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<ArneBab>taw10: an article on my site sometimes gets published prematurely when I publish another article
<rgherdt>atka: take also a look at , it's for chez scheme but focused on r6rs, which is supported by guile
<ArneBab>taw10: now I solved it:
<ArneBab>taw10: transpose is the much more mathematical description than my technical apply map
<ArneBab>what are you doing with receive?
<atka>rgherdt: thanks, bookmarked.
<avp>sneek: Later tell civodul Yeah, I'm the under-the-cover version of Artyom V. Poptsov ;-)
<sneek>Will do.
<taw10>ArneBab: the receieve is just to have one procedure for reading the two parts of input (numbers to be called, and list of boards)
<taw10>ArneBab: About the transpose: I like the formulation of the win condition this gives, but I was very unhappy with the transpose function itself. Your solution with (lambda (.x)) would never have occurred to me. Works much better!
<pinoaffe>hi folks, this may be somewhat of a weird question, but is there an analogue of unfold/unfold-right that can deal with a "multiple values" seed?
<ArneBab>taw10: the lambda (. x) is awfully deep magic — I use it because my try to apply didn’t work otherwise; there should still be a much cleaner way
<lilyp>pinoaffe: you ought not abuse multiple values as list
<lilyp>but you can values->list and then unfold
<pinoaffe>lilyp: values->list and unfold is what i've been doing, but abusing multiple values as list would make my code a bunch more pretty :)
<lilyp>why can't you return a list though?
<lilyp>like all you need to do is to write (list ...) instead of values
<pinoaffe>I can return a list, that's what I've been doing, but (ab)using multiple values would mean I wouldn't need to unpack the seed three times for p, f, and g
<pinoaffe>I really like how compose deals with multiple values, allowing you to compose a function that takes n arguments after one that returns n values
<lilyp>is there really some reason to use unfold here at all?
<lilyp>I don't quite get what you're trying to achieve here, perhaps it's a typical X-Y problem
<rgherdt>pinoaffe: I thought about you are trying to do and came up with this:
<rgherdt>it doesn't use values, but you still don't have to unpack in each function
<pinoaffe>lilyp: it's not really necessary, should also work (haven't tested it)
<lilyp>y'all do know that (lambda args ...) exists, right?
<rgherdt>I use keyword to distinguish between tail-gen and the rest
<lilyp>that does look like some bad recursion thouugh
<lilyp>you want to make that tail-recursive
<pinoaffe>rgherdt: ah thanks, that looks like it would work
<pinoaffe>lilyp: like so? (the order of the elements in the list that is returned doesn't matter)
<rgherdt>lilyp: thanks, with (tail-gen (lambda args '())) it looks better. Always forget that syntax
<chrislck>I did AOC until day3 then my binary tally didn't work, so, I rage quit :)
<lilyp>pinoaffe: weird question, but have you tried using iota or something like it?
<lilyp>what does change-coordinates-towards do?
<pinoaffe>lilyp: change-coordinates-towards does very crude integer-based line interpolation
<lilyp>why integer-based? is it used to color individual pixels or something?
<pinoaffe>lilyp: similar, it's to calculate which cells of a discrete 2d grid are part of a given line (it also works in higher dimensions)
<lilyp>why not use a closed-form solution, though?
<lilyp>there's probably some advent-of-code context I'm missing here
<pinoaffe>yup :)
<pinoaffe>it's (part of) my solution for todays challenge
<lilyp>pinoaffe: For now, only consider horizontal and vertical lines: lines where either x1 = x2 or y1 = y2.
<lilyp>so you can fix one and use iota on the other axis
<lilyp>use match-lambda to detect which case you're in
<pinoaffe>lilyp: in part two, diagonal lines where (= (abs (- x1 y1)) (abs (- x2 y2))) are also permitted
<pinoaffe>aka, "45 degrees" lines
<lilyp>where's part 2?
<lilyp>but even then, if it's always 45 degrees, you can still iota it
<lilyp>just extend your match-lambda :)
<pinoaffe>I started out writing that (using cond rather than match-lambda, though) but I quickly found it to be somewhat unruly, so I changed my approach
<pinoaffe> < here are the instructions for part 2
<lilyp>lemme code something up real quick
<lilyp>pinoaffe: though since you should assign a number to each of the squares, a closed-form solution still ought to be preferred imo
<lilyp>rather than manually expanding it
<pinoaffe>lilyp: ah that's a nice solution
<pinoaffe>is (zip . args) equivalent to (map list . args)? I've not seen it before
<pinoaffe>I didn't go with a closed-form solution since the size of the grid is not known in advance
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<pinoaffe>so I expand 'm and use a hash table to count how often each coordinate occurs
<lilyp>wdym the grid size is unknown?
<lilyp>you can just shrink it to the line extents
<lilyp>i.e. pick the smallest and largest x and y values from your point cloud
<pinoaffe>they did not provide min/max x/y values, and I didn't feel like looping through the input twice
<lilyp>I'm pretty sure looping just once isn't enough either, though
<lilyp>oh wait, the question is the crossing number right?
<lilyp>so you don't have to output the whole grid is what you're saying
<pinoaffe>yeah, you just have to count the number of cells that have a crossing number greater than 1
<sailorTheCat>Hi there. I use one guile program (namely guix) and sometimes I get the "Too many heap sections: Increase MAXHINCR or MAX_HEAP_SECTS". I've tried to create an env vars with that names and a big numbers for a value but either the numbers were wrong or I don't understood something. So, what should I do in that case?
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<lilyp>sailorTheCat: Perhaps try to set those values for the daemon instead of the CLI.
<lilyp>other than that, this is #guile, not #guix even if there's an overlap, there are 3x more users in the other one :)
<sailorTheCat>yep, but there is a generic problem about the interpreter
<sailorTheCat>also, how can I get good initial values for those variables?
<lilyp>I think good ol' powers of 2 ought to do the job, but you don't really want to see that warning in the first place
<lilyp>I think it's discussed in the Guix mailing lists somewhere