evaluates to #f, and I have no clue how to let it know where the file comes from.
<old>elevenkb: are you in a REPL?
<old>Then it is #f
<old>try in a file:
<old>guile test.scm => test.scm
<elevenkb>yep that does work.
<elevenkb>old: thanks... i ended up patching the source code to the module so that I manually set the value for a certain variable that depends on (current-filename).
<elevenkb>i wonder what does the => do there?
<lloda>it's shorthand for, you run what's on the left and you get what's on the right
<elevenkb>ahhhh yep. familiar.
<elevenkb>lloda: thanks for the clarification though, i intially thought it was shell related.
<old>elevenkb: nope just a way so say that's the output you get :-)
<daviid>lloda: do you prefer alist key or key alist?
<daviid>lloda: anyway, here - - maybe we could added to guile-lib (?)
<mirai>how can I find out what kind of exception was raised within a REPL?
<acrow>I went to run scheme48 in a shell and it went horribly wrong. 'guix shell scheme48', seems to go wrong for me. Anyone else? I see it on two different instances of guix system; so, hmmmm...
<acrow>Sorry -- posted to the wrong channel.
<mirai>is (addrinfo:addr (car (getaddrinfo "::" #f AI_NUMERICHOST ))) supposed to return #(10 0 0 0 0) ?
<mirai>the first element in that vector corresponds to addrinfo:fam, is that intentional?
<flatwhatson>mirai: it's a sockaddr "object", which is represented as a vector instead of being opaque
<flatwhatson>the 10 corresponds to sockaddr:fam
<flatwhatson>(which is AF_INET6)