<stis>it's also good to exersice the interface to find bugs! <stis>ACTION is makeing a minikanren module from the kanren module <nalaginrut>I realized my design of Artanis server core is totally different from Guile inner server, so it means I can't take advantage of (web server). Besides, I need the activity of server use Artanis local config, which is another reason why I have to write a new one... <nalaginrut>like, accecpt-body-size, charset, and a way to call sendfile <nalaginrut>beyond, Artanis supports various protocols based on websocket, but Guile inner server is obviously a http server design <nalaginrut>fortunately, (web server) is a good hint for me anyway ***jjmarin_ is now known as jjmarin
<paron_remote>it contains some minikanren subdirectories, including one with "evalo" ***mario-go` is now known as mario-goulart
<davexunit>I think haunt just needs an auto-rebuild feature for 'haunt serve' and it's ready for 0.1 <davexunit>every time wingo writes a new blog post, I get more excited for Guile 2.2 <davexunit>"...we are able to do the complete set of optimizations from the "Optimizing closures in O(0) time" paper, including closure sharing, which I think makes Guile unique besides Chez Scheme." <dsmith-work>sneek: later tell wingo master v2.1.0-1920-g4841239 is failing control.test <paroneayea>davexunit: great post (though I don't totally understand it ;)) <sneek>paroneayea, you have 1 message. <paroneayea>mark_weaver: but if I didn't say thanks for the pointer earlier, thanks! :) <davexunit>paroneayea: yeah I definitely don't understand all of that stuff, but the stuff I can somewhat understand is very interesting <amz3>O(0) is that even legal ? <davexunit>rekado-: about haunt: I think you should add a 'post-file-name' keyword argument to 'blog' <rekado->There are also other things that might need customisation, e.g. "Recent Posts" as a hard-coded string is not pretty. <davexunit>it should also be able to paginate, but I'm not there yet. <davexunit>rekado-: so, you could write your own 'post-slug' procedure that returns the post file name sans the ".html" <davexunit>an #:index-title arg could replace the hard-coded "Recent Posts" string <davexunit>and a #:posts-filter procedure could replace the hardcoded 'posts/reverse-chronological' procedure call. <davexunit>I wasn't really expecting anyone to actually try to use haunt, so you've caught me off guard a bit. :) <amz3>davexunit: are you going to include a markdown parser in haunt 0.1? <amz3>ACTION is working on an article article about little markdown parser based on guile-log <davexunit>the extension point is there to implement new post readers, so it can be added at any time, with or without me. <rekado->davexunit: I just noticed that it will be too long till I get Hakyll packaged --- and haunt looked just right to get me going again and to let me play more with Scheme. <davexunit>I'd rather just solve the issues that rekado- has run into and release, which will hopefully draw more interest. <davexunit>skribilo/markdown support would be great for a future release <rekado->It's great. Very easy to understand (unlike Hakyll, which took me a lot longer) and flexible. <amz3>davexunit: when do you expect to release? <amz3>indeed it's easy to understand <davexunit>rekado-: that's very good to hear. I spent a good chunk of time thinking about how to make it as simple and extensible as possible. <davexunit>amz3: no set date, whenever I have time. I just want to fix the blockers for rekado- and add a super naive auto-rebuild mechanism to 'haunt serve'. <rekado->davexunit: it's a little ugly that 'blog' and the theme both need to know about how to generate a URL for a given post. <rekado->'blog' is told how to do it via the POST-SLUG arg and PREFIX, while the theme defines its own post-uri procedure. <rekado->not sure if this is worth avoiding as the theme is to be customised anyway. <davexunit>rekado-: yeah, I noticed that when I wrote the code but wasn't sure what to do, so I did nothing. :) <davexunit>the theme is meant to be customized so I guess it's up to the user to make sure it does the right thing <davexunit>I expected most people to want the generated slugs. <davexunit>rekado-: perhaps slug generation for posts should be a setting on <site> <davexunit>since the whole site will likely need to know how to correctly form URIs to the rendered posts <davexunit>your new slug scheme will also be incompatible with the atom feed generator. <davexunit>so a site-global 'post-slug' procedure is looking pretty attractive. <rekado->what's not so nice about this is that "site" now has to be threaded through more procedures, such as post->atom-entry. <rekado->this could be made nicer with a reader monad, maybe. <davexunit>we could use a parameter, but I'd like to stay away from them. <rekado->davexunit: sent you a patch via email. Maybe not pretty but it works for me. <davexunit>rekado-: thanks I'll look when I have a chance <davexunit>rekado-: this patch is a good start. I have a few things I want to tweak and I think i noticed a bug. I'll clean it up and apply it later. thanks again!