<rain1>each time I start guile it gives the same result! <rain1>I know that I can set a seed based on the current time (or something) to get by this, but I was wondering about the default <davexunit>you'll notice this in all programming languages. <rain1>secondly I'm wondering how to make a script I can invoke using ./script.scm on guix <rain1>I tried the odd #! stuff but it didn't work <rain1>it does work if I change it to: #! /run/current-system/profile/bin/guile -s <davexunit>what was it before? did you use the wrong path? <rain1>yeah but I was worried the script isn't portable <rain1>it seems a shame we cant make it run everywhere? <rain1>I'm pleased to release my first guile program then :) <Jookia>rain1: you can make it run everywhere, use autotools to patch the shebangs <davexunit>shebangs are really limited in what they can do, unfortunately. <davexunit>for distribution, yes, it's wise to use GNU autoconf to find the absolute path to guile on the user's system and then substitute that path in the shebang <rain1>I'm not so keen on autoconf... <rain1>it is usually about a 30k lines long script <davexunit>or the equivalent for your build system of choice, then. <Korhonen>On virtually all systems env is located at /usr/bin/env <Jookia>rain1: Just use a makefile to sed it in then <Korhonen>It's the most portable thing, you still need a path to some executable. <Jookia>Korhonen: Sure, just sed the path in after finding it using 'which' <davexunit>for distributing to other users, it's important to determine the absolute path to the executable at configure time <davexunit>assuming *any* path to a binary is asking for trouble <Jookia>/usr/bin/env is a little useless in that you could get any binary from anywhere and there's no way to make sure it's correct <davexunit>yeah, the script will act differently depending on the environment <rain1>it's a shame it's so hard to package a program nicely! <rain1>I guess if you pick a specific distro then you can do it <davexunit>ACTION is getting close to having a foreign struct implementation <davexunit>for one of the real structs in the Vulkan API <paroneayea>davexunit: that's interesting... I remember working with foreign structs being a bit painful while working on squee <davexunit>paroneayea: yeah, it's sugar on top of define-record-type <Jookia>wow, it's actually afternoon here! <ktakashi>Hi there, I think I've found a bug of thread-sleep! on Guile 2.0.11. Could you indicate where I should report it? <davexunit>I haven't tested yet, but it seems like the right thing. ***amz31 is now known as amz`
<artyom-poptsov>davexunit: Hi. Yes, the bug should be fixed by now, but sometimes we need to require a PTY to run commands that require a terminal. 2ab0287 on the 'master' has more generic solution than I mentioned in my reply on the issue. <davexunit>it's exciting to see the intersection of guile-ssh with other Scheme things. <nalaginrut>I can't pull from the official repo now, fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer <mark_weaver>nalaginrut: if you mean the guile repo, I just pulled without any problem ***dje_ is now known as xdje
***jmd` is now known as jmd
<davexunit>the succession of yaks: I want to make a game -> I want to use a dynamic programming language for scripts -> I want to use Scheme -> I want to make a game engine -> I want to make a game engine full of experimental features -> I want to stop everything and write bindings for a new GPU API that no distro even supports yet <madsy>davexunit: Writing Scheme bindings for Vulkan? ;) <davexunit>but I just found out that my intel chip isn't supported. <davexunit>so that will probably be the end of that journey for awhile. <madsy>Doesn't hurt I suppose, for completeness sake. However, Scheme implementations' runtime overhead would probably ruin Vulkan's performance advantage over OpenGL <madsy>Vulkan is so low-level, I would probably make a higher level abstraction instead of a direct binding <davexunit>with Vulkan, you can create and re-use command queues to cache the operations you perform frequently <davexunit>and writing a higher level abstraction in a lower level language sounds completely unenjoyable. <davexunit>and looking forward, guile's only getting faster overall. 2.2 has been a huge improvement, and native compilation would be even more so.