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<kurohin>mark_weaver: I have reported the problem I have with making my on extension for guile to
<dsmith-work>d m d
<nalaginrut>morning guilers~
<atheia>Woot! DMD!
<civodul>Hello Guilers!
<wingo>how goes, civodul? :)
<civodul>doing robotics stuff with Hop currently
<civodul>and you? :-)
<wingo>sheparding a flock of patches into firefox :)
<wingo>finally optimizing let-bound variables over there
<wingo>but as always, debugging-related things are a constant cost...
<wingo>good day mr price
<civodul>ijp: you've seen davexunit's FRP thing in guile-2d?
<civodul>looks neat
<ijp>I saw when he posted it here, but I haven't played with it
<ijp>right now my project is trying to figure this TECO thing out
<civodul>wingo: local variables were not, say, propagated or inlined?
<wingo>well before es6 there was no block scope in javascript
<wingo>all variables had the entire scope of the function
<wingo>with two small exceptions (catch exceptions and the name of a named function expression)
<ijp>wingo: is there any ETA for ecmascript modules in firefox & co?
<civodul>oh, right
<wingo>so it was an odd case and no one thinks to optimize it or to nicely provide debugging things
<wingo>ijp: it's almost ready to land i think
<ijp>heh, brainfuck patches
<ams>anyone seen ludovic?
<dsmith-work>sneek: seen civodul?
<sneek>I last saw civodul on Dec 03 at 09:58 am UTC, saying: ok.
<dsmith-work>ams: there ya go
<dsmith-work>Ah, left
*civodul is here!
<ijp>we'll see about that
*ijp breaks out LudovicTester5000.scm
<ijp>it hasn't terminated, probably a bug...
***wingo_ is now known as wingo
<wingo>jao: current emacs uptime? :)
<jao>wingo, only "1 day, 1 hour, 33 minutes, 52 seconds" because i updated emacs-snapshot
<jao>nothing to bragg about :)
<wingo>you should make feature requests^demands to guile
<wingo>(is that an xor?)
<jao>(wingo, but my home server uptime is 392 days!)
<wingo>jao: that means it's vulnerable, surely ;)
<wingo>brave new world &c
<jao>oops, don't tell anyone!
<wingo>jao: seriously i have some vague attention span to look at metadata/introspection things
<wingo>if there are things you would want in geiser i'd love to hear about them
<wingo>doesn't mean they'll get done ;)
<wingo>but still
<jao>wingo, if you don't break any of the ones already available, we're in pretty good shape, i think
<wingo>jao: that is an if, indeed; but i hope not
<jao>callers/callees was a bit of hack (of mine!), but it's very difficult to improve
<jao>probably impossible in the general case
<jao>there was some case when arity names weren't available or something like that
<jao>but i'm afraid i forgot about it
<jao>wingo, also something similar to racket's macro stepper would be great to have
<jao>we could add a nice interface in geiser to it
<wingo>i think i have callers and callees working better
<wingo>in 2.0 there is a case in which you've already resolved the toplevel to a var and you lose the name of what the var was
<wingo>that's not the case in 2.2
<jao>ah, excellent
<jao>i also had in mind providing a function to clean the imports of a module, eliminating those not used anymore, but haven't found the time to implement it. i'm guessing all the necessary functions are already there in 2.0, though.
<jao>but at any rate, having a `module-imports' function would be great :)
<civodul>jao: it's called module-uses, no>
<jao>civodul, hello!!
<jao>ah, excellent
<jao>in 2.0 already?
<civodul>in 1.4, even!
<jao>i'm forgetting my guile!
<jao>okay, then i think that'll be a useful function to have, specially in geiser where emacs can clean-up the file for you
<davexunit>ooh that sounds neat
<davexunit>is there anyway to use introspection to reach within a closure?
<davexunit>I want my game library to have good live coding features, but since a lot of things don't work before the SDL window is opened, a lot of stuff gets wrapped in a call to a procedure called with-window.
<davexunit>which means that when you want to change something, you have to restart the application because the defines aren't at the top level anymore. :(
<civodul>ideally you could have a REPL served from a thread, and from there inspect the other's stack
<civodul>but i think that doesn't quite work in 2.0
<davexunit>I would just define everything at the module level, but I can't do things like load an image until the window is opened and an SDL context is established.
<wingo>davexunit: local-eval :)
<wingo>otherwise names of closure vars are not necessarily textual
<wingo>some things could get inlined
<wingo>but we should record their names, and currently we don't
*davexunit looks up local-eval
*wingo leads you down a dark, dark path
<davexunit>seems neat
<davexunit>though unideal.
<davexunit>it would just be easier if everything could be kept at the module level for easy evaluation with C-x e
<wingo>if you can manage that, sure
<davexunit>trying to find a way.
<davexunit>I mean I *could* by running open-window before all of the defines.
<davexunit>but the with-window form I wrote does dynamic-wind and stuff, which is useful.
<wingo>surely fluids are the answer then?
<wingo>or parameters, rather
<davexunit>you think so?
<wingo>maybe :)
<davexunit>the problem with parameters is that they are thread-local
<davexunit>the REPL is running on a different thread.
<wingo>dunno; the parameter is the same across all threads
<wingo>from a scoping perspective
<wingo>it's the result of calling it that's thread-local
<wingo>if you are still drawing from only the main thread, it could be a way to have definitions come in on a separate thread, but only invoked on the main thread
*wingo doesn't really know your use case :)
<davexunit>so the value of a parameter is the same across all threads?
<davexunit>this problem is primarily caused by texture loading. maybe I should get smarter with that and delay texture creation until the window has been opened?
<davexunit>then I can do all of the top-level defines that I damn well please. :)
<civodul>davexunit: parameters (SRFI-39) are per-thread
<davexunit>civodul: okay
<wingo>davexunit: the value is per-thread
<wingo>but the binding usually isn't
<wingo>anyways, let's see if i can finish compiler.texi
<davexunit>happy hacking
<davexunit>thanks for the info
<civodul>anyone got guile-wm running?
*civodul is frustrated
<dsmith-work>Not me. But I could use an excuse to try it.
<dsmith-work>civodul: What's up?
*dsmith-work snags the latest...
<civodul>dsmith-work: it fails while initializing the randr module, like this:
<civodul> 176: 1 [xcb-connection-send #f 4 #vu8(80 1 0 0 7 0 0 0)]
<civodul>where #f should be an xcb connection
<civodul>the connection seems to get lost somewhere
<dsmith-work>Are you using a different display? (Like xnest or xephyr) Maybe it has a bug when not using the default.
<civodul>yes, Xnest
<civodul>yeah i did wonder about that
<zzach>Sometimes it is necessary to insert (eval-when (compile load eval) ...) to ensure that code is available at expansion time. Is it somehow possible to formulate a macro using this code? Would like to embedit for guile into cond-expand to keep code compatible with other scheme versions.
<ijp>what are you trying to do at expansion time?
<ijp>there may be something else you can do instead of eval-when
<zzach>For example I wrote a macro named try-catch, without eval-when, error messages like ERROR: In procedure #<syntax-transformer try-catch>: ERROR: Wrong type to apply: #<syntax-transformer try-catch> appear.
<zzach>I think it is possible to put the code into a module, but this is also not compatible to other Scheme versions.