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<random_auroras>So, does Guile have a package manager or is Guix de-facto what's used?
<OrangeShark>random_auroras: there is guildhall, but it never gained any popularity. Guix is just a general package manager, because there is so many Guile users and it is easy to create packages, there is a lot of guile packages on it.
<random_auroras>OrangeShark: I see. I was somewhat disappointed when I found that guildhall never succeeded.
<random_auroras>I was wondering if perhaps some alternative had beaten it to the punch.
<daviid>random_auroras: our beloved maintainer wingo started to work on guildhall successor, it's called potluck
<OrangeShark>random_auroras: some people want to push Guix to be that package manager, but Guix covers more than just Guile packages. So people might not be too interested in installing Guix for that reason.
<random_auroras>daviid: Hm, I wonder if perhaps it'll have better luck.
<OrangeShark>daviid: yes, forgot about potluck, but haven't heard about any updates from it. It uses parts of Guix
<daviid>random_auroras: potluck is a wip, fairlay advanced, but still not 'production' there an email let me check for you (it needs guix though, but that is easy to install,
<daviid>OrangeShark: right, but potluck is the package manager we want for guile third party lib, guildhall has a major 'problem' that it won't let you install anything that is not pure guile
<random_auroras>Oh. That kind of kills C wrappers.
<OrangeShark>daviid: yes, that is always a problem with language package managers
<daviid>random_auroras: that is why andy started to work on potluck
<random_auroras>Python's seems to have gotten around that.
<random_auroras>Though it's a pretty hacky workaround.
<daviid>random_auroras: potluck needs a maintainer, but it _is_ the solution, let me find the email fr you
<daviid>random_auroras: here
<daviid>actually there is another should read before this one :)
<daviid>this one:
<daviid>and wrt both, worth reading the rest of the thread as well ...
<random_auroras>ooh, supports Rust
<daviid>potluck is based on guix (uses guix) so it support any programing language
<random_auroras>Makes sense.
<random_auroras>It's a bit like PyPI, if I understand its purpose correctly?
<daviid>random_auroras: i don't use python, can't answer that
<random_auroras>daviid: Clojure?
<daviid>very little, kawa
<random_auroras>It's a bit like Clojars
<random_auroras>Both of those are centralized though, which potluck aims not to be.
<daviid>random_auroras: exactly
<random_auroras>So if my sleepy mind isn't messing with me, potluck allows you to relatively-simply host your own channel server?
<daviid>i think so yes, but i never diiged into, i wish i had time ...
<random_auroras>I'm probably going to look more into it now that I know it's a thing. Some other day though.
<thomasd>Hello #guie
<thomasd>#guile, that is
<thomasd>Can anyone here help me with a question about dynamic wind and guile exceptions?
***gour_ is now known as gour
<chrislck>1) is there a simple answer to why ubuntu is not shipping guile-2.2?
<chrislck>2) does anyone know anyone who worked on for guile ?
<OrangeShark>hello everyone
***profan_ is now known as profan
<thomasd>Now a few more people have arrived, maybe I can repeat my question from this morning :)
<thomasd>Am I right that a dynamic-wind "out-guard" also absorbs error output somehow?
<thomasd>I'm trying to figure out the best way to make sure a clean-up routine is run in case of exceptions (in this case: guile-ncurses' (endwin) to restore the terminal state)
<thomasd>(with-throw-handler) works nicely, but then it seems I have to write (endwin) in two places: once in the handler, and once in the regular execution path.
<daviid>catonano: g-golf development status is '1 - Planning', don't even try to use it, use gule-gnome instead
<OrangeShark>hello daviid you are going to get a librem 5?
<daviid>catonano: but yet you decided to picj it up to - try to demonstrate (in your blog post) that the autotool chain 'does not work' ... ?!?
<daviid>sneek: later catonano but yet you decided to picj it up to - try to demonstrate (in your blog post) that the autotool chain 'does not work' ... ?!?
<daviid>sneek later tell catonano and then you publicly state that it is not well autotool chained ?!? you never got in touch with me and here up to make dist check pass ... so, what is your problem? please report it here or on the mailing list so I can help you ... and don't write bd things about projects that are by definition experimental and for which you did not even try to get in touch with their author ... tha is terribly bad
<daviid>OrangeShark: yes
<daviid>sneek is sleeping?
<OrangeShark>daviid: a guile powered phone will be awesome :)
<daviid>OrangeShark: yes, and it is a gnome phone, so we can write apps ...
<OrangeShark>I backed the project for a phone as well.
<daviid> ... it is debian/gnome (it has kde and qt too)
<OrangeShark>yes, I think they are also writing their own DE using gnome technology and wayland
<daviid>OrangeShark: i din't bye yet: the prob is i live in a country where mport tax on electronics is 100%, so 600 turn our 12900 here ... plus it is bloked at boundaries for ages ...
<daviid>sneek is not working? or am i using it in a wrong way?
<OrangeShark>sneek: botsnack
<OrangeShark>sneek: later tell daviid hello, world
<daviid>sneek: later tell catonano but yet you decided to picj it up to - try to demonstrate (in your blog post) that the autotool chain 'does not work' ... ?!?
<sneek>Welcome back daviid, you have 1 message.
<sneek>daviid, OrangeShark says: hello, world
<sneek>Will do.
<OrangeShark>there we go
<OrangeShark>daviid: have you seen the work in progress docs for the librem 5?
<daviid>OrangeShark: looked at it yesterday, have to dig more ...
<daviid>sneek later tell catonano and then you publicly state that it is not well autotool chained ?!? you never got in touch with me and here up to make dist check pass ... so, what is your problem? please report it here or on the mailing list so I can help you ...
<daviid>sneek: later tell catonano and then you publicly state that it is not well autotool chained ?!? you never got in touch with me and here up to make dist check pass ... so, what is your problem? please report it here or on the mailing list so I can help you ...
<daviid>don't know why the above did not work??
<daviid>wish dsmith would be here, he would know I guess
<daviid>OrangeShark: have to find someone who travel, and brings me a phone back ... I'll see
<OrangeShark>yes, hopefully it sparks more interest in GNU/Linux phones
<OrangeShark>we definitely need a guide on making an app using guile for this :)
<OrangeShark>plus guile-gnome
<daviid>i hope it will take the entire world :)
<daviid>OrangeShark: yes, I need to find the time to work on g-golf ...
<daviid>OrangeShark: do you know the prcessor spec? I wanted to compare, usig passmark or something but could never find the spec
<daviid>catonano: and then you publicly state that g-golf is not well autotool chained ?!? you never got in touch with me and here up to make distcheck pass ... so, what is your problem? please report it here or on the mailing list so I can help you ...
<OrangeShark>daviid: I think they were still looking at the specific hardware to use. is the blog post explaining some of it
<daviid>catonano: unlike you claim, the autotool chain is full of nmacros that let someone check if a package, a lib, a module, a function ... is installedavailable, in what version ... this libpq exampe you are talking about just demonstrate you actually don't know autoconf automake ... terrible
<catonano>daviid: I was expressing some troubles I hahve with the Autotools, not with g-golf specifically. I mentioned also Skribilo. But I was not specifically discussing Sribilo either. I was trying to argument about a general issue
<sneek>catonano, you have 1 message.
<sneek>catonano, daviid says: but yet you decided to picj it up to - try to demonstrate (in your blog post) that the autotool chain 'does not work' ... ?!?
<catonano>daviid: of course I don't kknwo Automake. Taht was exactly one of my points
<daviid>catonano: so why do you write it is bad? and how come you write it does not have ways to check if libpd is installed ?
<catonano>And anyway I don't think that not knowing Automake is a fault
<daviid>catonano: let1s forget the blog content, totally wrong imo, but i'm interested in what was th problem you had trying g-golf
<daviid>no, writing it is bad if you don't know is a terrible fault
<daviid>and writing g-golf is not well autool chained is also terrible
<catonano>Wat it´s bad about Automake is the experience it provides. I mentioned Leiningen as a counterexample
<daviid>but i'm here, all hear, what is the problem?
<catonano>daviid: The problem is that Automae and the Autotools in general are frustrating. They are a mess, a nasty hack. Extremely difficult to use. To me
<catonano>I argued extensively about that and I provided context and examples
<daviid>catonano: forget about it, i totally disagree with the simple fact someone writes about sonething they don't know, and conclude for the rest of the world that tool is bad ... but i'm interested to know what is the problem wrt g-golg you pretend you had? here and master afaict pass make distcheck
<catonano>This is not about g-golf or about you
<daviid>your arguments are full of istakes, like there is no way to check for the presence of libpq !?!
<catonano>and I also undertsand the strenght points about the Autotools, I ust wanted to argue about a facet that involves me
<catonano>davviid I never argued there si no way
<catonano>daviid: I argued that it's too difficult forr me
<daviid>catonano: your blog is full of mistake and false information lke the above, but that's it, i'm only interested to g-golf and you dont say what the problem is/was
<catonano>daviid: and that I don't want to struggle so much or something that I found being way easier with, say, Leiningen
<daviid>leiningen is a disaster :)
<daviid>catonano: what is the g-golf problem when you tried to make it? please
<daviid>let's concentrate on the psitive things here
<daviid>if there was a problem, i want to solve it
<catonano>daviid: Leiningen empowered me. The autotools did the opposite
<daviid>catonano: fine
<daviid>what is the g-golf problem when you tried to make it?
<daviid>what is the error message, can you paste itplease
<catonano>daviid:as I extensively wrote in my blog post, the problem with G-golf was that I was not happy with having to manually substitute the complete path to the Gnome libraries in a scheme file. Later I found the way to do that with Automake. But I still find it ugly and clumsy. Maybe it's a matter of habit
<daviid>catonano: no one should have to do that that does not make sence
<catonano>daviid: what doesn't make sense ?
<daviid>catonano: no one has to change any file in g-golf, the project has been tested by gnu hackers by the way, to be approved, so i have no idea what makes you think you had to manually change any g-golf file
<daviid>and your blog does not report anything in detail, i still have no idea why yu had a 'problem'
<catonano>daviid: the suggestion to edit a scheme file was give to my on the guix-hhelp mailing list by Ludo. I consider Ludo quite competent
<daviid>what file did you manually change?
<catonano>so in come way it has to make sense
<daviid>catonano: sorry does not make any sence
<daviid>I'm the author, not ludo (which i greatly respect of curse, that is not the point)
<catonano>My grievances with thhe Autotools were also comforrted by Potr, who works porffessionally as a system administrator in an academic isntitution. I consider Pjotr quite competent too
<daviid>that still does not tell me why you updated manually a file
<OrangeShark>daviid: I think it probably to add the full path for dynamic libs for guix
<daviid>so the problem is with guix
<daviid>not the autotool chain
<daviid>neither with g-golf
<catonano>daviid: that maybe
<catonano>but the clumsy expereince offfered by thhe Autotools is related
<daviid>no it is not
<daviid>the very few testers on all distro, all of them, installed g-golf in less then a few minutes with no problem
<catonano>daviid: it is inmy opinion. And I'd appreciate if you were less dismissive
<catonano>daviid: I am not a common distro tester. I offered my experience.
<catonano>daviid: here's Ludo suggestion
<daviid>you wrote bad things about a project i author and maintain, in a experimental state, without talking to me first, and after a couple of lines here, it appears it is guix, not the autotool chain nor the project itself ... every one on earth can open a ermnal and write: ./;./configure [--prefix=];make
<daviid>it is in the readme, install ... on the web page ...
<daviid>no need to know nothing about the autotool chain itself
<catonano>I wrote bad things about the Autotools, not about G-golf
<catonano>yes, it is Guix, this doesn't make any difference.
<OrangeShark>catonano: yeah, that is just something you need to do with guix or daviid needs to add a way, using autotools to override the dynamic library name.
<catonano>the line you are suggesting DOESN`T wor on Guix.
<catonano>it's guix, yes. So what ?
<daviid>the suggestion by ludo demonstrate it has nothing to do with the autotool chain, but with guix (the way guix expect thing, I'm not criticing guix itself)
<catonano>I ust reported an experience of mine, politely, i think
<catonano>daviid: about Ludo's suggestion: I beg to differ. Guix works with many Autotools based packages. To me if a package doesn't wor in Guix, it's the package, not Guix
<catonano>daviid: I understand if you don't want or can't support Guix too
<catonano>it's legitimate of course
<daviid>catonano: you are wring again
<catonano>daviid: look. I mighht be wrong but your wor in trying to convince me is terrible
<catonano>the Guile community is extremely small. The G-golf project is a tiny dot in the universe. You should be grateful that someone choses that to play with
<catonano>instead you ave the lese majesty attitude
<catonano>you should learn to be nicer
<catonano>repeating that I'm wrong will only leave a bad vibe
<catonano>The guix community fared way better, in thhis regard
<catonano>The free software related conferences are full of speeces about this issue in thhe Free Software commnities. You should listen to some off them
<daviid>the autotool chain uses pkg-config, and all distro do find libraries ...
<OrangeShark>catonano: daviid: guix changes things a bit that is not expected by many packages. If you want a projects like G-golf to make it easier, you need to report the issue to the maintainer
<daviid>catonano: the autotool chin does not jhave to support ay distro, you see this is wrong agian
<daviid>you were trying to build a guix package, and because of guix, something know among guixers by the way, you need to make some changes in a file that non other distro require, then you say all distro anf the tool chain are wrong ?"?
<catonano>daviid: yes. i don't want to rely on thhe mantainer for such a small issue. This didn't hapen with Leiningen and with Boot, as I extensively wrote. This makes the experrience offered by the Autotools TERRIBLE. Your attitude here adds to that.
<catonano>daviid: I just hold this opinion. YOu'll have to live with that
<daviid>sorry, it is a guix problem, that has absoluytely nothing to do with the autotool chain
<catonano>daviid: you're wrong again
<OrangeShark>catonano: but that is unrelated to autotools
<catonano>OrangeShark: yes, it's about the Autotools
<daviid>totally unrelated to autotool, i'm of the conversation, you just don't have the appropirate knowledge and apparently not willng to learn either
<catonano>I repeat this for the nth time. AS I WROTE IN TE POST I HAD NO SUCHH PROBLEM WITH LEININGEN, WIT BOOT and now that you make me think about this I had no sich problem with the Python toolchain neither
<catonano>so this is not about me
<catonano>and the ffafct that you are so defensive says so much about why some communities languishh
<catonano>you should grow up
<catonano>it's ust an opinion
<OrangeShark>catonano: were you using leiningen on guix?
<OrangeShark>you will likely face the same issues when packaging a clojure project that is similar to G-golf
<catonano>daviid: if there's someone who doesn't want to listen, thatś you
<catonano>daviid: now, please, I'd appreciate if you refrain to address me anymore
<daviid>catonano: don't write about something you don't know
<catonano>daviid: I will do as I please
<daviid>g-golf is perfectly autotool chained, and the problem you faced were related to guix
<daviid>i even did answer your thread, re read it
<daviid>and read ludo's answer
<catonano>daviid: I asked to refrain to address me anymore
<daviid>i'm off you just don't know don't learn don't listen neither to OrangeShark
<daviid>this is the worst blg ost i did read in a long time
<catonano>daviid: that motivates me to write some more. I obviosly touched a point
<daviid>the point that you dno't know yes
<catonano>daviid: you are making a disservice to this community
<catonano>being nicer is more important than knowing all the points
<catonano>and you are completely missing MY point, the one I made in the post
<catonano>because you're so ful of yourself
<catonano>you are the toxic person the free software commnity manuals talk about