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<RhodiumToad>(apply-individually-aux (list 'quote f) (reverse args)))
<sviteri>I was trying 'f! (which made no sense for the clear reason)
<sviteri>great -- getting $38 = ((((quote S) X) Y) Z)
<RhodiumToad>this is assuming the first arg to apply-individually is always a symbol that you want to match literally
<RhodiumToad>that's correct - always remember that 'S is just a reader shorthand for (quote S)
<sviteri>I might want to use (apply-individually '(S I) '(X Y Z))
<RhodiumToad>hm. that might be harder
<sviteri>I can put a recursive quote mechanism in the same spot I guess
<RhodiumToad>does the first arg there contain only literal symbols, not anything else?
<RhodiumToad>yes, exactly
<sviteri>yes only literal symbols
<sviteri>(define (rec-quote x)
<sviteri> (if (leaf? x)
<sviteri> (list 'quote x)
<sviteri> `(,(rec-quote (car x)) ,(rec-quote (cadr x)))))
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (rec-quote '(S I))
<sviteri>$39 = ((quote S) (quote I))
<sviteri>(rec-quote 'S)
<RhodiumToad>style question, wouldn't apply-individually-aux be better as a named-let?
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (rec-quote 'S)
<sviteri>$40 = (quote S)
*RhodiumToad not an authority on scheme style
<sviteri>Umm RhodiumToad++
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (program-to-reduction-rule 'I)
<sviteri>$42 = (((quote I) v0) v0)
<sviteri>We're in business
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (program-to-reduction-rule '(S I))
<sviteri>$43 = (((((quote S) (quote I)) v0) v1) (v1 (v0 v1)))
<sviteri>Or are we? I think I need to unquote the right side
<sviteri>(program-to-reduction-rule 'I)
<sviteri>$46 = (((quote I) v0) (unquote v0))
<sviteri>A huge letdown -- scheme@(guile-user)> (match '(I X) (program-to-reduction-rule 'I))
<sviteri>$51 = I
<RhodiumToad>unquote has to be inside quasiquote
<sviteri>Oh duh
<RhodiumToad>also you misused match there on the command line
<sviteri>but (program-to-reduction-rule 'I) contains both my pattern and expression
<RhodiumToad>but you put it in a place that's not evaluated
<RhodiumToad>remember that match is a macro, it doesn't evaluate its args
<sviteri>I keep forgetting
<RhodiumToad>(match '(I X) (program-to-reduction-rule 'I)) binds the value (I X) to the symbol program-to-reduction-rule and then returns the result of evaluating 'I
<sviteri>that makes sense
<sviteri>But how can I escape this
<sviteri>(let ((rule (program-to-reduction-rule 'I))) (match '(I X) rule))
<sviteri>rule still wouldn't be evaluated
<daviid>mwette: did not answer your message about, but fwiw, in my projects (guile-cv, g-golf, foliot ... in guile-lib to) i implemented an option '--with-guile-site' and still honour $prefix (for doc, examples ...) if passed - just look at the of g-golf for example, if you are interested of course (and m4/guil-ext.m4, am/
<RhodiumToad>sviteri: you either need a non-macro version of match, or you need to use (compile)
<sviteri>Ah so that's why you used compile earlier
<sviteri>So the example by stis earlier -- is this a non-macro version of match
<daviid>mwette: g-golf is guile version 'agnostic', so code modules are installed in the GUILE_GLOBAL_SITE dir (as oppoed to the GUILE_SITE dir)
<sviteri>(define m2 (append-imatch '(?a 2) (lambda (?a) (list 'b ?a)) m1))
<rotty>is `flush-output-port` (aka `force-output`) supposed to work with R6RS `transcoded-port`? I think this used to work, but am pretty confident it is broken now (i.e. may fail to actually force output)
<rotty>dsmith-work: request noted, I will put it on my lengthy and very unreliable mental list of "things to look into"
<rotty>fwiw, this code hangs:, but it should not, IMO
<rotty>weinholt: this is where dorodango is stuck when running under Guile 3.0, FWIW
*rotty writes a bug report, this seems to be a regression introduced with Guile 2.2 (the linked code works as expected on 2.0)
<sviteri>RhodiumToad: and Stis: it works now, thank you
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (program-to-reduction-rule 'I)
<sviteri>$78 = (((quote I) v0) (quasiquote (unquote v0)))
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (define lang `(,(program-to-reduction-rule 'I)))
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> lang
<sviteri>$79 = ((((quote I) v0) (quasiquote (unquote v0))))
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (define v (compile `(lambda (prog) (match prog ,@lang)) #:env
<sviteri> (current-module)))
<sviteri>scheme@(guile-user)> (v '(I X))
<sviteri>$80 = X
<mwette>davidd: thanks
***wxie1 is now known as wxie
***daviid` is now known as daviid
<str1ngs>daviid: thanks to g-golf here is my progress on nomad so far.
<daviid>str1ngs: wc! cool to see nomad progresses
<daviid>str1ngs: i am working on the 'inout args problem, then the missing array types ...
<str1ngs> daviid no rush for functions/methods that g-golf I just use some custom typelib functions of my owne.
<str1ngs>g-golf can't handle*
<rlb>...found the problem with pfds -- it did end up being a bug there, not with guile. I'll report it and close the guile bug tomorrow.
***wxie1 is now known as wxie
<rotty>is it possible that debbugs swallows mails stemming from `mail@<domain>` addresses? I think this has happened to me with Debian's instance before, and seems to be happening to me with the GNU instance as well. if i'd know it, I could work around it, but it's seriously misterious -- the mail has been accepted almost an hour ago by the debbugs MTA, but does not show up in the web interface.
<rotty>(issue 39610, which i originally posted via gmane, and sent an update directly via mail: from=<> to=<> stat="250 OK id=1j2xdC-0000us-0n", Feb 15 13:37:14 UTC)
<jackhill>Hi, how would I try to build all the packages reported by guix refresh -l, if I wanted to check that my change didn't break dependent packages?
<jackhill>oops, wrong channel, sorry!
<weinholt>rotty, good find on that flush bug
<weinholt>i'm surprised that it hasn't bitten anyone earlier
<stis>people tend to code around
<rlb>...guile doesn't support srfi-7 and racket doesn't support srfi-0...
<rlb>Anyone happen to know of a reasonable way to detect racket vs guile right now, so that you can selectively say (require 'srfi/64) vs (use-modules (srfi srfi-64))?
<rlb>all the rest of the code can be rnrs, but need to handle loading the srfis differently (it seems).
<weinholt>why not (import (srfi :64))? works with guile and plt-r6rs
<rlb>weinholt: had no idea that was a thing -- but possibly perfect. Is that part of the rnrs spec, or just happens be implemented by both, or...? (I still don't know r6+rs very well.)
<weinholt>rlb, it's from srfi-97
<rlb>weinholt: ok, thanks much.
<rlb>(oops ...missed my C-x b there...)
<rlb>...looks like the pfds' test library may just be "gone" from the internet, i.e. (wak trc-testing).
<weinholt>it's also in akku
<rlb>I thought I tried that earlier and got a 404 (i.e. gitlab, but maybe the link I was following was just broken)... And none of my subsequent searches found it. Might be time to step away from the keyboard for a bit :) (And thanks.)
<lispmacs>when I run statprof I get messages like ;;; (what! #<stack 7f96eb0d2660>)
<lispmacs>what does thhat mean?
***janneke_ is now known as janneke
<rlb>Is this expected?
<rlb>scheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (srfi srfi-69))
<rlb>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:foo)
<rlb>$1 = 16939754213367027
<rlb>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:bar)
<rlb>$2 = 16939754213367027
<rlb>I think that may have been a contributor to the pfds crash I was seeing. i.e. I'd assumed that keywords would not all have equal hashes. Though there may still be a bug in pfds, i.e. why wouldn't it just have terrible performance due to universal collisions?
<mwette>this boils down to (w/o srfi-69) (hash #:foo most-positive-fixnum)
<mwette>... to scm_raw_ihashq (SCM_UNPACK (obj))) % n ... so I wonder if there is something to do with encoding keywords
<rlb>First off, do we think that might be a bug, or what was intended? (i.e. happy to investigate and see if I can fix it, if it's something that needs fixing...)
<mwette>I can't see how this could be indended behavior.
<mwette>I'd guess some optimization of keywords w/o realizing this outcome.
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash 'foo)
<dsmith>$1 = 1108993865831475483
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash 'bar)
<dsmith>$2 = 2039013465220843895
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:foo)
<dsmith>$3 = 16939754213367027
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:bar)
<dsmith>$4 = 16939754213367027
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:baz)
<dsmith>$5 = 16939754213367027
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:zork)
<dsmith>$6 = 16939754213367027
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (hash #:something-else-anything-else)
<rlb>Maybe it's not hashing the content.
<dsmith>$7 = 16939754213367027
<dsmith>I'd say that's a bug
<rlb>i.e. it's hashing the common type-object or something...
<mwette>I think SCM_UNPACK(obj) where obj is a keyword need to be unraveled
<dsmith>'foo and "foo" hash to the same value
<rlb>Or at least, not what I want from a general purpose hasher...
<dsmith>scheme@(guile-user)> (eq? (hash 'foo) (hash "foo"))
<dsmith>$12 = #t
<rlb>It turns out that hash integer for all keywords was relevant to the pfds hamts crash -- i.e. if it's 0, no crash, but that value perturbs things such that it hits the broken code path.
<rlb>weinholt: ahh, the dead search links were likely from a move:
<rlb>And looks like there's another pr there (merged by ironscheme) that fixed the bug I found -- wish I'd seen that earlier.
<rlb>Wonder if ironscheme might be the preferred pfds upstream now, or if there is one...
<weinholt>rlb, it's quite useful software, thinking about packaging it?
<mwette>so odd: if I code in C, hashes are different
<rlb>Hah, not yet -- first think we should figure out a somewhat active upstream, i.e. with those fixes, readme update, etc.
<rlb>Was trying to decide if I should fork it for myself for now (and of course others could use it), rely on ironscheme's fork (and see if they want to be the upstream for now), or...
*rlb doesn't know anything about ironscheme...
<rlb>oh, that's the clr thing
<mwette>... using gdb on
<weinholt>rlb, i've got an ITP for chez-srfi and have been sketching out some general ideas for packaging R6RS and R7RS libraries, would be good to hear your views at some point
<rlb>Ahh, ok -- well currently have no opinion :) (Hadn't thought about it at all yet.)
<rlb>I hope what we need will be simpler than emacsen-common has been :)
<weinholt>one can hope!
<rlb>Any idea if it might be more like just needing to put the files in a well specified location and then have some policy so that each of the maintainers can adapt guile/chez/racket/whatever to find them?
<rlb>I guess we might need more than that if we want install-time compilation triggered, etc.
<weinholt>i'm hoping to get away with just dropping the files in the right place initially
<weinholt>but the full picture is more complicated... i'll send you an email
<rlb>I'd need to read up again, but if triggers *could* do what we want, then adding a trigger call to the postinst or whatever might be handy, then maintainers can opt-in as they like. But might want to sit down first and come up with something like debian-emacs-policy if feasible.
<rlb>Though as mentioned, certainly hope it can be simpler than that...
<weinholt>the more people desire, the more complicated it gets :)
<lispmacs>hi, I'm running guile-3.0 from Guix guile-next package. When I use statprof I get the "error"
<lispmacs>;;; what!
<lispmacs>followed by a stack number
<lispmacs>in source code it says this is not supposed to happen if statprof.scm is compiled
<lispmacs>the guile-next package does have a statprof.go installed, so I'm wondering what is amiss
<lispmacs>do others see this also?