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***drakonis is now known as drakonis-
<ArneBab_>RhodiumToad: ok — thank you!
***apteryx is now known as Guest40591
***apteryx_ is now known as apteryx
<str1ngs>Hello, how do I copy a <hashmap> ?
***gagbo___ is now known as gagbo
<leoprikler>you mean a <hash-table>?
<str1ngs>leoprikler: my bad I meant <hash-table> though I don't need it any more I can parent a emacsy <hashmap> from the constructor.
<RhodiumToad>maybe something like (alist->hash-table (hash-map->list cons myhash))
<str1ngs>RhodiumToad: I think that would work if I need to copy a <hash-table> at some point.
<RhodiumToad>or (let ((newhash (make-hash-table))) (hash-for-each (cut hash-set! newhash <> <>) oldhash) newhash)
<RhodiumToad>(replace hash- with hashq- or hashv- as applicable)
<str1ngs>gotcha thanks RhodiumToad
<str1ngs>also why do I have such a hard time groking cut? is that just me and years of procedural programming?
<RhodiumToad>mutation loop is kind of ick, but the alist way is a lot of consing...
<str1ngs>yeah, actually this mutation issue stems even farther into how (emacsy minibuffer) is designed. I might need to redisgn it sligtly. for example the minibuffer is global binding and it's hard codeed in many places. I'm thinking of making it a fluid or a parameter
<cloveistaken>Small question, how do I install gnutls on Debian stable ?
<cloveistaken>I have this error message: Throw to key `gnutls-not-available' with args `("(gnutls) module not available")'.
<cloveistaken>I downloaded guile-2.2 from repo, not compiled from source
<leoprikler>there seems to be a guile-gnutls in bullseye and sid, but not buster
<str1ngs>I normally just build gnults to /usr/local with guile support
<cloveistaken>I'll try to compile from source later then
<cloveistaken>The link in the official docs is dead
<cloveistaken>Btw speaking about that
<cloveistaken>What is the different between guile 2 and guile 3
<cloveistaken>Big differences I mean
<RhodiumToad>guile 3 has a JIT
<RhodiumToad>(but the version that fixes nasty bugs in the 32-bit arm support is not released yet)
<RhodiumToad>guile 3 unifies a bunch of record and exception types that are annoyingly distinct in guile 2
<RhodiumToad>not sure what other changes would be considered "big"
<cloveistaken>JIT seems like a huge deal
<cloveistaken>guile seems to have new versions like every 3 months or somemthing
<cloveistaken>Is it considered ready for production yet or not ?
<cloveistaken>Compare to Racket for example
<erkin>`dynamic-link' seems to ignore symlinks.
<erkin>On my machine, `` does not exist and `` is a symlink to ``. I can (dynamic-link "libc-2.30") but I would prefer not to tie my code to a specific glibc version.
<RhodiumToad>why would you try and link something that's already loaded?
<erkin>Well, it doesn't work for anything else either.
***daviid is now known as Guest14680
<leoprikler>cloveistaken: guile-3 is stable enough for Guix, but you'll have to live with the awkward 3.0.2 vs. 3.0.4 API difference
<leoprikler>erkin: does (dynamic-link "/full/path/to/lib") work for you?
<leoprikler>if so, then just make "/full/path/to/lib") something that you get from your build-system through parameter or pkg-config
<leoprikler>so /path/to/ fails?
<RhodiumToad>the theory of .so filenames is that represents an ABI version, so or might not be compatible with it
<erkin>"" works both relatively and absolutely.
<erkin>I wouldn't mind linking to .so.6 but fixing to glibc v2.30 is a bit overkill.
<leoprikler>Hmm, mine seems to resolve symlinks fine
<leoprikler>scheme@(guile-user)> (dynamic-link "/run/current-system/profile/lib/")
<leoprikler>$1 = #<dynamic-object "/run/current-system/profile/lib/">
<erkin>This is Guile v2.2 by the way.
<erkin>I should've specified it earlier.
<leoprikler>okay, trying guile-2.2
<erkin>v2.0 has the same behaviour
<erkin>On Fedora 31
<RhodiumToad>dynamic-link just calls libtool's lt_dlopen
<leoprikler>could you make another symlink to libc-2.30 in your current directory or /tmp (call it "") and try to dynamic-link that?
<erkin>Should I add cwd to LD_LOAD_PATH?
<leoprikler>either that or full path again ;)
<erkin>It works with full path now.
<erkin>Symlinking to works but doesn't.
<leoprikler>seems guile hates suffixes
<erkin>The suffix throws it off even with non-symlinked libraries.
<RhodiumToad>what part of "just calls libtool's lt_dlopen" wasn't clear?
<leoprikler>does lt_dlopen hate those too?
<erkin>I would be surprised, because `ldd' shows clear links to /usr/lib/
<RhodiumToad>so what libtool is doing is this
<erkin>I whipped together some C code.
<erkin>And `dlopen' works with `'
<RhodiumToad>when you lt_dlopen some filename, it checks whether it already ends with the system's shared lib extension
<RhodiumToad>(i.e. ".so" in this case)
<cloveistaken>leoprikler: where can i see the 3.0.2 vs 3.0.4 api thingy
<RhodiumToad>if so, it just dlopen's that
<RhodiumToad>otherwise, it tries sticking .so on the end
<erkin>I wish Guile documentation mentioned that.
<RhodiumToad>dlopen on the other hand will try the exact filename first, regardless.
<erkin>The example at the bottom just opens "" so I assumed I could do the same:
<RhodiumToad>so basically dynamic-link won't work on file names that don't end in the system's shared lib extension
<erkin>I see.
<RhodiumToad>opening will work if a file (or symlink) of that name exists on the system
<erkin>It might be too intrusive to ask the user to make a /usr/lib/ symlink.
<RhodiumToad>for the specific case of libc, you can just assume it's already linked in, though?
<RhodiumToad>and its symbols will be visible via (dynamic-link) with no filename
<erkin>That's true.
<erkin>oh what
<erkin>I made a symlink from /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/
<erkin>And (dynamic-link "") fails.
<erkin>So do (dynamic-link "libc") and (dynamic-link "/usr/lib/").
<RhodiumToad>it fails for me too but for a completely different reason I think.
<erkin>I considered /usr/lib64 but that also has and
***Guest14680 is now known as daviid
<str1ngs>for libraries that are already linked to guile you don't need to pass a file argument. IIRC
<str1ngs>for example say you want the printf function something like (dynamic-func "printf" (dynamic-link)) should work.
<str1ngs>erkin: ^
<cloveistaken>I was wondering
<cloveistaken>What is the different between with-input-from-file and call-input-from-file
<cloveistaken>I checked the doc and they look very similar to me
<luis-felipe>Hi, what's this notation called?
<luis-felipe>The notation to describe what kind of arguments the procedure takes, for example.
<rekado>some of the SXML documentation has Haskell-like type annotations
<rekado>the stuff after “where” is a grammar
<luis-felipe>rekado: Thanks.
<dsmith-work>cloveistaken: One takes a thunk, the other a procedure of one argument.
<dsmith-work>cloveistaken: call-with-input-file passes the port to the proc
<dsmith-work>cloveistaken: with-input-from-file changes stdin to the file
<luis-felipe>The notation after the "where" seems like BNF notation (Backus–Naur form or Backus normal form)...
<dsmith-work>luis-felipe: Yes, I believe so.