IRC channel logs


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<dsmith-work>sneek: later tell daviid The old guile-sqlite on gitorius is by me. It's what sneek uses!
<dsmith-work>sneek: botsnack
<dsmith-work>Hey daviid
<daviid>dsmith-work: hello
<sneek>Welcome back daviid, you have 1 message.
<sneek>daviid, dsmith-work says: The old guile-sqlite on gitorius is by me. It's what sneek uses!
<daviid>ah ok: do you have any objection with what I proposed?
<daviid>ok, thanks!
<dsmith-work>I'll name my guile-sqlite something else if I ever get the gumptions to push it somewhere again.
<daviid>yours is also dynamic ffi? ayou could contribute to the project as well of course
<dsmith-work>No, it's a C extension.
<daviid>and maybe sneek could use it too ?
<daviid>oh i see no way you would use the new version I guess
<dsmith-work>The only thing really intersting about it is that it passes a Scheme closure to the C exec routine, and handles exceptions raised in that closure.
<dsmith-work>Bouncing between Scheme -> C -> Scheme on the way out.
<daviid>ok, i see. thanks for letting me rename, I really think it is better for the long term...
<dsmith-work>Yah, np.
***adhoc_ is now known as adhoc
<civodul>Hello Guilers!
<dsmith-work>Wednesday Greetings, Guilers
<paroneayea>morning, all!
<paroneayea>hi holomorph
<paroneayea>hey ArneBab
<ArneBab>Hi paroneayea
<paroneayea>ArneBab: you're an RPG person, right?
<paroneayea>ArneBab: ever play fate?
<paroneayea>I promise it's pseudo on-topic
<paroneayea>syncbot: roll-fate
<syncbot>paroneayea: Rolling at 0: [+] [+] [+] [_] -> 3!
<paroneayea>syncbot: roll-fate 3
<syncbot>paroneayea: Rolling at 3: [+] [+] [-] [_] -> 4!
<paroneayea>fate dice in my little guile based irc bot :)
<artyom-poptsov>Hello Guilers. I'm working on a Guile-SSH logo. Here's the current version:
<artyom-poptsov>What do you think?
<paroneayea>artyom-poptsov: it's cute :)
<davexunit>artyom-poptsov: it's cute, but at first glance I don't notice that the shell is a G
<davexunit>maybe just make a normal G but still use the cute shell with lambda bubbles
<artyom-poptsov>Thanks. Probably I need to make the shell to look more like "G".
<davexunit>I really like the shell as-is :)
<davexunit>the name could just be put off to the side
<davexunit>but you're the artist :)
<artyom-poptsov>Thank you, I appreciate your feedback.
<davexunit>and I appreciate guile-ssh
<davexunit>I have to try again, but I *really* want to utilize guile-ssh to remotely manage all of my GuixSD nodes
<artyom-poptsov>There will be SFTP client API in the next release, and some other features as well.
<davexunit>I heard about that. very nice!
<davexunit>I need to figure out how to connect to a local guix client to a remote guix daemon via guile-ssh
<davexunit>once I have that, I can do things like copy full-system closures over the wire
<artyom-poptsov>Besides, the shell on the logo is a recursive lisp shell (not sure though if that kind of shell exists in the nature.)
<amz3>ACTION hacking on minikanren again
<amz3>this. is. fun.
<amz3>maybe the shell and the lambdas could be besides the name
<amz3>artyom-poptsov: ^
<amz3>my 2 cents :)
<amz3>there is a very fun procedure in mk, take-all with its friend pull
<linas>so I'm using guile-github from a few months ago, and I keep getting (and ignoring) these errors
<linas>they seem harmelss ,, but ... ?
<linas>;;; ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure 1437f80 at language/tree-il/compile-cps.scm:463:7 (val)>
<artyom-poptsov>amz3: Hi. I'm afraid I'm not fully understood your suggestion, Do you mean that the shell should be separated from the name?
<amz3>artyom-poptsov: yes
<artyom-poptsov>Ah, I see.
<davexunit>that was my suggestion as well
<artyom-poptsov>Well, I need to "test" it, and then we'll see.
<amz3>linas: guile master was released as 2.1 recently
<amz3>syncbot: ,(+ 1 1)
<syncbot>*stupid puppy look*
<amz3>syncbot: (+ 1 1)
<syncbot>*stupid puppy look*
<amz3>syncbot: :)
<syncbot>*stupid puppy look*
<artyom-poptsov>syncbot: hello
<syncbot>Oh hi artyom-poptsov!
<linas>amz3 ahhh!
<ArneBab>roelj: if you add a string as first element in a function definition, it becomes a doctstring (as in Python).
<ArneBab>paroneayea: yepp, I played fate a few times
<paroneayea>syncbot: d20
<syncbot>paroneayea: *rolls*... you get a 4!
<paroneayea>does have a d20 on it too
<paroneayea>btw, there's now an #8sync channel
<paroneayea>in case anyone cares :)
<ArneBab>paroneayea: nice :)
<paroneayea>syncbot: d6
<syncbot>paroneayea: *rolls*... you get a 5!
<roelj>ArneBab: Yes, it's the same as in elisp. I was wondering earlier about how to document programs written in Scheme. I was used to using Doxygen, but as has been said, writing documentation can be done nicely using Texinfo.
<paroneayea>syncbot: d10
<syncbot>paroneayea: *checks bag*... I left that one at home :(
<ArneBab>paroneayea: shouldn’t ++-_ be 2?
<ArneBab>uh… 1?
<paroneayea>ArneBab: nope, because the + and - cancel
<paroneayea>and the _ is blank
<ArneBab>ah, “rolling at” I understood :)
<ArneBab>paroneayea: where can I find your bot to implement roll-±d6?
<paroneayea>ArneBab: bot is here
<paroneayea>patches welcome!
<paroneayea>ArneBab: you can launch it like:
<paroneayea>source path/to/8sync/pre-inst-env
<paroneayea>./syncbot.scm --server --username your-syncbot --channels "##footest #guile ##somechannel" --listen
<paroneayea>then you can M-x connect-to-guile
<paroneayea>and live hack it
<amz3>hey, this might be a good project to build a tutorial on
<ArneBab>paroneayea: my browser is owned by my kids right now — can you give me the clone url?
<paroneayea>amz3: yeah I'm planning to add a tutorial :)
<amz3>many many people on #python do IRC bots to get their hands on programming
<ArneBab>paroneayea: I’ve been looking for a nice bot for #freenet for quite some time :)
<paroneayea>ArneBab: the one in demos/ircbot.scm of 8sync is simpler
<paroneayea>syncbot.scm is like ircbot.scm, but with more commands
<paroneayea>more tomfoolery :)
<ArneBab>paroneayea: well, I’d like to first add ±d6 :)
<ArneBab>bbiab (wife called)
<paroneayea>ArneBab: sure thing
<linas>git pull; make dies BOOTSTRAP GUILEC ice-9/psyntax-pp.go
<linas>Uncaught exception:
<linas>Throw to key system-error with args ("load-thunk-from-memory" "~A" ("No such file or directory") (2))Threads explicit registering is not previously enabled
<linas>/bin/bash: line 6: 26562 Aborted GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 ../meta/uninstalled-env guild compile --target="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" -Wunbound-variable -Warity-mismatch -Wformat -O1 -L "/home/linas/src/novamente/src/guile-git/build/../module" -L "/home/linas/src/novamente/src/guile-git/build/../guile-readline" -o "ice-9/psyntax-pp.go" "../../bootstrap/../module/ice-9/psyntax-pp.scm"
<linas>make[2]: *** [ice-9/psyntax-pp.go] Error 134
<linas>trying again with make clean and all that
<paroneayea>linas: I ran into such warnings also when trying to run code that was previously compiled with guile 2.0.X, then was run with guile 2.1/2.X?
<paroneayea>I think?
<linas>well, its bootstrapping, so it should not have been "previously compiled"
<linas>anyway, I also rm -r'ed the cache, because i'm lazy :-)
<linas>OK, so that fixed it.
<ArneBab>regarding the end of dynamic languages: Python is really good at ending the uncertainty — by making sure that things behave as you expect them to. Types, on the other hand… in Freenet development I’m constantly looking back into the source, because I still mostly run without tool support.
<ArneBab>d6bot: hi
<d6bot>Oh hi ArneBab!
<ArneBab>d6bot: may I introduce paroneayea: your creator :)
<d6bot>*stupid puppy look*
<ArneBab>paroneayea: I had to add a ./ ; ./configure ; make in 8sync
<paroneayea>ArneBab: oh I see :)
<paroneayea>ArneBab: I didn't take packaging syncbot so seriously :)
<paroneayea>in 8sync, yeah
<paroneayea>you do need to do that
<ArneBab>so, how do I start this live-coding? :)
<paroneayea>ArneBab: did you run with --live?
<paroneayea>ArneBab: M-x connect-to-guile ; assumes geiser is installed
<ArneBab>no, only --listen
<paroneayea>oh right
<paroneayea>that's what I meant
<paroneayea>what you think I know my own programs? ;)
<paroneayea>then you can open the file
<paroneayea>and you can eval stuff in it
<paroneayea>try adding a command to the syncbot match thing
<paroneayea>and re-eval it
<paroneayea>and your bot should immediately know how to say it!
<ArneBab>so the handle-message?
<paroneayea>ArneBab: yup
<paroneayea>should be pretty self-explanatory I think
<paroneayea>just add stuff to it
<paroneayea>d6bot: d6
<d6bot>paroneayea: *rolls*... you get a 6!
<paroneayea>d6bot: d20
<d6bot>paroneayea: *rolls*... you get a 16!
<paroneayea>ACTION hoped for a 20
<ArneBab>compailer caught my error :)
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a 6!
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a -1!
<ArneBab>paroneayea: that’s cool!
<amz3>I just changed mk to run queries that might look familiar: (query a? b? where ((== a? 1) (== b? 2)))
<amz3>(and returns an assoc)
<ArneBab>paroneayea: and it handles unicode just fine :)
<ArneBab>now, let’s implement critical rolls
<amz3>yeah this bot might help me jump into live coding again, the problem is that my geiser is broken somehow it spits something like ERROR: no such language objcode
<amz3>when i try to eval something, it might be related to guile 2.1
<paroneayea>ArneBab: \\o/
<amz3>next step is to run queries that looks like (query message-id? where ((user-id? user/name "amz3") (message-id message/created-by user-id?)))
<amz3>which does pattern matching over the database
<amz3>over the tuple* database
<amz3>oops! there is small typo, the s/message-id/message-id?
<amz3>One month ago, mk looked like very smart. Now, I know it's very smart :)
<amz3>The use of immutability is really nice
<paroneayea>ArneBab: some new commands if you git pull :)
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<ArneBab>paroneayea: does a syntax error kill the live coding?
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a -5!
<ArneBab>oh, hanging in debug does it seems…
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>*stupid puppy look*
<paroneayea>ArneBab: doesn't kill it
<paroneayea>I set it up so it'll keep going
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>*stupid puppy look*
<paroneayea>if hanging in debug, just ,q out in the repl
<paroneayea>and it'll keep going
<paroneayea>it spits out errors instead
<paroneayea>ArneBab: btw, now has source
<paroneayea>syncbot: source plz
<syncbot>I'm a little irc bot for 8sync! Patches welcome / happy hacking!
<syncbot>My source:
<syncbot>8sync's source:
<ArneBab>paroneayea: nice!
<paroneayea>since multiple people have tried that
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>*stupid puppy look*
<ArneBab>d6bot: d20
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a 7!
<paroneayea>ArneBab: fun toy right?
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a 4!
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a -5!
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a -1!
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a -1!
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a -5!
<paroneayea>ooh nice
<ArneBab>d6bot: ±d6
<d6bot>ArneBab: *rolls*... you get a 6!
<paroneayea>soon it'll have web tools too :)
<paroneayea>ArneBab: consider joining #8sync
<paroneayea>d6bot is welcome there too!
<d6bot>*stupid puppy look*
<ArneBab>at some point it has to run into a critical ☺
<amz3>looks like the mk tuple notation is another kind of beast
<amz3>does anyone else has troubles with geiser and guile 2.1.1 ?
<davexunit>amz3: I do
<davexunit>needs fixing