<daviid>lloda`: wrt to the code you pasted arlier, I don't know :): but just for the sake of experience, I suggest you edit the (system repl common) _installed_ module and (a) import (ice-9 pretty-print), and at the end of the repl-print proc, replace (write val) with (truncated-print val), save, start a new repl and trigger an error... <lloda`>sneek: later tell daviid I've just tried and it gives the same result. It seems that repl-print isn't used on errors. There's probably some other function or hook. <sneek>Welcome back daviid, you have 1 message. <sneek>daviid, lloda` says: I've just tried and it gives the same result. It seems that repl-print isn't used on errors. There's probably some other function or hook. <daviid>lloda`: tx. I would be very interested to solve this too <daviid>ACTION just submited Guile-CV for evaluation <daviid>if anyoe is interested to give it a go, tarballs are uploaded here: <jmd>I wish there was a string-map-in-order function <janneke>jmd: i'm reading scm_string_map and i'm wondering what you might be thinking <jmd>janneke: What do you mean? <janneke>your wish inspired me to think that guile would apply some kind of parallelism and I wondered how they would do that <janneke>so i read the code, and it seems pretty much "in order"? <janneke>dsmith-work: i would not hold my breath <dsmith-work>Well, it has to be implemented one way or another. The spec just gives the implementor freedom to choose. <jmd>I think it is the case that in the Scheme standard it is not specified. But in Guile it happends ot be implemented like that. <dsmith-work>janneke: I disagree. The docs are not lying. They are quite truthful in saying that they are not saying. <janneke>dsmith-work: yes sorry, i'm being too harsh/black-white <janneke>i understand that things may change... <dsmith-work>Think of it more as a hint to the user to not write code that depends on a specific order. <janneke>but you can also read the docs saying: this function is terribly efficient, it will map your string in parallel <janneke>that's not true either, it's a perfect in-order iterator... <janneke>altough...if your test suite doesn't catch such a change in guile... ***jerme is now known as jerme_
<dsmith-work>I think it's supposed to be like if you want to be functional and just get results regardless of ordering, use map. If you care about ordering and side-effects, use for-each. <amz3`>map doesn't guarantee to keep order? <dsmith-work>amz3`: The results are in the same order, but it isn't specified the ordering that the function is applied. <dsmith-work>first to last, last to first, all at the same time on many many core machine. <daviid>it would be cool if someone going to fosdem could give a mini demo of Guile-CV, which itself is pretty cool! let me know... <rekado_>I had assumed that the PEG support is in some obscure third-party package, but it’s actually part of Guile. <rekado_>parts of the manual would benefit from a sprinkle of index keywords.