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<mwette>you guys using erc in emacs? How do I address a message to someone? Just type in or is there a key-command? <mekeor>mwette: please consult #emacs or #erc. you can join those channels by typing "/join #emacs" or "/join #erc" <paroneayea>amz3: I don't know anything about terminite, but it's very similar to erlang in that they both use the actor model and message passing heavily <manumanumanu>I'm trying to be friendly, but it is acting up and also matches in-vector <civodul>manumanumanu: isn't accessible from Tor, could you use, say, <civodul>(for/list ((x (in-list y))) a b c) should work <civodul>but see the bits about syntax literal matching in NEWS if you're using Guile 2.2 <manumanumanu>that works, but it also matches (for/list ((x (in-vector (vector 1 2 3))) (display x)) <civodul>only 'in-list' matches for me in a fresh REPL <civodul>so you'd have to check whether there's a 'in-list' binding in scope at the macro definition point or macro use point <wingo>i wonder if there are useful warnings we can make there -- like if you override a syntactic keyword... <wingo>like you rarely want to override "else" or even "_" <civodul>warnings for common mistakes like these might be helpful <civodul>though it wouldn't help in this case <wingo>because in-list is a procedure? <civodul>so we'd need a warning that says "literal is shadowed by binding" <wingo>i wasn't proposing to add hard-coded cases :) <wingo>rather just observing that it's rare to shadow a macro <wingo>hard-coded cases could be interesting though of course <civodul>that said, if we add warnings, that's because it's not obvious to everyone that "literals" aren't matched literally anymore <civodul>which to me sounds like bad feedback :-) <lloda>I overrode $ in one of my libraries and that broke ice-9 match <civodul>yeah i think a lot of Scheme code was written in the spirit that literals are literals <manumanumanu>wingo: I do it all the time. If I had 333k dollars for every time I spent way to much time debugging a forgotten aux keyword export I would have a million dollars <civodul>hmm #:count-calls? in (statprof) doesn't work for me <manumanumanu>is there anything similar to racket's define-for-syntax ? <paroneayea>is there a name for this function? I seem to use it everywhere <paroneayea>in otherwords, return the object if it matches predicate, otherwise return #f <paroneayea>seems common enough to have a name, the way and=> has a name <civodul>ACTION doesn't know of a good name for this <paroneayea>(let ((obj (or (%maybe (get-an-object) looks-right) <daviid>hello civodul, paroneayea, wingo ... guilers! greet alls... <ijp>paroneayea: the pattern (or (%maybe) foo) is what haskellers would call fromMaybe <ijp>assuming #f is disjoint, maybe is fine <paroneayea>srfi-35's support for compound conditions is pretty interesting. <sporgj>any interesting links, I'm bored lol <OrangeShark>someone posted a link to an interesting C++ library they were writing experimental bindings for <sporgj>was messing around with Guile over the weekend <OrangeShark>immutable data structures, they have a persistent vector implementation. There is a preprint of their research paper in the README <OrangeShark>I've been fascinated by them recently. Some functional languages have them built in <ijp>I wrote a library of scheme functional datastructures that no-one ever used <OrangeShark>ijp: I was actually looking at your library the other week <avoine>ijp: I know amz use your fingertree.sls <ijp>it's a bit of exaggeration. I know some people avoid it because of the record overhead <avoine>oops no it's Priority Search Queues <amz3>hey OrangeShark, sorry I completly forgot about the release and the org <amz3>I guess I am distracted those days <ArneBab>ijp: that there at 19:23 shows the complications of estimating the impact of your work :) <amz3>ijp: I did use the fingertrees for making a small editor <amz3>ArneBab: you are talking about which vidoe? <ArneBab>amz3: I’m talking about [19:23:36] <ijp> I wrote a library of scheme functional datastructures that no-one ever used <ArneBab>followed by 3 people giving examples of usage :) <amz3>I have 54 repositories on github, 90% are projects of mine (others are forks) and the most popular is 50 star <amz3>I used to have repository with 500 stars, but I deleted it! <amz3>never. delete. anything. <catonano>ijp: be faithful ! Your immutable data structures are awesome ! <catonano>I was always fascinated by the Clojure maps. You made a whole set of fuunctional data structures ! <ijp>thank you all for this ego boost <OrangeShark>amz3: oh wow, didn't know there was a python to javascript compiler, but I guess what doesn't have that nowadays? (Someone is working on one for guile :D ) <amz3>ijp: well, pdfs not used to power space rockets yet, but it's useful <amz3>paroneayea: ah yes thanks, 'termite' is a erlang-like library for gambit-c and chicken scheme <ijp>fwiw stis has implemented racket's for <stis_>that is a later version which contains much more <manumanumanu>stis_: Cool! I did mine mostly to become better at macros <stis_>if you make a system under just guile maxros without syntax-parse you have an edge up <manumanumanu>I am but a lowly classical musician coding in my free time <stis_>manumanumanu: I don't think that is a negative skillset. <manumanumanu>Next up, I am writing a more general emit-case built on fold, that allows me to properly support rackets for-system (that uses one accumulator for for/list, regardless of #:when-exprissions) <manumanumanu>Rackets for/list macros sometimes (always?) expand to something that isn't tail-recursive, which I find odd. <manumanumanu>but that makes the whole sub-loop-with-the-same-accumulator much easier <paroneayea>janneke: what I usually do is I add these to the guix.scm until they arrive upstream in guix <paroneayea>janneke: there's a stray semicolon at the end of the home-page line in that patch <paroneayea>janneke: (hope you don't mind these comments, I think Mes is a great project! trying to see if I can get it up and running locally enough for me to understand it) <janneke>paroneayea: no, it must be some encoding/ml archive artifact it's not in the 0001*patch ... there's also one in the Release_ line <janneke>worst is people who see stuff and complain to others (in their blog or so)... <paroneayea>janneke: there's a lot of (display) at the bottom, and manual calls to (gc-show), is that for debugging? <janneke>paroneayea: yeah, gc.scm is not used anymore--prolly should delete that <janneke>was for prototyping, scaffolding my gc in c: src/gc.c <paroneayea>janneke: yes, I'm getting close to that chapter in sicp <paroneayea>I'm finally in part 5, but it's going very slow for me <janneke>paroneayea: i skipped from 2.3.something some years ago, straight into 5.3.1: GC <amz3>manumanumanu: I am low on skills regarding macros <manumanumanu>amz3: so am I. This is the result of code growing from bottom to top and top to bottom and not meeting in the middle :) <sporgj>will "guile-lib" qualify as the standard library? <sporgj>how do I go about timing a procedure? <manumanumanu>amz3: if you want to grok how most macros work, open the cut srfi code and stare at it until you understand it <amz3>manumanumanu: nice trick <amz3>it's like parsing a dictionary for the correct info <amz3>Overview of the Scheme language <amz3>now I remember learning from this book ^ <amz3>«But riding the rails of time would be the ultimate functional superpower.» <amz3>and persistent datastructure allows actually <ijp>I think I've stubbed as much as I can without actually implementing the module system <ijp>which seems to get me about 60% of the way through boot-9 <ijp>so many functions only returning #f...