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<catonano>Hi ! Is there any documentation about match-lambda ? I'm skimming the guile manual but I can't find it <DeeEff>sorry it's not something more digestible, the best I could find was the original paper. <catonano>DeeEff[m]: it's ok, in fact I already found what I wanted. I didn't read it all, though ;-) <sapientech>hi all, is there a way to compile .sls files without changing them to .scm files? <mark_weaver>we have a -x option for recognizing other source file extensions, but it's highly problematic for various reasons <sapientech>mark_weaver: thanks for getting back to me, will do! <dsmith-work>wingo: Are you old enough to have watched Road Runner on Sat mornings? ;^) I mean the real ones, where they never talk.. <amz3`>what example can you think of I should use to describe the uav database? <amz3`>I finally know where to use streams! <amz3`>I was a bit worried I would need a lot of streams, but it might not be the case, I may right one and other will inherit the behavior <amz3`>what I'am wondering is since it's a multi priority queue, if two streams wait for each other they can dead lock :s <amz3`>I require a publish method in the queue... <amz3`>I mean, a publisher that procedure can subscribe to and find out about new additions and wake their behavior at this point <amz3`>that would be a good job for hooks <amz3`>this. is. going. to. be. awesome. <amz3`>what can't think of something useful to do with it, but I believe it will be awesome <ijp>I like how I already packaged minikanren, but that's not enough for lispers <ijp>$50 says they didn't even look <amz3`>guile doc of streams srfi-41 is awesome <amz3`>ijp: I think it's the old minikanren <amz3`>ijp: I ported the microkanren version <amz3`>I should probably buy the book some time in the future <amz3`>maybe someone can sell me one at GHM