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<galex-713>Hi, I did (use-modules (ice-9 readline)) and it says “no code for module […]”
<galex-713>Is documentation up-to-date?
<galex-713>I can’t load readline
<galex-713>Maybe shouldn’t I have compiled it…
<paroneayea>galex-713: maybe you don't have readline support built into your guile?
<paroneayea>just a guess.....
<galex-713>trying to make uninstall them apt-get install guile-2.0-doc
<galex-713>paroneayea: yeah I didn’t
<galex-713>paroneayea: I still see inconsistencies within doc :/
<wingo>pew pew
<wleslie>brrzzzzt wawawawawa
<civodul>hey there!
<frofroggy>Can GTK objects from a C program be exposed to Scheme without rewriting smobs or procedures that may be already implemented in guile-gnome?
<frofroggy>I noticed the GType C API in guile-gnome but I wasn't sure if it's meant for consumption by other C programs when they are extended with Guile
<frofroggy>Specifically, SCM scm_c_gtype_instance_to_scm (gpointer ginstance) seemed relevant
<frofroggy>A practical example would be to expose the main GtkNotebook in GNUtrition 0.4 so that Guile scripts could use the guile-gnome Scheme API to add tabs for advanced meal planning procedures
<frofroggy>or whatever they want to put in a tab.
<frofroggy>amz3`: howdy
<didi>How do I redirect the standard error of a subprocess started with `system*'?
<didi>I don't want its output.
<fhmgufs>I must have asked that before, but don't remember the answer, how do I reload a module at the REPL? (reload-module (my great module)) doesn't seem to work.
<galex-713>Why can’t a define (function) be made inside a let without a syntax error?
<lloda>but you can
<lloda>scheme@(guile-user)> (let ((a 1)) (define (x) 3) (+ (x) a))
<lloda>$1 = 4
<lloda>fhmgufs: you can do ,re (my great module)
<fhmgufs>lloda: great, thanks
<galex-713>lloda: (let ((x 0)) (define (entry-sn-generator) (set! x (+ 1 x)) x)) While compiling expression:
<galex-713>ERROR: Syntax error:
<galex-713>unknown file:1:0: no expressions in body in form (let ((x 0)) (define (entry-sn-generator) (set! x (+ 1 x)) x))
<fhmgufs>galex-713: Well, it doesn't make sense to just define something in a let environment.
<davexunit>galex-713: you can't have *only* definitions in the body of a let
<peterbrett_work>Yes, the problem isn't the presence of a define, it's the absence of any body expressions
<fhmgufs>If you need x just for the function you should have the let in the body of it.
<galex-713>ah ok
<galex-713>oh I think I understood
<galex-713>fhmgufs: does define define globally?
<peterbrett_work>(define entry-sn-generator (let ((x 0)) (lambda () (set! x (1+ x)) x))
<peterbrett_work>fhmgufs: No, it only creates a definition in the current lexical scope IIRC
<galex-713>ohhhh ok
<galex-713>that explains why we have to make it that complex
<davexunit>(define (foo x) x) is short-hand for (define foo (lambda (x) x))
<davexunit>define may only be used at the top-level and as the very first expressions within the body of a lambda expression
<fhmgufs>Is it normal, that Emacs indents the first argument of when and unless twice?
<davexunit>fhmgufs: the first argument to when is intended to be on the same line
<davexunit>which is why the indent is greater if you move it to a new line
<davexunit>so that the body of the when can still be distinguished from the predicate expression
<fhmgufs>Ah, and btw, is there a mode which does line breaks automatically?
<fhmgufs>I mean respecting common coding style rules.
<davexunit>I personally would never use such a thing
<davexunit>where to insert line breaks is, to me, not something that a machine can do for me.
<davexunit>would just make life harder.
<fhmgufs>I think I would find it useful to be able to just type without paying attention to formatting.
<peterbrett_work>I suppose one of the problems is that with Scheme you can arbitrarily define new syntax that does things differently to what a mode might expect
<peterbrett_work>However, I can see that people might reasonably like to use such a mode :)
<davexunit>fhmgufs: but the formatting rules or so few.
<peterbrett_work>I'm not aware of one however
<davexunit>are so few*
<fhmgufs>Yes, ok.
<davexunit>for new syntax, I tell emacs what the rules are
<davexunit>(put 'with-texture 'scheme-indent-function 1)
<paroneayea>hello #guile!
<wingo>good day paroneayea :)
<paroneayea>last day of the lisp game jam
<paroneayea>hi wingo !
<paroneayea>gonna wrap up mudsync and do the release for the jam
<paroneayea>adding inventory support now
<wingo>neat :)
<davexunit>I didn't have the chance to hack on my game all weekend so I'm coming up a bit short
<paroneayea>davexunit: sorry to hear it, though I'm still excited about your progress
<paroneayea>cool to see real things working in sly
<davexunit>yeah it was very good progress
<davexunit>I'm happy with what I got
<paroneayea>I'm excited that I have live ability to replace things in the MUD while you walk around
<davexunit>yeah that's really cool
<paroneayea>I've got a nice simple protocol for handing off the state of one actor to another
<paroneayea>so it builds a new actor, transfers state, then replaces it
<paroneayea>good enough for live hacking
<paroneayea>and if you miss some state, whatever, you're live hacking I guess ;)
<paroneayea>I haven't run into that problem yet though :)
***dje is now known as dje42
<fhmgufs>Hi daviid, I have a guile-gnome question again!
<fhmgufs>I want to set some arguments for a signal handler and there's a function for
<fhmgufs>doing that called "gtype-class-create-signal". The problem is that I don't know
<fhmgufs>how to pass arguments to that function for the param-types parameter. What's
<fhmgufs>a <gtype-class> object? Values like <gint> or <gboolean> don't work here.
<fhmgufs>Also, I'm interested in what the second value of the list I pass to #:gsignal means (normally #f)
<fhmgufs>Maybe that's for setting the arguments?
<daviid>fhmgufs: hello! I never defined signals myself, so this is not the part know very well, and I'll leave in a short while, will reconnect later. this said, I recommend you to look at the tic-tac-toe.scm example, which does exactly that: creating a new signal ... in gtk/examples
<fhmgufs>I already know how to define signals thanks to you pointing me to that example before. :)
<fhmgufs>I just want my handlers to accept parameters and therefore know what I have to pass to that function.
<daviid>ah it was you, I wasn't sure, but yes I pointed to that example already
<fhmgufs>daviid: That's not specific to signals, other functions for gtypes also need <gtype-class> as arguments.
<fhmgufs>In C I also didn't know how to do that, so it's not very bad :)
<daviid>fhmgufs: <gtype-class> is the super class of <gobject-class>, <gparam-class> and <gvalue-class>
<daviid>so, for example <gtk-window>, <gtk-button, ... would fill the contract
<fhmgufs>Ok, I'll try.
<fhmgufs>daviid: But I can't take <gint> or sth like that, right?
<daviid>no, you can't create a signal upon tha class of integers
<fhmgufs>I'll just try around later, no I'm afk for dinner, thanks for your help!
<fhmgufs>* no/now
<jmd>How can I convert a string into a scheme expression?
<wingo>(call-with-input-string str read)
<jmd>I don't understand the difference between eval, apply and call
<davexunit>there is no 'call' procedure that I can find
<davexunit>eval and apply are very different
<davexunit>eval actually evaluates an expression. apply just makes a procedure call with an arbitrary argument list.
<davexunit>jmd: oh, the C interface. well that's also another story entirely.
<davexunit>that is just a way to call Scheme procedures from C code.
<jmd>I have an expression, created with "read". How do I evaluate that expression? and pass arguments to it?
<davexunit>wait, pass arguments?
<davexunit>I think you are getting confused
<jmd>Isn't that what I said at the start :)
<davexunit>eval evaluates an expression within an environment
<davexunit>passing arguments is only relevant to a procedure call
<jmd>Yeah the "environment" bit was one part which confused me.
<davexunit>you should almost never be using eval
<davexunit>unless you are implementing a REPL or something.
<jmd>So I want to pass a string to a program which should normally be an expression. Say "(> x 4)" and evaluate that expression, passing it the value of x.
<davexunit>you'd have to create a module that has x bound
<davexunit>and pass that module to eval
<jmd>Hmm. I've never done that. Is it possible to create modules on the fly?
<nalaginrut>fortunately, run script from C side is a proper case to use eval, and i think scm_current_module is enough?
<davexunit>jmd: yes
<davexunit>jmd: the manual has all of this information
<jmd>This channel gets more like #perl every day.
<davexunit>see 6.19
<davexunit>what do you mean?
<nalaginrut>maybe it means one may get more confusing even after be answered...
<nalaginrut>jmd: anyway, I think you may just use scm_eval_string without specifying environment by yourself
<jmd>Then how would I pass x ?
<davexunit>you aren't *passing* anything.
<jmd>How would I bind x to a value.
<davexunit>make a module.
<jmd>davexunit: nalaginrut seems to be of the opinion that is not necessary.
<davexunit>it is necessary if you want to add bindings that aren't in the default environment
<nalaginrut>unless you want to bind it on top-level
<jmd>(define-module (list foo) #:export (x))
<davexunit>jmd: you have to use the procedural API
<davexunit>define-module is syntax for defining module files
<jmd>which is the "procedural API"?
<jmd>define-public ?
<davexunit>that's a macro for defining variables that are exported
<jmd>So which is the one I need?
<davexunit>jmd: make-fresh-user-module will create a new module for you
<davexunit>we use it in guix
<davexunit>yeah, unfortunately. just noticed that.
<davexunit>but everything else you need is in 6.19.8
<davexunit>for doing module system reflection
<davexunit>I always use ,apropos at the REPL to examine what's available
<davexunit>,apropos module reveals plenty of things
<nalaginrut>,a for short ;-)
<floor13>anyway to pipe that into less? I've tried $ guile -c ,a foo | less , but that gives me a quasiquote error
<nalaginrut>it's not Scheme syntax, only available in REPL
<floor13>hm, guile | less and then typing blindly works, but I guess I just need to use tmux's scrolling
<davexunit>floor13: you'd want to use the procedures that the ,a metacommand uses.
<davexunit>whatever they may be. I've never looked.
<nalaginrut>guile -c '((@@ (system repl command) apropos) "module")'
<nalaginrut>| less
<nalaginrut>floor13: but I don't understand why you want to print it in terminal
<nalaginrut>guile -c '((@@ (system repl command) apropos) "foo")' | less
<floor13>mostly because i'd like searching
<nalaginrut>floor13: in your case ^^
<floor13>ie inc search when piped into vim with :r!
<nalaginrut>alright, seems we don't have good geiser alternative for Vim users
<nalaginrut>for Emacs users there's geiser
<floor13>yeah, I guess I'm not gonna get lots of vim love here :P
<davexunit>floor13: you should have a REPL running always for this purpose
<davexunit>for example, geiser opens a REPL and talks to it over a socket
<davexunit>I imagine the same could be possible in vim
<davexunit>albeit harder to implement
<random-nick>you can always use evil+emacs as an ide for guile
<nalaginrut>btw, what's the status of guile-emacs now?
<random-nick>a few weeks ago someone came in #emacs and ask if somebody is interested in renaming their guile-elisp commits to be changelog style
<paroneayea>I think that was me
<paroneayea>it was more than a few weeks ago :)
<paroneayea>I did it
<stis>hej guilers!
<paroneayea>hi stis
<lfam>What does it mean when a variable's name starts with the % symbol?
<lfam>I tried to find an answer in the Guile manual but I couldn't
<davexunit>it's just a convention
<davexunit>mostly used by civodul ;)
<lfam>What does this convention indicate? "Civodul wuz here"? ;)
<davexunit>constants typically
<lfam>I will start reading with that in mind
<davexunit>or just plain ol' top-level global variables
<davexunit>I shouldn't use constant because they are available for mutation
<fhmgufs>(define a "Why is that") (define b "not working?") (string-join '(a b) " ") ?
<davexunit>fhmgufs: '(a b) is very different from (list a b)
<davexunit>'(a b) is a list containing the symbols a and b
<davexunit>(list a b) is a list containing the values referred to by the names a and b, which are your strings.
<fhmgufs>Oh, sorry, I already knew that, but just thought ... well, thanks!
<lfam>davexunit: So, the %variables aren't "true" constants, since they could be mutated, but we don't mutate them in practice?
<davexunit>lfam: depends. sometimes we mutate them.
<davexunit>forgot I said anything about constant.
<davexunit>they just mark globals.
<lfam>Okay :)
<lfam>Whenever I get this code to actually work and submit it, I'm sure it will require many corrections :)
<roelj>Is the 'procedure-source' function ever going to be implemented in Guile?
<roelj>I used MIT Scheme, and it has a similar function called 'pp'.
<random-nick>guile is a compiled scheme
<roelj>Does that mean "no"? :)
<stis>This is a good comment. I love how the ipython shell take advantage to source code information, as a result bkazingly fast bugfixing can typically be done
<mejja>mit scheme keeps an approximation of the original code around so that you can pp compiled code
<roelj>I would expect Guile to be able to provide the source code of a function I wrote in Scheme.
<taylan>roelj: IIRC it's on the prospect
<fhmgufs>I have a list and want to call a procedure with the members of that list as part of the arguments.
<fhmgufs>How can I do that?
<davexunit>fhmgufs: apply
<fhmgufs>Ok, and then use ` and ,@ right?
<fhmgufs>Oh, that's exactly what I need.
<fhmgufs>Even without quasiquote
<mark_weaver>roelj: out of curiosity, why do you want this? in the general case, with procedures that were generated by a macro, e.g. the constructor/accessor/mutator procedures created by a record type definition, it's not entirely clear what the "source" should be.
<mark_weaver>roelj: e.g. what would you expect 'procedure-source' to return when applied to 'pipe-info?' from ice-9/popen.scm ?
<roelj>mark_weaver: I don't know, let me have a loop at ice-9/popen.scm
<roelj>mark_weaver: So, pipe-info is a record. I don't know what procedure-source should do with this.. probably return #f.
<roelj>mark_weaver: But with something like: (define (say-hello) (begin (display "Hello!") (newline)))
<roelj>(procedure-source say-hello) could return (begin (display "Hello!" (newline)))
<wingo>superfluous begin :)
<mark_weaver>roelj: one could argue that the source code of 'pipe-info?' is on line 324 of srfi/srfi-9.scm
<mark_weaver>or perhaps line 105 of the same file
<roelj>mark_weaver: Indeed.
<mark_weaver>we have macros expanding into macros into procedure definitions
<roelj>Right, that makes things difficult
<mejja>In MIT Scheme (pp pipe-info?) would pretty-print: (lambda (object) (and (%record? object) (eq? (%record-ref object 0) tag))) or some such..
<mark_weaver>roelj: are you looking for this for debugging purposes, or do you have some code that needs this to do its job?
<mark_weaver>we save file/line/column information for procedures, and geiser can make use of this to bring you to the definition, although I don't know what it does in these difficult cases.
<mark_weaver>the idea has been raised of saving copies of all the source code in our .go files, but I guess we never made a decision about that.
<mark_weaver>it has pros and cons
<roelj>mark_weaver: I have a record type with a field that contains the procedure to execute (which is a function). I want to execute that function in a shell script. So I wanted to do that by getting the code of the procedure with (procedure-source that-function), then put that in a file.
<mark_weaver>oh, well, that would fail to work more often than not. procedures typically have other procedures and other definitions that they need from the module they're in, etc.
<wingo>you can give the procedure a separate property
<wingo>possibly including the source
<wingo>(procedure-property (lambda () #((foo . bar)) #f) 'foo)
<wingo>=> bar
<wingo>i think it's documented but not very loudly :)
<roelj>That had to sink in for a second. A ha.
<wingo>(define-syntax-rule (define-with-source (foo . args) body ...) (define foo (lambda args #((source . '(body ...))) body ...)))
<wingo>or rather
<roelj>That makes it pleasant to define
<wingo>(define-syntax-rule (define-with-source (foo . args) body ...) (define foo (lambda args #((source . (body ...))) body ...)))
<wingo>then just (define-with-source (foo) bar baz)
<wingo>(procedure-property foo 'source) => (bar baz)
<wingo>it's well-defined but might not always be what you want :)
<roelj>This is very interesting. Thanks a lot!
<roelj>I need to play with it to fully grasp it I think
<wingo>i agree with mark that we can't provide such a thing in genera
<wingo>because it doesn't make sense with macros -- there's no natural stopping point
<wingo>at which to say "this is the source"
<wingo>and possibly no natural starting point either
<wingo>at least, seems to me. but many bespoke solutions can work for many specific use cases
<wingo>so, good luck, godspeed &c
<roelj>Indeed indeed. I hadn't considered more complex cases than procedural-style things..
<roelj>Sorry for the noise :)
<mark_weaver>roelj: also, even in the absense of macros, many procedures are not defined at the top-level, in which case they often rely on free references to lexical variable bindings outside of their bodies, in which case copying just the procedure definition to a file isn't going to work either.
<roelj>mark_weaver: You could wrap them in a let-environment to provide for those variable bindings..
<davexunit>roelj: what good does that do? variables can be mutated.
<mark_weaver>roelj: consider this: (define (make-counter) (let ((counter 0)) (lambda () (set! counter (+ 1 counter)) counter)))
<mark_weaver>(define counter-a (make-counter))
<mark_weaver>(define counter-b (make-counter))
<mark_weaver>counter-a and counter-b are now two procedures, each with their own private mutable counter
<mark_weaver>how could you write these to a file and run them in a separate process while keeping the desired semantics of a single counter, such that each procedure never returns the same integer twice?
<mark_weaver>having said all of this, there's nothing stopping you from using something like wingo's 'define-with-source' macro above, with procedures that are specially made to be "self-sufficient" in a sense, such that their source can be sensibly copied to a file and run.
<roelj>mark_weaver: You cannot. So yeah, you can't do everything with it, yet you can still do something in some cases. Clearly, we don't want a "maybe works" implementation in Guile..
<mark_weaver>yeah, I try to avoid those :)
<wingo>i do too
<wingo>sometimes it stops me from making cool things tho!
<mark_weaver>it's true :-/
<roelj>mark_weaver: Now I actually wonder what MIT scheme will do with this.. :P
<roelj>(pp counter-b) => (lambda () (set! counter (+ 1 counter)) counter)
<roelj>And same for counter-a
<mark_weaver>this kind of answer is helpful for debugging, but not something I'd want a real program to depend on to work.
<roelj>mark_weaver: Indeed..
<mark_weaver>I would try hard to avoid writing a program in such a way that it depends on this kind of functionality.
<davexunit>this seems like a common theme
<davexunit>lots of newcomers come here and want to use things like 'eval' or whatever in strange ways
<mark_weaver>yeah, that's why I so often get nosy and ask questions like "why do you need this?"
***micro` is now known as Guest28442
<wingo>i wonder if we could game simple web server benchmarks with something like 8sync
<wingo>where you could accept a request, read off the data, and respond without blocking, and therefore avoid ever reifying a continuation
<wingo>if the request and response are small enough it's possible
<wingo>the kernel would be the one managing the tcp buffers
<paroneayea>wingo: interesting...
<paroneayea>wingo: btw, I wanted to talk to you about 8sync and your port refactor's "buffering and prompts" stuff
<paroneayea>mainly that you mentioned something about intelligently aborting to a prompt with the agenda and writing to (??) a port, and I wasn't sure what that would be like
<paroneayea>and how you'd control what prompt
<wingo>paroneayea: you would call ((current-read-waiter))
<wingo>which would be a parameter
<wingo>so it would be 8sync's responsibility to parameterize current-read-waiter appropriately
<wingo>the default waiter would block by calling poll(2) on the fd
<wingo>i think
<trough>Hello. Is guile able to take the place of bash scripts, invoking shell commands?
<wingo>see system / system* for basics, open-pipe et al for pipes
<ft>Some higher level glue to handle child processes would be nice, though.
<paroneayea>wingo: aha! that makes sense
<paroneayea>wingo: let me know when you have that in place
<paroneayea>and I'll try to hook 8sync up against it and we'll see if it works
<trough>wingo: I didn't see a mention of system or open-pipe in the manual's scripting section. I wonder if I could suggest that somehow?
<wingo>trough: sure, send an email to -- that will make a ticket that we'll handle eventually
<wingo>we are a little slow there currently but it will happen :)
<wingo>of course if it's a patch to the manual or example text that's very welcome too :)
<trough>I would have to run it by someone else first; I am quite a novice.
<trough>How does this look?