<leoprikler>ane: what kind of snarfing do you mean? it's actually a bit of an overloaded term <leoprikler>there are various forms of doc snarfing, i.e. extracting docstrings from source code, but there is also "function snarfing", which generates C code to define scheme procedures from C functions <ane>ah I mean the doc snarfing <ane>not the magic snarfer for .x files <ane>the doc snarfing that happens during building guile <leoprikler>Yeah, that probably goes towards guile-procedures.txt <leoprikler>And yes, if you read (ice-9 documentation), you can see that guile searches for such a file in various places and fetches procedure-documentation from there. ***catonano_ is now known as catonano
***apteryx is now known as Guest12922
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<ArneBab>manumanumanu: you’re working on making foof-loop cleaner and faster? <jlicht>civodul: (very late) thanks for the pointer to the r5rs formal syntax page, it confirmed my suspicions :-) <jlicht>the tldr of it is that guile-reader's read-hash-extend replacement does not work when using existing reader-macro characters for the reader macro. So for my use-case, using a different character should work just fine :D <ArneBab>jlicht: you can extend via read-hash-extend. Then you get #<your char> literals <liltechdude>hello, can I create static link executable from guile program, which can run on machine different from linux? <davexunit>liltechdude: not currently possible, I'm afraid. <jlicht>using 'normal' read-hash-extend works, of course ***slyfox_ is now known as slyfox
<dsmith-work>zzappie: Yey! wirehark (or at least tcpdump) is one of those invaluable tools. strace is another. <ArneBab>jlicht: ah, I understand. Thank you! ***amiloradovsky1 is now known as amiloradovsky