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***turtleman_ is now known as turtleman
***holomorph is now known as Guest96809
***holomorp1 is now known as holomorph
<amz3`>héllo :)
<paroneayea>hi n8a
<paroneayea>n8a: hm, I don't know about opening... I know reading/writing can
<amz3>ACTION is happy
<paroneayea>hi everyone :)
<paroneayea>I'm going to do a pubstrate release shortly
<paroneayea>but... I think I'm going to afterwards start a branch that uses fibers for everything
<paroneayea>I need *some kind* of async thing
<paroneayea>and I could use 8sync, but I think I'd like to see how 8sync and fibers might eventually converge
<paroneayea>and fibers does have a better scheduler, at least, than we do I think
<amz3>OrangeShark: o/
<amz3>so it seems like there is no better way to create libgit bindings than manually
<OrangeShark>no automatic way?
<amz3>no :(
<amz3>gcc people mute about the usefullness of gccxml
<amz3>stay mute
<dsmith-work>Happy Friday, Guilers!!
<janneke>happy friday dsmith-work!
<OrangeShark>happy friday!
<manumanumanu>Ok, so I have a procedure that I am pretty sure should be tail recursive, but running it 5.000.000 times results in a stack overflow
<stis>manumanumanu: what version of guile?
<stis>ah I see it, (apply + -a-very-long-list-) is eating the stack
<stis>try fold in stead, like (fold + 0 -a-very-long-list-)
<stis>you need srfi-1
<stis>like ,use (srfi srfi-1)
<stis>or (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
<OrangeShark>or reduce
<manumanumanu>stis: thx
<manumanumanu>how stupid of me
<stis>then we all are stupid ;-)
<stis>happens to most people at some stage
<stis>one gets a great idea, thn makes a buch of stupid misstakes, spend an eon of time to correct the misstakes, then it works.
<stis>anyhow hey guilers! Paarty time!
<stis>listening to load music snack and coding that is!
<amz3`>it's the week end!
<amz3`>I understand now blogging is fun, but a manual is useful
<davexunit>a blog is the poor man's manual! a manual is the poor man's blog!
<davexunit>and with that, amz3` was enlightened
<amz3`>seems like a recursive definition
<stis>time for wine!
<amz3`>stis: ;)
<stis>got to celebrate a little, have too much work now, must enjoy life a little
<stis>guile coding is not work, just joy.
<stis>actually the only way that I can feel artistic. I can't sing dance paint or write, but I'm enjoy producing logic whos path is like a fairy tail in some way
<stis>hmm the wine is taxing, tail -> tale, lol
<sapientech>hi all, lets say i want to expose a few definitions through a macro, i could simply use syntax-case () and wrap all of the defines in a begin
<sapientech>however, I need to use let do define the symbols for the definitions i want, but using a let doesn't expose the definitions to the begin
<stis>I think so yes!
<stis>heay folks. This is my interface to fibers:
<stis>I didn't go for stat save and restore, that does not make much sense
<sapientech>stis: hey this is super cool!
<sapientech>use let *to define the symbols...
<amz3`>meh... I don't have another choice but install guix ontop of ubuntu
<amz3`>ubuntu is so broken, I can't compile anymore emacs with xft
<amz3`>paroneayea: what about the release?
<amz3`>guix saved the day
<paroneayea>amz3`: well, the release is not today :)
<paroneayea>but sometime early next week, I hope