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*davexunit hacking on AF_NETLINK support for sockets <paroneayea>after you said you weren't sure if you should/could touch that code, I was thinking "I hope he does anyway!" <davexunit>paroneayea: civodul gave me the patch he was working on <paroneayea>davexunit: btw, you know how I said I had thought that someday, maybe I'd do something like dylan/julia but more aimed at a close mapping to guile, and call it julian <paroneayea>naming's one of the hard problems of computer science right? I have a good name, the rest should be easy then ;) <davexunit>I still need to actually learn how to use them... <davexunit>but, I can create the socket, connect, and write to it sucessfully. <davexunit>I'll have to create a client and server to test thoroughly <paroneayea>I need to find something I'm motivated enough to hack on at the moment <paroneayea>I'm feeling restless and like I wanna hack, but I'm also feeling too exhausted to do anything in particular <davexunit>and this socket project gave me some motivation ***michel_mno_afk is now known as michel_mno
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<jmd`>What's the best way to maintain a fifo in scheme? A list is not efficient, since one cannot push/pop the tail <remi`bd>well, you can push/pop the tail: (append '(1 2 3) '(4)) pushes 4 on (1 2 3) ***michel_mno is now known as michel_mno_afk
<jmd`>remi`bd: But isn't that an O(n) operation ? <remi`bd>well, I’m not an expert, but if you maintain a pointer to the last element of your list, you might end up with a O(1) operation <remi`bd>anyway, I believe it doesn’t matter if your list is not supposed to hold more than a few hundred elements <remi`bd>(asymptotic complexity being only valid for large sets) ***michel_mno_afk is now known as michel_mno
<jmd`>I have (cond ((assoc-ref xxx "this") (do-something (assoc-ref xxx "this")))) <jmd`>How can I avoid having to call assoc-ref twice? <remi`bd>(let ((this (assoc-ref xxx "this"))) (cond …)) <remi`bd>but in this situation, if the value of (assoc-ref xxx "this") is simply #t, why not calling (do-something #t) ? <saul>I am struggling with using namespaces in sxml. I have tried the *NAMESPACES* directive as described on http://metapaper.net/xml/ns/ but neither @@ or *NAMESPACES* seem to be known keywords. Do I need to use a module in addition to (sxml simple) ? <saul>I see from the revisions at the bottom of http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/SXML.html the the @@ representation is obsolete. Even still, when I use the nested (@ (@ form, I receive an "Invalid name starting character: @" . <saul>Would that have something to do with defining my sxml form in quasiquotes? ***michel_mno is now known as michel_mno_afk
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<mark_weaver>jmd: (cond ((assoc-ref xxx "this") => do-something)) ***michel_mno_afk is now known as michel_mno
<jmd>Is there an equivalent of C's __LINE__ ? <mark_weaver>there are various tools along those lines. see 'current-source-location', 'syntax-source', and section 6.25.2 of the manual. <mark_weaver>I could make a more specific suggestion if you give me some more context <paroneayea>davexunit: oh hey, the guy who wrote the link I posted to above is the one that wrote that game programming patterns book you linked me before <taylanub>"Usually, touching Scheme or Smalltalk inflicts an incurable disease whose primary symptom is involuntary sneering and derisive snorting in the presence of any other language." hahaha <davexunit>paroneayea: yup, I recognized the author. just finished reading that. pretty entertaining. <davexunit>paroneayea: I don't really like a lot of those patterns because they are completely OOP focused. ***michel_mno is now known as michel_mno_afk
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