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<daviid>ACTION uploaded the guile-gnome's new webpages [ not the announced release tarball yet, will do asap ]
<daviid>ACTION just ./gnupload --to guile-gnome-platform-2.16.3.tar.gz
<daviid>don't know how much time it takes to appear in all mirrors though, mine doesn't lists it yet: is there a way to verify ?
<daviid>davexunit: mark_weaver: are these 'gnuploads' done by project members [but not project admin] need to be accepted maybe? [this is not the case for nongnu projects] asking because it's been more time then what i waited to check my g-wrap upload and nothing there yet, don't know.
<daviid>going afk for a while
<nalaginrut>morning guilers~
<mark_weaver>sneek: later tell daviid: it appears that guile-gnome-platform-2.16.3.tar.gz is not on, so I guess maybe you are not authorized to upload to that project. I'm sorry, I don't know the details of how this works. I haven't yet inquired about getting myself set up to upload things either.
<sneek>Got it.
<mark_weaver>sneek: botsnack
<nalaginrut>upload to is bit complex, you have to register with a mail, and format a triplet string to upload and verification
<nalaginrut>there's a script could be helpful
***dje is now known as dje42
***michel_mno_afk is now known as michel_mno
<amz3>How can I create an environment similar to the one returned by (the-environment) but programmatically
<amz3>regarding the mail I just sent to guile-users, it's possible to use some guile code inside the template
<amz3>;; Use of map inside a template:
<amz3>;; (div (@ :class "row")
<amz3>;; (ul ,(map (lambda (person) `(li ,(person-name person)))
<amz3>;; persons)))
<mark_weaver>amz3: modules, which are top-level environments, can be created programmatically.
<mark_weaver>see section 6.19 (Modules) of the guile manual
<amz3>that is
<amz3>that is how I do to create an environment and then populate it with variables
<amz3>(define env (scheme-report-environment 5))
<amz3>(module-add! env 'value (make-variable '(h1 "Héllo hacker")))
<amz3>I am working on the extend procedure which allows to extends a given template with blocks defined in another template
<daviid>hello guilers!
<sneek>daviid, you have 1 message.
<sneek>daviid, mark_weaver says: it appears that guile-gnome-platform-2.16.3.tar.gz is not on, so I guess maybe you are not authorized to upload to that project. I'm sorry, I don't know the details of how this works. I haven't yet inquired about getting myself set up to upload things either.
<daviid>mark_weaver: tx. following the recommandations in I posted an email to ftp-upload "Information for Maintainers of GNU Software", "11.6.1 Automated Upload Registration", I posted an email to ftp-upload at, but it's been 12hrs now and still no answer, no acknowledge and no upload. I guess I'm missing something still.
<mark_weaver>daviid: I guess that merely being a member of the savannah group is not enough to upload files. you probably need some additional authorization.
<daviid>mark_weaver: yes, and I did email, see ^^
<daviid>but i didnot receive any sort of feedback, I guess it's a bot and I did not respect the format of the email or somethig ... don't know
<amz3>daviid: g-wrap generate c wrapper for the bindings, it does that because c bindings are faster?
<amz3>also quick question, does it support function pointers in structures?
<amz3>I'm wondering whether I should rewrite my wiredtiger binding in dynamic ffi or g-wrap
<daviid>amz3: semi generate. it is mostly mainrained because of guile-gnome, you shoud consider the dynamic ffi
<amz3>ok thx
<mark_weaver>daviid: I guess what I'm saying is that merely being a member of the savannah group is probably not enough for any automated bot to grant you access to upload files, and that's probably appropriate.
<mark_weaver>for example, I don't think that anyone with commit access to the guile or guix repositories should be able to upload guile-2.0.12.tar.gz
<daviid>I got that, but following the procedure I should be able to request authorization, which I did. I think the request be did not even get through, maybe
<amz3>(I implemented extend, srsly it can't be that easy)
<daviid>I can't see ftp-upload mailing list archive [i can see ftp-upload-report, but is for authorized persons]
<daviid>is there a gnu channel i could try to speak to someone maybe?
***michel_mno is now known as michel_mno_afk
<amz3>ACTION happy
<amz3>ACTION did some scheme today
<arne>this is a nice example of the information needed on a website: (1) what is it?, (2) top 5 reasons to use it, (3) how to install, (4) people love <program>!, (5) follow us on <network>. (I don’t know about the design: I only looked at the page in a text browser…)
<Jaood>are you getting ideas for Guile's webiste?
<amz3>nice font
***cataska_ is now known as cataska
<ArneBab_>sneek: later tell jaood: always (looking for ideas). My most recent try:,yBEbf-IJrcB8Pe~gAd53DEEHgbugUkFSHtzzLqnYlbs,AQACAAE/random_babcom/103/#WhyGNUGuile
<sneek>Will do.
<amz3>forbidden :(
<ArneBab_>amz3: forbidden?
<amz3>my bad, my terminal didn't copy the correct link
<amz3>ACTION reading
<ArneBab_>amz3: ah, good :) — I had "forbidden" for 4 weeks because someone had compromised my server and I kept my account down until it was cleaned
<ArneBab_>(until I managed to clean it and secure it better)
<amz3>how did she manage to do that? 0 day or something?
<ArneBab_>either I misjudged the severity of a Drupal update or there was a vulnerability in an old mysqldumper copy
<amz3>good to know
<amz3>I mean both things
<amz3>I think guile is also fast
<amz3>or is it a bad argument
<amz3>I had a look at debian speed contest, but had an hard time figure how to do the thing
<amz3>I could not svn co the repo for a start
<amz3>my speed test is dubious, but tried to my wiredtiger bindings and they are much faster than the bindings I have of bsddb3 I can't believe that the only difference is the storage backend
<ArneBab_>in my experience guile is a bit faster than Python but much slower than C
<amz3>yes it's against Python
<amz3>does guile has a way to easely bind c++ libraries?
<ArneBab_>but it’s not faster on the mindblowing level
<ArneBab_>I don’t know… I did not try to bind C++ yet
<ArneBab_>I fear it could be complicated (due to C++ mangling its names)
<amz3>the problem, kind of, I see, is that guile is not only "an extension" language
<amz3>for a "script kid" like me, it's sound a little negative to put emphase on the extensibility side
<ArneBab_>I like it that it can do both
<ArneBab_>isn’t it clear that I mean the scripting language Guile in the second headline?
<amz3>to clarify, for me, guile competes with Python, javascript, ruby and even JVM since it has a powerful VM
<ArneBab_>ACTION needs to switch computers. Will return as arne
<ArneBab_>5 min without backlog
<amz3>(yes and yes)
<amz3>I wait
<amz3>sneek: later tell arne I did a few edit at
<sneek>Got it.
<arne>amz3: sorry, took longer than I thought.
<sneek>arne, you have 1 message.
<sneek>arne, amz3 says: I did a few edit at
<arne>sneek: botsnack
<arne>amz3: think Lua is real (wingo should know more). Emacs lisp definitely is (within guile-emacs). ECMAscript works, though it’s too strict for most real code.
<arne>amz3: And I feel confident saying that you can add a new language: I did so with wisp :)
<amz3>the only one i'm aware of, is javascript, and it's a gsoc
<amz3>anyway, those are cosmectic, I find it more valuable to speak of Guile as a full featured language
<amz3>calling it a scripting language or extension language is negative imo
<amz3>(most of my change i cosmetic or questions)
<amz3>the tagline of is: Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
<arne>if you have Guile 2.0.11, you can just go into the wisp folder and execute the examples with ./examples/evolve.w
<arne>(as example)
<arne>(after running ./bootstrap which builds wisp and creates a local directory tree which provides the language for Guile)
<arne>./ or simply make
<arne>amz3: programming langue sounds better, yes
<arne>maybe programming language instead of Scheme language and Scheme as one point
<arne>“full compatibility to Scheme R6RS”
<amz3>(the description sounds somewhat like guile is more like a LUA competitor than a python/ruby/javascript/jvm competitor except that my understanding is that it goods at both)
<amz3>arne: yes R6RS
<amz3>both yes actually
<amz3>s/sounds/sounds to me/
<arne>I think with your reordering, script your system rather sounds like competing with bash - which it does. You’re right about the threads, though… these have to go to the first point.
<arne>maybe something like the scheme shell (scsh?)
<amz3>scsh is not maitained i think
<amz3>also, python doesn't really have equivalent of scsh but it's used as a bash replacement
<arne>maybe the script your sysetm part needs rethinking…
<amz3>the thing that exists in python, is transparent call of binaries, as if it was python procedure
<arne>do enough people use Guile as system scripting language to warrant advertising that?
<amz3>also it miss a word about "live coding" (not sure what's the real name)
<amz3>arne: guix is an example no?
<amz3>I don't know wht system scripting really means, never wrote extensive bash scripts. a static blog engine looks like a bash script
<arne>that’s more a specific tool I think
<amz3>docker is said to be system programming no?
<arne>I have quite a few little scripts -- like my cron jobs
<amz3>what's their purpose?
<arne>or “babplay_randomly” ← just finds all media files in the given directories and files and throws them into mplayer
<arne>(but that’s in Python)
<arne>or aliases in my bashrc
<arne>but actually most things I see as sysetm scripting are small for loops built from bash, find, grep and sed.
<amz3>(guix replace nixos's bash scripting with scheme)
<arne>for i in {1..100}; do echo $(echo $i | sed s/0/x/g); done
<amz3>I did custom "template" for artanis documentation
<amz3>I would be intersted in improving the layout of the documentation if there is interest
<amz3>well I think there is some stub texinfo processor in guile
<amz3>(todo: list provide guile dataset for
<arne>maybe put the license at the end. Otherwise it looks good in my text browser…
<amz3>dead you try the breadcrumb on the top?
<amz3>I think it's standard to put the license on top
<arne>there is no breadcrumb at the top in w3m
<amz3>ah good, it works ;)
<amz3>it's javascript so you don't see much difference with w3m
<arne>in code files, yes, in documentation you first need the users to know why it’s useful
<arne>The License is again in point 2, so it’s not really needed at the top
<arne>maybe add a minimal example before “This manual describes…”.
<arne>“A minimal example looks like this:” <elegant code snippet with hello world>
<arne>Sorry that I can’t help you with the layout right now :)
<arne>amz3: the scheme for ruby guide from chicken is good…
<arne>it makes scheme look much cleaner than ruby:
<arne>kudos to the writers!
<amz3>I will have a look at it
<amz3>ACTION is afk
<arne>ACTION will go to bed
<arne>cu and thank you for your comments on “what is Guile”!