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<paroneayea>I think I can do it using mutexes, ice-9 q, and fibers' condition system.
<paroneayea>I think I implemented it!
<paroneayea>question: what's the smallest object with unique (as in eq? unique) identity you can make in guile?
<paroneayea>and make a lot of
<nalaginrut>anyone is using guile-emacs from Guix now?
<wingo>paroneayea: regarding buffered channels: just spawn another fiber
<wingo>paroneayea: (define (buffered-channel size) (let ((ch (make-channel))) (spawn-fiber (lambda () (buffering ch 10))) ch)
<wingo>paroneayea: (define (buffering ch size) (let lp ((q (make-q))) (cond ((q-empty? q) (enq! q (get-message ch))) ((< (q-length size)) (perform-operation (choice-operation *recv-op* *send-op*))) (else (send-message ch (deq! q)))) (lp))
<wingo>something like that
<wingo>for appropriate definitions of recv-op / send-op
<wingo>it's exactly the example in the kill-safe paper actually...
<wingo>we don't really have a kill-thread operation so the point is moot
<ArneBab_>wingo: I’d like to run your fibers channel tests on our 80 core cluster, can you give me a short info how to generate the graphs from your recent article?
<wingo>the benchmarks are in fibers git
<wingo>they just make csv though, my graphing code is in an uncommitted state atm
<ArneBab_>can you give me something to just create equivalent plots? (needs not be clean, should just be comparable)
<ArneBab_>(it’s nice to have the Makefile in the benchmarks! — I see it now)
<wingo>sorry, no time atm
<ArneBab_>ok, then I’ll just use the csvs
<reepca>Hm, has guile got a built-in by any chance that is like rmdir but works with non-empty directories?
<civodul>reepca: no, but (guix build utils) has 'delete-file-recursively', which is like 'rm -rf'
<davexunit>paroneayea: cool! bummer that it is in chicken, though!
<davexunit>paroneayea: also re: smallest object that you can use eq? on, I imagine that symbols would be the thing.
<wingo>pairs are smallest eq? object
<davexunit>wingo: good to know!
<davexunit>how big is a symbol vs. a pair?
<davexunit>or alternatively, is there an easy way to discover the size of primitive types so I can answer my own questions?
<wingo>a pair is two words
<wingo>hard to say how big a symbol is
<wingo>but if it's unique, then at least the characters plus about 8 words
<wingo>more heavy-weight to allocate :P
<davexunit>interesting. I thought symbols were interned and were more-or-less an integer.
<wingo>has to go through global symbol table
<wingo>well all SCM values are a word
<davexunit>maybe symbols aren't the best thing to be using for fast accesses to things...
<wingo>i thought you were referring to the memory pointed to by a non-immediate SCM
<wingo>eq? just looks at the SCM pointer, not at the memory that it points to...
<davexunit>not all symbols are immediates?
<wingo>no symbol is immediate
<wingo>ACTION gtg
<davexunit>that was a quick way to learn that I don't know a damn thing.
<cmaloney>davexunit: room for one more?
<cmaloney>ACTION is still learning
<cmaloney>Would it be safe to say that symbols are akin to strings in Python (eg: immutable, would need to be re-created if something changed, etc.)?
<davexunit>they have some string-like qualities but are also quite different.
<davexunit>they are indeed immutable.
<davexunit>ACTION waits to be told that I'm actually wrong
<cmaloney>same. ;)
<civodul>what about: symbols are immutable interned strings, meant to be used as identifiers
<davexunit>there we go :)
<cmaloney>Thank you.
<dsmith-work>Anyone know if it's possible to turn local echo on in gnu screen?
<paroneayea>wingo: ok, thanks for the clarity... I'll give the buffering stuff a try!