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<mekeor>oh, no, it's not a list of lists, in fact... damn <mekeor>nice, i solved the problem. thanks for listening. sorry for disturbing :) <sneek>civodul, you have 1 message. <sneek>civodul, rekado says: Sorry, I haven’t been able to test the collision patches yet, but I’ll try this weekend. <mekeor>given a (list a b c ...) and a function f, how would you get (list (f a 1) (f b 2) (f c 3) ...)? i.e. i want to apply a function on each element and its index. (in haskell, you'd do `zipWith f list [1..]` which only works because of lazy evaluation.) <void_pointer>WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (X Y) overrides core binding `Z' <void_pointer>Just going to say, libguile/read.c is really complicated. Still not sure how to add a read option whose only values can be two different symbols instead of those two symbols and #f <void_pointer>Found it. The issue occured in the print options already, so a solution was lying around.