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***DadeBonetti1 is now known as DadeBonetti
<everstone>How can I use a list of arguments as arguments instead of as a the list it is? I'm trying to do: (format %my-list) <zzappie>everstone: you can (apply format %my-list) <zzappie>also one thing I didn't know for a long time is that ((lambda x x) 'wrapped) will result in (wrapped), this way you can ignore arity of which is sometimes handy <lampilelo>zzappie: can you give an example? ((lambda x x) 'foo) is functionally equivalent to (list 'foo) <zzappie>lampilelo: I meant that I always wrote (lambda (args) body) and didnt know you can (lambda arglist body). There are times for example you need a function that accepts any number arguments so you can use this for for that, or even show that you dismiss args entirely and write (lambda _ body) *zzappie *use this form for... <lampilelo>ah, ok, it wasn't clear to me what you wanted to say <yoctocell>Is there a way to split a string based on a string predicate? e.g. I want "AdelimBdelimCdelim" => '("A" "B" "C"), `string-split' only accepts a character predicate. <dsmith-work>yoctocell: Unfortunately, that pred gets passed only one char at a time. And from back to front too. <yoctocell>dsmith-work: I don't think that will be a problem, I can just filter out the empty strings. <everstone>I'm really liking this first introduction to lisp so far! To be told syntax is illegal eventho I see it used in the sourcecode is annoying, but it encourages me to be creative :^)